Altium Designer 版本发布说明

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以下内容介绍了Altium Designer 18.1公开发布版本的发布说明。

有关Altium Designer 18.1新功能和增强功能的信息,请参阅New in Altium Designer

18·1·7 版

Build: 191  Date: 8 June 2018 

24006 PCB:修复了在对包含Mitered Arcs样式的Accordions的电路板进行Signal Integrity分析时造成软件崩溃的问题。
26310 PCB:修复了在Query Builder中使用鼠标滚轮时造成软件崩溃的问题。
26591 PCB:双击PCB文本现在可以在“属性”面板中正确聚焦并选择(BC:9451)。
26639 PCB:Expedition导入器已经改进,可以更准确地导入Board Outline形状。
26863 PCB:修复了在基元未连接至 Hatched Polygon铺铜多边形的单独部分时未检测到Un-Routed Net违规情况的故障(BC:8999、9396、9458)。
25047 数据管理:修复了已发布项目中未更新Managed Output Job修订版的团队配置变更的故障。
26005 数据管理:修复了项目发布期间某些项目显示错误信息“已添加相同密钥的项目”的故障。
26126 数据管理:修复了项目发布期间保险库中不可访问的条目导致错误“已经存在名为Sections_1的元器件”的故障。
26446 数据管理:修复了未能将检索结果正确限制在Vault Explorer中正确的Content类型的缺陷。
26163 PCAD导入器:修复了PCAD导入器中元器件旋转设置不正确的缺陷。
26641 Expedition导入器:修复了封装来源位置不正确的缺陷。
26293 DxDesigner导入器:修复了与对象连接相关的几个问题,以及不正确的纸张尺寸,多部件符号,引脚名称可见性和整体稳定性。
27053 Zuken CR5000导入器:修复了导入电源端口、圆角矩形焊盘、长方形焊盘、具有相同焊盘编号的封装以及特定项目崩溃等问题。
26139 Draftsman:修复了在两条线之间放置角度尺寸时出现“未将对象引用到对象实例”错误的缺陷。
26443 Draftsman:修复了重命名相关PCB文件后出现的崩溃。
26489 Draftsman:修复了在从模板中创建新Draftsman文档时Draftsman报告路径中出现无效符号的回归缺陷,例如,包含“?\^:”字符的封装。
26772 平台:现在UI主题“Altium Light Gray”增加了对比度,可以提高面板和对话框的可读性和外观(BC:8859)。

18·1·6 版

Build:161 Date: 26 April 2018 



21586 针对Desktop Windows Manager处于非活动状态下的Windows 7主题改进了Windows Min/Max按钮的处理。
23704 添加了新的Light Gray主题选项(Preferences >>> System >>> View)。
24930 恢复了“项目”菜单下的“项目文件”选项。
20961 修复了在整个应用程序中移动标题列后保留插入箭头的问题。
22143 修复了一些“优选设置”菜单部分无法按比例缩放且不适合高DPI方面的缺陷。
22764 修复了Outjob PDF无法缩放的问题(BC:7723)。
23358 修复了Query Helper对话框中无法复制和粘贴(Ctrl+C、Ctrl+V)的问题。
23528 修复了自定义缩放设置为250%时无法移动或关闭Choose Folder对话框的缺陷。
24178 解决了内存不足的异常程序错误(BC:9014)
24423 修复了ECO运行期间网络相关的差异各不相同的问题(BC:8744)。
24867 修复了文件名含‘&’符号导致无法将某些字符输入“文本字符串”属性中的缺陷(BC:8988)。
25420 修复了在启动Altium Designer时打开许可证管理页面等情况下偶尔发生的系统崩溃。
20733 修复了显示供应商数据的面板出现无效的窗口句柄错误且该面板固定/取消固定的问题。
23887 更新了简体中文本地化。
24945 项目面板——添加了打开、修改和锁定的文档状态指示器(BC:8696)。
19903 改进了搜索工具,可以查看/选中所有结果,而非仅前15个结果。
21286 新增了FPGA Pin Mapping工具,用于通过外部的Pin File比较和更新任何PCB元件(BC:2100)。
22728 修复了在隐藏/显示Altium Designer后AD18处于焦点(经典Windows主题)时自动隐藏模式下未弹出Windows工具栏的缺陷。
23562 修复了无法通过Y或N快捷键关闭Confirm信息对话框的缺陷。
23849 修复了重启AD后工具栏Script Custom按钮为空的缺陷。
26222 修复了未建立连接线路,但是针对内电层连接方式为“无连接”规则,DRC未布线网络约束已经违规却并未报错的Bug。


