Altium Designer 版本发布说明

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以下各节列出了Altium Designer 20.2公开发行版本的发行说明。

有关Altium Designer 20.2中新增特性和增强功能的摘要,请参阅“Altium Designer新增功能”。
37492 All violations from Connection Matrix were incorrectly added to the "Specific Violations" in the Properties panel after reloading the Schematic document.
39694 The 'Send to back' command caused the software to crash when used outside of the sheet. (BC:12218)
40693 "No top level document to compare with" error message displayed during attempted import of changes.



Build:244 日期:2020年10月28日

40299 锁定并保存xSignal后,其在PCB面板中仍处于损坏状态。(BC:14110
40895 置于顶层或底层的铜皮未正确转移至MCAD CoDesigner面板中的封装上。(BC:14330
41040 在导出的ODB ++文件中,铜皮未连接到正确的网络。
41133 IPC-2581导出导致某些元器件缺少焊盘。
41134 IPC-2581:如果原始标题以字母结尾,则元器件标识符的输出名称存在差异。
37983 与另一个工作区断开连接后切换到新工作区时发生访问冲突。
41064 从脱机安装程序安装软件并且扩展程序不含图片时,“扩展程序管理器”发生崩溃。
41331 打开模式对话框且后续使用其他应用程序(例如,Excel)时,导致软件无法访问。
Data Management
38702 由于协议不支持,在版本控制操作期间显示异常错误而不是适当的警告。
41046 将Outputjob文件上传到Explorer面板时,项目的名称和描述已删除。
41118 使用“无变化”功能时,“项目发行者”在PDF输出中使用了错误的变体。
40195 元器件变体未显示在Draftsman文档中。(BC:13900)。


Build:213 日期:2020年10月13日

37492 重新加载原理图文档后,来自“连接矩阵”的所有冲突均被错误地添加到“属性”面板的“特定冲突”中。
39694  在表外使用时,“发送回”命令导致软件崩溃。(BC:12218
40693  尝试导入更改时显示“无可比顶层文档”的错误消息。
40443  输出IPC-2581制造文件时,项目名称将附加到元器件标识符上。
40752  IPC-2581中出现以不同名称报告来自不同库的同名封装。
40793  在Vault Explorer创建的自定义层未在新封装内传播。(BC:13639
40794  在“首选项”对话框中进行设置后,“Tented”选项对于已置入的过孔未生效。 (BC:13392
36441  将Draftsman文档导出为PDF时,未显示阻焊层。(BC:14384
40767  高CPU使用率导致动画在控制关闭后继续播放。
40986  文件夹结构容器的已启用输出用红线连接。
39248  PartsSync功能已添加到软件中,以支持自定义提供程序中的供应链。
40707  无法通过DigiPCBA查看器在Altium Designer中打开项目。
40844  将项目保存到服务器时,Altium Designer将冻结几分钟。
41011   当元器件有多个封装时,在执行元器件规则检查时发生错误。(BC:14460
41115  在将新项目提交到服务器之前,软件出现延迟现象。
40524  . 带逗号,小数点,分隔符的参数值已失去BOM中的参数连续性。
40545  IPC-2581输出会生成不正确的零件角度(旋转)信息。


Build:192 日期:2020年9月24日

37426 “原理图库”中未为“引脚”名称或“位号标识符”选择字体时,会发生崩溃。
38385 将特定的违规ERC放置在某个网络上会抑制该网络上的所有其他违规。(BC:13511
40257 (BC:14014) 对于特定的封装旋转和焊盘之间的间隙,“Merge Net-Tie Nets”的输出选项失效。(BC:14014
40440 布线层未定义规则时,差分对布线时会发生崩溃。
40267 在“层堆栈管理器”和“Draftsman”文档中进行比较时,某些已布局的“板装配视图”的总板厚不匹配。
40313 之前打开过文件后,PDF导出期间出现错误消息。
39450 本地文件无法识别Altium 365中的项目已更新。
39695 符号未出现在“Explorer”面板的预览窗格中。
40389 打开“输出”作业导致软件无响应。(BC:14219
40399 编辑托管封装后,未保存LayerType设置。
39982 Altium 365标准版的用户的“编辑文件夹”对话框中删除了“输出作业”类型。
40160 通过删除“版本控制”中的链接和服务器项目的链接,改进了硬删除项目的处理。
40382 编辑克隆元件的PCL时出现“无法转换类型对象”的错误消息。
40617 软删除后项目模板仍会显示在“创建项目”对话框中。


