KB: How-To A365 Workspace Members Bulk Addition and Deletion of Users

A365 A365
If there is a requirement to add multiple users to an Altium 365 workspace Workspace Members list, this can be done using a suitably formatted list of email addresses. If there is a requirement to remove multiple users from an Altium 365 workspace Workspace Members list, this is not possible, users must be removed manually and one at a time. There may be a small subset of contexts where bulk removal of users can be done by deactivating (deleting) a workspace, and then creating (activating) a new one.

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Addition of Multiple Users to the Workspace Members List:
- access the Altium 365 workspace through the web-browser interface;
- at the left-hand side of the page select Workspace Members;

01 A365 Workspace Members.png 
- at the upper-left of the members list click the [+ Invite Members] button;

02 Click Invite Members.png 
- this will assert an Invite Workspace Members dialog;
- click in the Invite Workspace Members dialog Email Addresses field to enter email addresses;

03 Invite WS Members via Email Addresses Field.png 
- multiple (bulk) email addresses can be copy-pasted to the Email Addresses from a suitably delimited file;
- examples of file-types and delimiting;
-- text files with space-delimited email addresses;
-- text files with tab-delimited email addresses;
-- text files with line-break-delimited email addresses;

04 Text File Delimiters.png 
-- spreadsheet files (Excel) with a single email address per column cell;
-- spreadsheet files (Excel) with a single email address per row cell;

05 Spreadsheet cell entries.png 
- when multiple email addresses have been correctly entered, they will be listed in the Email Addresses field as separately outlined (boxed) addresses;

06 correctly entered list of email addresses.png 
- click the [Invite] button to add the list of users to the Workspace Members list.


Removal of Multiple Users from the Workspace Members List
If the workspace needs to remain intact after removal of the users, then there is is no ability to remove multiple users at the same time. Each user will need to be removed individually: in the Workspace Members list, for each user to be removed, at the right-hand side of the listed user click the Trash-can icon, in the asserted Delete "User" dialog click the [Delete] button to process the removal of the user from the Workspace Members list.

07 to delete users.png 
If the workspace does not need to remain intact, that is it can be deleted, then consideration can be made towards deactivation of the workspace, and then creating a new workspace with a new Workspace Members list. This may be applicable to a small subset of contexts, such as educational (class subject) curriculums or for workspace testing purposes.

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