KB: Cannot save project due to Git Error with status code 471

A365 A365
Starting in version: 18 Up to Current
The git server of A365 workspace has protection against misuse: it does not allow binary files larger than 256 MB of the following types: zip, 7z, and rar. Pushing those files to repositories can lead to significant slowdown in both client-side and server-side processing of customer data, up to denial of service. Once the user tries to save such a file to the server from Altium designer, the save operation will be rejected by the server with the Git Error: request failed with status code 471

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Why this happens

The git server of A365 workspace has protection against misuse: it does not allow binary files larger than 256 MB of the following types:

  • zip
  • 7z
  • rar

Pushing those files to repositories can lead to a significant slowdown in both client-side and server-side processing of customer data, up to denial of service.

Once the user tries to save such a file to the server from Altium designer, the save operation will be rejected by the server with the following error code:

Git Error: request failed with status code: 471

In that case, the user will have to take this file out of version control in their local git repository.


Users need to download and install git SCM: https://git-scm.com/download/win . The “standalone installer” is recommended, most likely it will be the “64-bit” installer, but it depends on the operating system (here is how to check this: link).

Commands to take the file out of version control

  1. Determine the location of the project git repository on disk. Right click on the project in the Projects panel, then click Explore:
    Projects panel>then click Explore
  2. Windows explorer will open. Copy the full path to the folder:
  3. Start “Git Bash” utility:
    Git bash
  4. Change the current directory to the one you copied from Windows explorer
    cd "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Altium\Sample - Kame_FMU
  5. Execute the following command to find out which files violate server restrictions for size:
  6. git rev-list --objects "origin/master..master" | git cat-file $'--batch-check=%(objectname)\t%(objecttype)\t%(objectsize)\t%(rest)' | gawk -F '\t' -v maxbytes="256000000" '$3 > maxbytes' | cut -f 4- | grep -E "\.(zip|rar|7z)"

    The command will output the file (or the list of files) that cannot be pushed to the server. In our example, the file is “bad.zip”:
    cmd line
  7. Execute the following command to start editing the repository:
    git reset --soft $(git merge-base origin/master HEAD)
  8. Take the file(s) you found on step 6 out of version control using the git reset command for each file. In our example there is only one such file, so we’re executing this command once:
    git reset bad.zip
  9. Return to Altium designer and refresh the project from version control:
    refresh the project from version control
  10. Then click Save to Server as usual. Make sure you don’t select the restricted files again:
    Don't select the zip folder when saving to server
  11. The project should be saved without errors.


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