Build:150 日期:2020年9月1日

38891 在软件中无法识别探针。
39554 在“原理图库编辑器”中按X、Y进行移动选择会导致“属性”面板不显示已移动对象的更新属性。(BC:13981
35894 钻孔符号超限时发布项目过程中会出现错误消息。(BC: 12985
37104 宽度规则未应用于子堆栈。使用“布线宽度”设计规则中的“显示层堆栈值”控件来设置每个子堆栈的宽度。
37190 在设计上运行DRC会返回与“返回路径”规则不一致的错误计数。(BC:14040
37466 铜在CAMtastic中未正确显示。
38101 增加了对应用于推挤线路的光泽度控制。
38472 在隐藏网络连接的PCB上布线后,“阻抗”计算失败。
38757 在移动焊盘或对PCBLIB文档中的焊盘进行其他更新之后,“阻焊层扩展”和“助焊层扩展”设置更改。(BC:13681
38798 在PCB中放置“层堆栈表”时发生崩溃。
38992 未在Layerstack中设置的层的“无效宽度”值导致无效错误。
39005 将InPolygon用于IsRegion间隙规则时,板和“PCB列表”面板上仍存在顶点数少于三个的区域。
39014 当禁用“含中间层焊盘”复选框时,焊盘显示在“生成Gerber输出”中的“Keepout”区域下。
39191 关闭并重新打开PCB后,“长度调整”规则未正确保存。
39192 已将“首选通用3D体”模式作为遗留选项添加到“高级设置”对话框中(BC:8872
39202 现可按所用“过孔”的长度成比例地计算出“过孔传播延迟”。
39217 使用“撤消”或“Ctrl + Z”命令后,“属性”面板上“焊盘”和“过孔”模式中的“阻焊层扩展”和“助焊层扩展”设置未重置为先前状态。 (BC:13779
39705 在文档之间切换时,PCB错误激活并放大了放置的注释。
40020 对象捕捉功能无法用于“嵌入式板阵列”对象。(BC:14150
36791 PDF输出时缺少尺寸、图像和制造视图。(BC:12807
37346 “生成的输出PDF”视图与“Draftsman”文档不匹配。
37955 在创建文档的同一版本中错误显示了兼容性警告。(BC:14123
38634 在“高级设置”对话框中添加了“Draftsman.UI.SoftwareRender”选项,以在“Draftsman”文档中使用软件渲染。
39587 “PDF输出”作业文件未正确打印阻焊层多边形挖空。
39849 缩放和滚动后,对象可能无法正确缩放和移动,只有在关闭并再次打开文件后才能固定对象。
40021 由备用零部件定义的元件变体被错误地显示为“未安装”。(BC:13900
37838 启动时软件崩溃。
38344 更改“OutJob”文档的“脚本报告”中的任何路径部分后,发生访问冲突错误。
38368 从Altium Designer安装程序中删除了过时的文件扩展名。(BC:6183
38377 未针对“OutJob”文件名对某些参数(例如ItemAndRevision)进行解释。
38968 除非使用管理员权限,否则无法删除“%APPDATA%\Altium\Altium Designer”文件夹中的优先设置。
38999 现在“项目选项”对话框上的“默认打印和搜索路径”选项卡默认处于隐藏状态。
39092 出现“使用中的文件”对话框,上面显示如果同时运行Autocad Fusion和Altium Designer,则无法完成操作。(BC:10103
39397 在“注释”面板中添加对“与我共享”项目的编辑支持。
39427 当来自这些组的文件位于慢速服务器时,使用“文件>最近文档/最近项目/最近项目组”命令时,性能会降低。
39746 当“系统偏好设置”中的“Altium Portal”复选框被禁用时,软件显示“警告”消息,提示“网络活动”被禁用并阻止启动。 (BC:12850
30525 在通过“项目管理器”进行项目迁移期间,“元件”参数被“符号”模型参数取代。
37863 添加了使用“刷新”命令后保存元件选择的功能。(BC:13295
38247 将“重命名”选项添加到“项目”面板中,以重命名文件。(BC:4530; BC:1708
38310 修复了禁用“优先设置”对话框中“系统-网络活动”页面的“数据管理服务器”选项然后重新启动Altium Designer后导致无法与AltiumLive连接的问题。
38583 在“拾放文件设置”对话框中添加了“包括标准(无BOM)条目”选项。
38591 元件同步不支持视图,也不显示所有表。(BC:13599
38776 打开当前库的Excel文件时,无法访问基于Excel的DBlib元件。(BC:13387
38820 从服务器放置到文档后,参数可见时参数重叠不正确。
38892 添加了“重命名”托管项目的功能。(BC:10422
39023 发生内存泄漏。
39065 使用元件时因启用FIPS而使调用目标错误消息引发异常。
39073 现可使用项目模板提供的命名规则来命名ActiveBOM文档。(BC:13744
39162 添加了“连接”对话框以连接到可用的工作区。
39280 如果尚未连接到工作区,则无法访问Content Vault。
39382 添加了将托管项目用作“新文档默认值”的功能。
39451 版本控制的“整个项目提交”命令未向用户发出文件未保存警告。
39552 电阻器显示时,“Explorer”面板中未重新加载整个列表。
39735 “Explorer”面板中的“搜索”的“导航至”命令失效。(BC:14026
39781 根据“查询表达式”创建的DBLib列值显示了不正确的设计条目ID。
39927 由于缺少模板或用户权限不足,在Project Releaser运行时发生错误。
35692 注销Altium Live帐户并打开BOM文档后出现异常错误。
39242 对于非托管设计,ActiveBOM中不提供托管元件的元件修订状态。
36186 使用PADS导入器导入文件时,未导入PADS Logic库文件。
39196 从Eagle导入的PCB导致“视图配置”面板中列出重复的“机械层对”。
39446 未找到数字元素的案例模型。

