WorkspaceManager_Dlg-LibToSVNFormSVN Database Library Conversion Wizard_AD

The SVN Database Library Conversion Wizard will help you convert your schematic, PCB, database and integrated libraries into SVN database libraries. This Wizard streamlines the process of turning various component management methodologies into an SVN Database Library (*.SVNDBLib). An SVN Database Library takes the ability to place components directly from a database and extends this method of linking to allow source-controlled libraries - housing the schematic symbols and footprint models within a Subversion-based repository. The link to the repository and to the external database is defined within an SVN Database Library file (*.SVNDBLib), an extension of the Database Library file (*.DBLib) and often referred to as a Version-Controlled Database Library.

Use the Wizard to define conversion-related options, including how the source libraries should be split, in which directories of which repository they should be stored, and the output directory for the SVNDBLib file. 

You will need to choose which database or schematic (SchLib), PCB (PcbLib) or integrated libraries (IntLib) to convert which will then be checked into an SVN repository. A single SVN database library will also be created. 

With this wizard, you have the option to define the connection to the SVN repository, the base directory for symbols and models, and the path to the SVN database library document. By default, the output directory will be set to the same directory in which the source library is stored.

Should you wish to have the generated SVNDBLib file and the database in the same location, you basically have two options. The first is to set the output path for the SVNDBLib to be the same directory in which the database currently resides. The second option is to generate the SVNDBLib in a different directory and then move the database to that directory. In this case, you will need to remember to modify the connection within the SVNDBLib file to point to the database in its new location and reconnect.

As the split library files will be added to the SVN repository, you will need to externally set up the folder structure that you want in the repository– in terms of the symbol/model files– locally on your hard disk. Management of folder structure within the repository is performed using an SVN client, such as TortoiseSVN.
You must have an SVN repository and a SVN version control system installed on your machine or from a network. Also, ensure that the Provider on the Data Management - Version Control page of the Preferences dialog (DXP » Preferences) is set to SVN - Subversion

Using the SVN Database Library Conversion Wizard 

The SVN Database Library Conversion Wizard is launched in the following ways:

  • Click Tools » SVN Database Library Maker from an SCH library file (*.SchLib), a PCB library file (*.PcbLib), an integrated library file (*.IntLib), or a database library file (*.DbLib).
  • From the Projects panel:
    • Right-click on the entry for the required project library (SchLib, PcbLib, or IntLib) then select SVN Database Library Maker.
    • Click to focus the required project library (SchLib, PcbLib, or IntLib) then click the Project button and select SVN Database Library Maker.

Wizard Navigation

  • Click Cancel to close the SVN Database Library Conversion Wizard.
  • Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
  • Click Next to navigate to the next screen.
  • Click Finish to close the SVN Database Library Conversion Wizard. This option is available only on the final page of the Wizard.

Choosing the Libraries to Convert

Use the Libraries to Convert page to select the libraries you want converted. Choose from Database Libraries or Schematic, PCB, and Integrated Libraries. The selected libraries will be split into individual component libraries and then be checked into an SVN repository. A single SVN database will be created.

Converting a Database Library

When converting Database Libraries, the conversion process involves:

  1. Splitting the schematic and PCB libraries, referenced by the component records in the linked database, into single symbol/footprint library files
  2. Committing the split symbol and footprint libraries to the repository, in the specified base directories.
  3. Creating the specified SVNDBLib file, connecting to the database and repository.

Converting Schematic, PCB, and Integrated Libraries

Use the Add button to access the Library Files dialog to search for and select the desired file you want to add.  Click the Remove button to remove the currently selected library.

When converting Schematic, PCB, and Integrated Libraries, the conversion process involves:

  1. Extraction of the source libraries from any supplied integrated libraries.
  2. Splitting the schematic and PCB libraries into single symbol/footprint library files
  3. Committing the split symbol and footprint libraries to the repository, in the specified base directories.
  4. The Wizard will only extract footprint model reference information. Linked PCB3D and Simulation models are not supported for an SVNDBLib. Where such links exist, they will be added as parameters.
  5. Building a separate database table in the generated Access database for each schematic library and/or integrated library being converted, complete with parameter and model information extracted from the components. Each table is named using the name of the schematic library, with an _SchLibsuffix (e.g., Mixer_SchLib), and/or the name of the integrated library, with an _IntLib suffix (e.g., AD Differential Amplifier_IntLib).
  6. Creating the specified SVNDBLib file, connecting to the database and repository.

Setting Options

The Options page of the Wizard is used to define how the source libraries should be split, in which directories of which repository they should be stored, and the output directory for the SVNDBLib file.

SVN Options

Use SVN Options to define the settings for connecting to the SVN Repository. 

Use the Method drop-down to select the method of connection: file (a file-based repository), http (a cloud-based repository, https (a secure cloud-based repository), svn, or svn+ssh

The Location region is used to set the location path of the repository. Use the Browse Folder icon to search for and select the desired location. 

Set the Server Port to either Default or Non-Default. If Non-Default is selected, enter the server port in the text box. You will also need to enter the name of the Repository folder in the text box.

Server Port and Repository folder options are only accessible when the Method selected is not file

Designate the repository base directory for Symbols and Footprints by clicking  to search for and select the desired folders for both.

SVN DB Library Options

The SVN DB Library Options allows you to specify the path of the SVN database library document. If no backend Access database currently exists, one will be created in the same folder. Use the Browse Folder icon to search for and select the path.

Should you wish to have the generated SVNDBLib file and the database in the same location, you basically have two options. The first is to set the output path for the SVNDBLib to be the same directory in which the database currently resides. The second option is to generate the SVNDBLib in a different directory and then move the database to that directory. In this case, you will need to remember to modify the connection within the SVNDBLib file to point to the database in its new location and reconnect.

Library Splitting Options

Use the drop-down to select if you want the files to be over-written or create newly-appended files when the libraries split. When Overwrite Existing Files is selected, any existing files in the repositories will be over-written when the libraries are split. If Append Incrementing Number to File Names is selected, all the files in the specified repositories will be protected and will not be over-written and new component libraries with the same name will be appended with the suffix "_#IncrementNumber".

For a schematic library, two options are also provided that allow you to strip the parameter and/or model information from the split schematic components, leaving just the bare symbol. Select Remove All Parameters and/or Remove All Models. Since the external database already exists - linked to the original DBLib file - one will not be created. The database will remain in its current location.

Once all required options have been set, click Next to proceed with the conversion.

Executing Splitting Process

A progress bar will be displayed, along with information on the current library being converted.

Completing and Closing the Wizard

The Wizard has been successfully completed. Click Finish to close the Wizard and make the newly-created *.SVNDBLib file active in the main design window.

If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

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