KB: Share project via workspaces

A365 A365
Is share project via workspaces an included feature for the AD20 subscription?

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A project hosted in an Altium 365 workspace can be shared by the project's owner or an administrator by default. There are two ways are sharing:

Altium Designer (needs to be signed in and connected to the workspace and requires AD 20.1 or newer)
  • Click the Share button next to the Connections menu
  • Right click on the project name in the Projects Panel, then click Share

Supported Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox and Safari)
  1. Connect to the Altium 365 workspace.
  2. Click on Projects tab.
  3. Locate the Project and click on the Ellipsis button.
  4. Click Share.

This documentation covers sharing of an actual design - the live (or WIP) design itself: https://www.altium.com/documentation/altium-designer/altium-365-sharing-a-design-from-within-altium-designer
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