The following sections list the release notes for publicly released versions of Altium NEXUS 3.2.

For a summary of new features and enhancements in Altium NEXUS 3.2, see New in Altium NEXUS.

Version 3.2.6 (Update 3)

Build: 83 Date: 28 October 2020

40299 xSignals remained broken in the PCB panel after they were fixed and saved. (BC:14110)
40895 Polygons placed on top or bottom layers were not transferred properly to decals in the MCAD CoDesigner panel. (BC:14330)
41040 Polygons were not connected to the correct net in exported ODB++ files.
41133 IPC-2581 export resulted in missing pads for certain components.
41134 IPC-2581: Component designators have a different output name if the original title ended with a letter.
37983 An access violation occurred when switching to a new Workspace after disconnecting from another.
41064 Crash occurred in Extension Manager when software was installed from Offline installer and extension did not have pictures.
41331 An issue caused the software to no longer be accessible if a modal dialog was open and another application, such as Excel, was used afterward.
Data Management
38702 An exception error was displayed instead of a proper warning during Version Control operation due to unsupported protocol.
41046 When uploading an Outputjob file to the Explorer panel, the Name and Description of the item was removed.
41118 The Project Releaser used the wrong variant in PDF outputs when No Variations was used.
40195 Variant components were not displayed in the Draftsman document. (BC:13900).