22608 改进了在Explorer面板中浏览“封装条目”时的预览设置,从而显示“找不到条目”类型的信息,而非空白视图。
23278 在“数据管理—版本控制优选设置”页面中新增了SVN工作副本格式选项(BC:8167)。
24116 当为包括BOM生成功能启用了“包含来自数据库的参数”选项时,从OutputJob生成的Excel格式BOM现在可以正确更新,其中该项目包括通过DbLink引用各种参数的变量信息。(BC:1318)
24630 改进了中央存储库浏览和“检出”操作的速度。
20681 修复了在储存管理器面板中需要多次点击才能重命名文件的缺陷。
20684 修复了储存管理器未能按字母数字顺序正确对文件名称排序的缺陷。
20696 修复了在打开储存管理器面板的情况下在“项目”面板中切换项目文件时将其从储存管理器面板切换到随机面板(如输出面板、信息面板)的缺陷。
20737 修复了在查看项目文件状态时储存管理器面板未显示“加载中”的缺陷。
20910 修复了在通过储存管理器面板进行复原后确认对话框中存在拼写错误(Loose而非Lose)的缺陷。
21947 修复了Explorer面板中截断长值项的参数的缺陷。目前参数显示正常。
22871 修复了注册后出现多个SVN证书请求对话框的缺陷。
22915 修复了在移除VCS Provider—SVN扩展的情况下软件打开时出现错误的缺陷
23597 修复了导致“部件提供商参数导入选项”无法正常运行的缺陷。
23629 修复了通过Octopart(而非通过Altium Parts Provider)获取特定Digi-Key部件(754-2121-1-ND)的缺陷。
23630 修复了不能识别制造商部件编号IS25LP016D-JNLE(Digi-Key:706-1583-ND)且不能通过Altium Parts Provider获取数据的缺陷。
23931 修复了错误/无效的供应商链接和不真实的供应商数据缺陷。
23948 修复了执行自动备份时偶尔重复出现错误对话框的缺陷。
24045 修复了在更新“协作、比较与合并”面板时造成软件崩溃的缺陷。
24556 修复了在文件夹名称路径深度超过260个符号时无法添加或查看SVN项目的缺陷。
25425 修复了变量中使用封装的机械层17-32时机械层16显示No-Fit元件的缺陷。
21129 修复了造成材料清单模板的“相对路径到模板文件”不能与Project Releaser一起运行的缺陷。
23543 修复了不能在Part Search面板或Add Supplier Links对话框中用鼠标滚轮滚动查看参数列表的缺陷。
23742 修复了从Dblib更新备用部件数据库的参数时出现的ECO故障(BC:8624)。
24622 修复了在加载软件和原理图文档后立即尝试打开常规模板时发生错误的缺陷。
23527 修复了在将自定义缩放比例设置为250%时未正确显示Create SVN Design Repository对话框的缺陷。
25394 修复了尝试在“优选设置”中应用空SVN库工作文件夹时出现的异常程序错误。


21314 在ActiveBOM中新增了按列对栅格线进行分组的功能。
23310 在ActiveBOM Properties面板中新增了新列,每个电路板的供应商小计=单价*设计数量。 此外,现在每个电路板的价格反映了设计的实际单位成本,而订单价格继续反映了最小起订量成本(BC 8796)。
23362 改进了对ActiveBOM中行编号的支持。
23821 新增了综合BOM中差异的突出显示功能。
24467 新增了“材料清单集”功能。
24739 在ActiveBOM解决方案中新增了“创建人工解决方案”功能。
24967 材料清单中新增了ComponentType和Folder参数。
25626 ActiveBOM - 改进了Select Columns对话框中Up/Down按钮操作。
22991 修复了ActiveBOM自动行编号可能创建重复行号的问题。
23989 修复了BomDoc中Core-unManaged元件出现“未定义元件修订状态”的BOM状态违规的缺陷。
24343 修复了造成BomDoc中托管元件的“修订状态”与“BOM状态”不一致的缺陷。
24891 修复了自定义数据库供应商中不同制造商具有相似SPN的相同供应商未在BOM供应商区段中显示两次的问题。
25639 修复了在17.1版中创建的BomDoc文件上的人工解决方案不适用于18.0版的缺陷。


