KB: Apply lifecycle states to project

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The “Project” represents a managed project whose data is stored in the repository under version control (Git/SVN) on its own. Currently, the lifecycle state is not implemented for these repository contents and is sit on the initial “Planned” state always.

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Project(PRJ) is included as a Content Type in a lifecycle definition but in reality, the lifecycle state of the Project(PRJ) item will always maintain the initial state of the lifecycle definition, default “Planned”.

Instead, Lifecycle states can only be changed for released project outputs such as PCB Project Design(SRC) PCB Fabrication Data(FAB) and PCB Assembly Data(PCBA). 

These project items can be seen in Classic View from the gear Icon locate on the top right of the Explorer panel.


A list of the Supported Item Types is available at: https://www.altium.com/documentation/altium-designer/working-with-workspace-items#!supported-content-types
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