Version 3.2.5 (Update 2)

Build: 68 Date: 13 October 2020

37492 All violations from Connection Matrix were incorrectly added to the "Specific Violations" in the Properties panel after reloading the Schematic document.
39694  The 'Send to back' command caused the software to crash when used outside of the sheet. (BC:12218)
40693  "No top level document to compare with" error message displayed during attempted import of changes.
40443  When IPC-2581 Fabrication files were output, the project board name was appended to the component designators.
40752  Footprints with the same name from different libraries are now reported with different names in IPC-2581.
40793  No custom layers were propagated in the new footprint when created from Vault Explorer. (BC:13639)
40794  "Tented" option did not take effect for placed Vias after setting in Preferences dialog. (BC:13392)
36441  Solder Mask Layers were not displayed when exporting Draftsman document to PDF. (BC:14384)
40767  High CPU usage resulted in animations continuing after control was closed.
40986  Enabled outputs for the folder structure container were connected with red lines.
Data Management
39248  PartsSync feature has been added to the software to support Supply Chain in custom providers.
40707  Inability to open a project in Altium Designer through the Altium 365 viewer.
40844  Altium Designer freezes for several minutes when saving a project to a server.
41011   Errors occurred when performing a component rule check if a component had more than one footprint. (BC:14460)
41115  Software was delayed before committing a new project to the server.
40524  Parameter values with comma decimal separator removed parameter continuity in BOM.
40545  The IPC-2581 output generates incorrect Part Angle (Rotation) information.

Version 3.2.4 (Update 1)

Build: 63 Date: 24 September 2020

37426 Crash occurred when Fonts were not selected for Pin names or Designators in the Schematic Library.
38385 Placing a specific violation ERC on a net also suppressed all other violations on the net. (BC:13511)
40257 Output option of "Merge Net-Tie Nets" failed for specific Footprint rotations and gaps between Pads. (BC:14014)
40440 Crash occurred during Differential Pair Routing when the Routing Layer rule was not defined for the layer.
40267 The total board thickness of some placed Board Assembly Views did not match when compared in the Layer Stack Manager and Draftsman document.
40313 Error message appeared during PDF exportation when file was previously opened.
39450 Local files did not recognize that a project in Altium 365 had been updated.
39695 Symbols did not appear in the preview pane of the Explorer panel.
40389 Opening Output jobs resulted in unresponsive software. (BC:14219)
40399 LayerType settings were not saved after editing a managed footprint.
Data Management
39248 PartsSync plugin has been added to load data from Excel or similar sources to the software.
39982 Removed 'Output Jobs' type from Edit Folder dialog for Altium 365 Standard users.
40160 Improved hard-deleted projects handling by removal of the link from Version Control and link to the server project.
40382 "Unable to cast object of type" error message when editing PCL for cloned component.
40617 Project templates still appeared in the Create Project dialog after they were soft-deleted.