23814 在“板装配视图”中新增了元件位号的“颜色”属性,以启用对参考位号颜色的全局更改(BC:8755)。
21367 将功能与Altium Designer PCB编辑器的用户友好界面衔接,实现选择、缩放、箭头键等功能和快捷键。
21375 Update Board的性能改进,包括多线程,只更新已使用的视图。
25265 新增了对“组装”视图的支持,可在“元件显示属性”中一次性修改所有元件。
25941 当钻孔表符号被修改后可在Draftsman中正确绘制“详细视图”(BC:9287)。
22411 修复了使用Space Navigator时出现并影响PCB与Draftsman文件的缩放问题。
23647 修复了无法移动分割线控制点的缺陷。
23838 修复了无法在“材料清单属性面板”中设置或编辑Alias名称的缺陷(BC:8873)。
24621 修复了当项目有定义变量时,Draftsman文件中未显示项目(已定义变量)参数的缺陷。
24700 修复了3D体超出元件几何源的元件可能会在装配图中遮挡元件该部分视图的问题。
24736 修复了在将Draftsman文件导出为PDF时以“=VersionControl”开头的系统参数消失的缺陷(BC:8870)。
24839 修复了Draftsman文档中,无法在某些条目的纵坐标尺寸中设置或编辑公差值的问题。(BC:8874)
24845 修复了在Draftsman文档上放置任何True Geometry视图会导致视图为空白的错误(无元件显示)的缺陷。
25120 修复了Draftsman中图纸模板中定义的用户参数在加载到PCBDwf文件后不可用的缺陷。
25133 修复了从特定的Draftsman文件生成PDF出现的错误。
25162 修复了特定Draftsman文档的打开问题。
25227 修复了使用标号参数时出现的大小写敏感性问题(BC:9078)。
25248 修复了在为特定的Rigid-Flex PCB设计放置“层堆栈图例”时出现的“已添加具有相同密钥的条目”的访问冲突缺陷(BC:9039)。
25255 修复了含特定STEP模型的PCB文件在更新电路板期间造成错误的缺陷。
25386 修复了“层堆栈图例”中显示不正确 bottom paste层位置的排序问题。
25390 修复了Draftsman错误地提示将文档保存为模板的缺陷(BC:8675;BC:8898)。
25411 目前,Draftsman在文件编辑器和PDF输出中生成相同的变量填充样式。
25532 修复了将已放置的“组装图”、“钻孔图”和“制造视图”的尺寸设置为错误值的缺陷。


24188 提高了在原理图中移动大量对象时的性能。
25440 恢复了使用元件引脚编辑器在原理图库中选择多个引脚的功能。
22213 修复了造成SCHLIB元件属性在“属性”面板中重置的缺陷。
24298 修复了在部件有替代部件变量的情况下造成“从库中更新”命令无效的缺陷。
22998 修复了“属性”面板(针对SCH/PCB)中将不同选择类别用于相同字段的缺陷。
24802 修复了执行“从库中更新”时导致访问冲突的问题,然后关闭了项目而未保存。
25129 修复了在放置超出图纸工作区域的线束对象时发生的崩溃。
23581 改进了Mixed Sim工具栏中仿真源条目的呈现方式。
21284 新增了在原理图编辑器中创建“差分对”类的功能(BC:5151)。
18432 修复了在尝试将“属性”面板中“参数名称”改为大写/小写字母时出现“参数名称必须是唯一的”信息的缺陷。
23549 修复了在定义Sim Model时滚动条不可用于滚动“模型文件”内容的缺陷。
24312 修复了在使用PCAD SCH导入器后出现的端口方向错误缺陷。
24745 修复了导致xDxDesigner导入器错误地导入多部分符号的问题。
21902 修复了原理图中首次选择原理图元件时(启动PCB编辑器时)发生属性加载延迟的缺陷。
22286 修复了Maintain Aspect Ratio选项不适用于“多板原理图”文件上已放置的图片的缺陷。
21993 修复了在“自动布线”模式下在原理图中放置导线时缺失Point to Point Router Options对话框的缺陷。
23160 修复了在“多板原理图”中使用Import from DXF命令时出现异常的缺陷。由于DXF导入器尚未实施,已删除该命令。
23510 修复了在“端口映射”选项卡下Sim Model - General/Spice Subcircuit对话框中不可进行符号预览的缺陷。
23799 修复了导航器面板(如果通过“优选设置”启用)中不可使用交叉选择模式的缺陷。
24322 修复了原理图库报告文件中缺失封装模型的缺陷。
24827 修复了在多个打开的项目中使用相同原理图文件时无法编辑元件属性的缺陷。


