Altium 365

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Altium DesignerA365

KB: Altium 365 Data Cleanup

How to remove all objects related to components, projects, templates, etc.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Altium 365 workspace size

Data is stored in different ways depending on the type of information. This article also covers how to find the size of certain items in your workspace.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Apply lifecycle states to project

The “Project” represents a managed project whose data is stored in the repository under version control (Git/SVN) on its own. Currently, the lifecycle state is not implemented for these repository contents and is sit on the initial “Planned” state always.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Cannot save project due to Git Error with status code 471

The git server of A365 workspace has protection against misuse: it does not allow binary files larger than 256 MB of the following types: zip, 7z, and rar. Pushing those files to repositories can lead to significant slowdown in both client-side and server-side processing of customer data, up to denial of service. Once the user tries to save such a file to the server from Altium designer, the save operation will be rejected by the server with the Git Error: request failed with status code 471

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Change folder path location of managed project

[Why] Pull master server project repository to a local folder path different from the previous/default or change the local folder path before pushing it back to the master server project repository [What] The folder path can be changed in Preferences as a default behavior, or on the fly in File » New » Project, or File » Open Project dialog. If the project folder is moved locally again, the dialog prompts you to confirm the new folder path upon opening the project. [How] The default folder path location C:\Users\Public\Documents\Altium can be modified in Preferences, Data Management » Design Repositories, Properties. Or on the fly, you can also specify each time during project creation, or pull a project from the server to a custom local path. If the project folder is moved locally again, File » Open Project, Browse.., navigate to the new location and double-click on *.PrjPCB upon which you are prompted to use the path as a new location for your local repository for the project.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Change project release revision naming scheme

I have a project in Altium 365 cloud which already have one release done, and I want to change project release number from standard scheme A.1 to something else.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Change the lifecycle state for all components in a project at once

Once components are used in a project, it is sensible to change their lifecycle states, for example from Draft to Prototype. All components that have been used in a project can have its states changed in one go in Explorer panel.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Control permissions on lifecycle transition of managed objects in Altium 365

[Why] Control permissions on lifecycle transition of managed objects in Altium 365 [What] Lifecycle definition and permissions to allow users/group to transition is available with Pro/Enterprise subscription levels. With Enterprise level, an additional option to control the workflow with approval is possible. [How] In Altium Designer, Preferences Data Management - Servers, click on Properties » Lifecycles..., and right-click on the transition to be modified and Edit. On web browser, the same is achieved by signing into, click to open Admin - Settings - Lifecycle Definitions, and double-click on the transition.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Create and add templates referenced by projects managed in A365 workspace

[Why] Create and add templates referenced by projects managed in A365 workspace [What] New template can be created afresh or existing local template can be migrated to A365 workspace in Preferences, Data Management » Templates or in Explorer panel, Managed Content » Templates [How] While connected to A365 workspace, in Preferences, Data Management » Templates, with Templates tab active, select template type from Add pulldown button to create afresh or load from file. Similarly, in Explorer panel, Managed Content » Templates, select template type and in the right pane, right-click to either Create New or Upload

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Decipher A365 workspace items with prefix ID of BLI

Your Altium 365 workspace might contain some so-called BLI ( Bom Line Items), which are created when a design is uploaded that uses components which are not managed in the same workspace.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Delete an Altium 365 Workspace or change its ownership

If an Altium 365 workspace is no longer in use and/or it is preventing the current owner from joining another organization/account, the workspace can be deactivated either by the owner or the Group Administrator of the organization on the workspace tab of their profile page (or company dashboard) or its ownership can be changed to another active user by a Group Administrator from the company dashboard.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Delete items from Altium 365 Workspace permanently

Delete an item from Altium 365 Workspace permanently. The delete Item command in the Explorer panel is a soft delete that moves the item to Trash. From here, the item can be deleted permanently, granted there are no parent items referring to it. Access your workspace at, click on Trash to open its pane, select the item, and hit the 'Permanently Delete' button

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Edit Name or Description of items managed in A365 workspace

Edit the Name or Description of items managed in the Altium 365 workspace. A popup dialog is presented when right-clicking 'Properties...' on an item managed in the Altium 365 workspace in the Explorer panel, such as component and template. The title and Description fields here are read-only as the item has already been released in the version control. To modify them, you will need to go through another release. Right-click and 'Edit..., make necessary changes, and Save to Server (Ctrl+Alt+S)

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Graphics Support in Altium 365 Web Viewer Interface

This knowledge article details the limited support of graphics in Altium 365's web-browser interface.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: How many Organizational Security Package (OSP) seats do I need?