Version 3.2.3

Build: 52 Date: 1 September 2020

38891 Probes were not recognized in the software.
39554 Move Selection by X, Y in the Schematic Library Editor resulted in the Properties panel not displaying the updated properties of the moved objects. (BC:13981)
35894 Error message when releasing a project where the drill symbol limit was exceeded. (BC: 12985)
37104 Width rule was not applied to the substack. Use the 'Show values for layer stack' control in the Routing Width design rule to set the width for each substack.
37190 Running DRC on a design returned inconsistent error counts related to the Return Path rule. (BC:14040)
37466 Copper features incorrectly displayed in CAMtastic.
38101 Added control over Gloss Effort to be applied to pushed traces.
38472 Broken Impedance calculations after routing on a PCB with hidden net connections.
38757 The Solder Mask Expansion and Paste Mask Expansion settings were changed after moving pads or making other updates to a pad in a PCBLIB document. (BC:13681)
38798 Crash occurred during placement of Layer Stack Table in PCB.
38992 Invalid Width values for a layer that was not set in Layerstack resulted in an invalid error.
39005 Regions with less than three counts of vertices were still present on the board and PCB List panel when the InPolygon to IsRegion clearance rule was used.
39014 Pad was displayed under Keepout area in Generated Gerber Output when “Include mid-layer pads” checkbox was disabled.
39191 Length Tuning rules were not properly saved after closing and reopening PCB.
39192 The 'Prefer Generic 3D Bodies" mode has been added to the Advanced Settings dialog as a legacy option. (BC:8872)
39202 Via Propagation Delay is now calculated in proportion to the Length of the Via used. 
39217 The Solder Mask Expansion and Paste Mask Expansion settings in the Pad and Via modes of the Properties panel did not reset to the previous state after using the Undo or Ctrl+Z commands. (BC:13779)
39705 PCB incorrectly activated and zoomed in on placed Comments when switching between documents.
40020 Snapping objects did not work for Embedded Board Array objects. (BC:14150)
36791 Dimensions, images, and fabrication views were missing during PDF output. (BC:12807)
37346 Generated Output PDF Views did not match the Draftsman document.
37955 A compatibility warning was incorrectly displayed in the same version in which the document was created.(BC:14123)
38634 Added "Draftsman.UI.SoftwareRender" option in the Advanced Settings dialog to use software rendering in Draftsman documents.
39587 PDF Outputjob files did not print solder mask polygons with cutouts correctly.
39849 Objects could scale and shift incorrectly after zooming and scrolling, which could not be fixed until the file was closed and opened again.
40021 Variant components defined by alternate parts were incorrectly presented as 'Not Fitted'. (BC:13900)
37838 Software crash upon startup.
38344 Access violation error occurred after changing any part of the path in the Script Report of an OutJob document.
38368 Removed obsolete file extensions from the Altium NEXUS installer. (BC:6183)
38377 Some parameters, such as ItemAndRevision, were not being interpreted for OutJob file names.
38968 Preferences located in the %APPDATA%\Altium\Altium NEXUS folder were not deleted unless admin rights were used.
38999 The Default Prints and Search Paths tabs on the Project Options dialog are now hidden by default.
39092 'File In Use' dialog appears stating that actions cannot be completed if Autocad Fusion and Altium NEXUS are running simultaneously. (BC:10103)
39397 Added editing support for 'Shared with Me' projects in the Comments panel.
39427 Performance degradation when using File > Recent Documents/Recent Projects/Recent Project Groups commands when files from these groups were located on slow servers.
39746 Software displayed a Warning message that Network Activity is disabled and blocked startup when "Altium Portal" checkbox was disabled in System Preferences. (BC:12850)
Data Management
30525 During project migration via the Item Manager, Component parameters were replaced by Symbol model parameters.
37863 Added the ability to save the component selection after using the Refresh command. (BC:13295)
38247 The "Rename" option has been added to the Projects panel to rename files. (BC:4530; BC:1708)
38310 Fixed regression that caused an inability to connect to AltiumLive after disabling the 'Data Management Server' option from the System - Network Activity page of the Preferences dialog then restarting Altium NEXUS.
38583 Added 'Include Standard (No BOM) Items' option to the Pick and Place Setup dialog.
38591 Component Synchronization did not support views and did not show all tables. (BC:13599)
38776 Inaccessible Excel-based DBlib components when Excel file of current library was opened. (BC:13387)
38820 Parameters were incorrectly overlapping when made visible after placement from server to document.
38892 Added the ability to Rename managed projects. (BC:10422)
39023 Memory leak in Draftsman.
39065 'Exception has been thrown by the target of invocation' error message as a result of the enabling of FIPS when using Components.
39073 The ActiveBOM document is now named using the naming rule provided by the project template. (BC:13744)
39280 Content Vault was not accessible when not already connected to a server.
39382 Added the ability for managed Items to be used as New Document Defaults.
39451 Version Control's 'Commit Whole Project' command did not warn the user of unsaved files.
39552 Resistors were displayed without reloading the entire list in the Explorer panel.
39735 "Navigate to" command from Search in the Explorer panel did not work. (BC:14026)
39781 DBLib column values created from Query Expressions were displaying the incorrect Design Item ID.
39927 Error occurred during Project Releaser due to missing template or insufficient user rights.
35692 Exception error after signing out of Altium Live account and opening BOM document.
39242 Component revision state for managed components was not available in ActiveBOM for unmanaged designs.
36186 When importing files using the PADS importer, PADS Logic library files were not imported.
39196 PCBs imported from Eagle resulted in the creation of duplicated Mechanical Layer Pairs listed in the View Configuration panel. 
39446 Case models of digital elements were not found.
If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

软件的功能取决于您购买的Altium产品级别。您可以比较Altium Designer软件订阅的各个级别中包含的功能,以及通过Altium 365平台提供的应用程序所能实现的功能。