An Altium 365 workspace has different data access levels: Workspace Member, Guest User, and Share with Organization User. The article explains how to find the number of OSP seats needed.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: How to edit components in Altium 365

Working with and editing managed components in Altium 365

Altium DesignerA365

KB: How-To A365 Workspace Members Bulk Addition and Deletion of Users

If there is a requirement to add multiple users to an Altium 365 workspace Workspace Members list, this can be done using a suitably formatted list of email addresses. If there is a requirement to remove multiple users from an Altium 365 workspace Workspace Members list, this is not possible, users must be removed manually and one at a time. There may be a small subset of contexts where bulk removal of users can be done by deactivating (deleting) a workspace, and then creating (activating) a new one.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Import file-based library components to A365 workspace

Import file-based library components to Altium 365 Workspace. Use Library Importer to migrate file-based library components to Altium 365 Workspace. Invoke File » Library Importer.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Lost Connection to Altium 365 While Working

It is possible that connection may be lost to the Altium 365 platform while working due to a number of reasons; ie. service provider outage, server outage, temporary disconnects. This Article discusses how this is handled from the server perspective.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Owning More Than One Workspace

By default, an organization can only have one workspace.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Re-add a project under A365 version control cleanly

How to re-add a project under A365 version control cleanly, such as those once deleted from A365, brought from external VCS, added to A365 without version control enabled, etc.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Recall or roll back a revision of project already released to manufacture in A365

[Why] Recall or roll back a release of manufacture server items in A365 [What] A managed project's Manufacture section contains Project Releases of various outputs configured from the Project's output job files that can be shared to any user's email address, both inside and outside of the company/organization. For this reason, they are frozen at the instance of a release as server items under revision control system in the workspace, and the revisions cannot be altered or removed thereafter. [How] If adjustments need to be made, say, to the revision's naming scheme or lifecycle definition assignment, you will need to release the project as a new server item package. With subscription level of Pro or Enterprise, there is an option to hide those revisions by changing its lifecycle.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Rename a Managed Project and the local copy

This knowledge article describes how a project owner can rename an existing managed project, and how to propagate the same project name when opening the project again in Altium Designer.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Rename Altium 365 Workspace

If you don't like the default name given to your Altium 365 Workspace or your organization has more than one Workspace, or you want the name to better reflect it's function in your organization, the name can be changed.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Resolve error "You do not have a valid subscription for Altium Designer" when connecting A365 workspace

I'm getting this error message: You do not have a valid subscription for Altium Designer (Expired at 1-Jan-2000). Subscription is required for Altium Designer to work with an Altium 365 Workspace."

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Resolve ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS connecting to Workspace

Getting a message that "This Page isn't Working" and the page "redirected you too many times." ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS (Too many redirects)

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Revert a managed server items to a previous revision in A365

Managed projects, components, templates, and other items can be reverted to any previous revision committed through History page from Explorer panel, by selecting the revision to be reverted to and re-saving as the head.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Share project via workspaces

Is share project via workspaces an included feature for the AD20 subscription?

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Sharing Projects to Members Outside of the Organization Without Invitation to Workspace

Managed Projects to be edited by outside users needed to be invited to workspace, but not with the new update.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Specify sub-folders and files within a project folder to be version controlled in A365 workspace

By default, sub-folder such as "Project Outputs..." of each managed project is excluded from version control, as prescribed by .gitignore file contained inside the git repository folder.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Transfer workspace data

This article discusses options for migrating or synching design/component data from/to A365 workspace

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Use Folders to Manage Projects in Altium 365 Pro

With the latest release of Altium 365, projects can now be categorized by Folder Type.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Warnings on duplicates during library import

This article describes how the Library Importer, used to convert local libraries to managed components in an Altium 365 workspace or a managed server (Concord Pro or Nexus), handles duplicate symbols/footprints being used across multiple components with different parameters.

Altium DesignerA365

KB: Workspace Member vs Guest vs Share with Organization

What are the differences between the different access levels to the Altium 365 workspace?

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