17906 在IDF导入器中新增了对导入keepouts的高度限制。
22135 目前Smart Grid Insert与“列表面板”正常运行。
22341 属性面板——新增了对公式的支持(用于位置和文本值、常规计算、具有当前值的操作)(BC:8861)。
22837 新增了对捕捉3D模型中孔中心和边缘中心的支持(BC:548)。
23132 改进了Confirm对话框文本和控件,在删除选中对象时,当前所有这些对象将被锁定。
24218 改进了背钻孔,目前支持定义任何层对之间的背钻孔对并识别与多边形、区域和填充对象的连接(BC:8372)。
24732 更新了PCB 3D视图,因此高亮显示的3D模型将呈现出适当的透明度和颜色。
25388 目前视图配置面板中右键“编辑层”命令正常运行。
25113 恢复了PCB编辑器中的高级捕捉选项(板属性)。
25438 目前,焊盘透明度设置正常运行且影响所有焊盘对象。
25592 提高了在项目包含多个变量时SCH > PCB同步(Update Schematic > PCB)的性能。
15767 修复了多边形没有显示使用Tab键的扩展新基元选择的问题。
16436 修复了在平滑处理带有较长间距的差分对时,对PCB上其它对象忽略不进行平滑处理的问题。
17632 修复了布线宽度和间距较大的差分对会造成严重违规的缺陷。
17639 PCB导入——修复了导入的OrCAD焊盘直径的问题。
18924 修复了交互式差分对布线期间在按下切换至相反布线点快捷键(9)时AD中止工作的问题(BC:8630)。
18988 修复了删除“网络类”不包含在Undo缓冲区的缺陷。
18994 修复了在访问现有的PVLib时Pad Via Library编辑器打开为空白的缺陷。
19546 修复了属性面板中未将已经从“焊盘模板”取消链接的焊盘的库状态更改为本地的缺陷。
21186 修复了“Resize Polygon Pour”命令未正常运行的缺陷。
21574 修复了“多板装配”文档中放大过程相当“跳跃”的缺陷。
21577 修复了在自定义PCB:ManualRoute命令后人工布线时出现的访问冲突。
21705 修复了在正投影中查看顶视图的“放置嵌入板阵列”时出现的3D显示问题。
22191 如果未将焊盘分配到网络,DRC不再报告自定义封装焊盘中不同铜线对象之间的违规情况(BC:1779)。
22373 修复了在移动鼠标选择首个Slice Track点时光标悬浮的缺陷。
22501 修复了造成“属性”面板“捕捉点”位置应用错误坐标的缺陷。
22574 修复了在使用“属性”面板中Unlink按钮时无法从PVLib中删除“焊盘/过孔”相关性的缺陷。
22635 修复了无法通过“属性”面板编辑/复制/粘贴锁定位置的值的缺陷。
22902 修复了“从PCB库更新”对话框和“元器件库”面板中元件预览不符合预期的缺陷。
22936 修复了在尝试移动折叠型对象且启用了“交叉选择”选项时软件将中止工作的缺陷。
23020 修复了用于切换Board Insight Lens的Shift+M快捷键错误地显示在Heads Up显示器中的缺陷。
23028 修复了PCB Heads Up显示器悬浮在外部应用程序的顶部(即使软件已最小化)的缺陷。
23067 修复了在交互式布线期间关闭PCB文件时X2.exe将停止工作的缺陷。
23080 修复了在特定电路板上导出至IDF后软件将中止工作的缺陷。
23424 修复了PCB中通过“属性”面板更改图层将导致下个放置的对象被放置在前一个图层上的缺陷。
23479 修复了在交互式布线和实时改变导线宽度时,如果需要将宽度限制在相关宽度规则的最小/最大范围内,不会发出警报的缺陷。
23532 修复了其中启用了“显示覆盖”选项的xSignals在PCB面板切换模式(网络,元件等)时未被隐藏的缺陷。
23651 修复了绘制的3D测量线远离了实际测量点的缺陷。
23677 修复了在通过“属性”面板查看属性时层堆栈表中缺失了Alignment选项的缺陷。
23681 修复了在元件包含类似挤压体时错误地将元件导入了“多板装配”文件的缺陷。
23768 修复了在更改多边形“网络颜色”和开启/关闭“网络颜色覆盖”时偶尔未更新多边形的缺陷。
23781 修复了.EXTREP文件与CAMtastic面板之间生成的Gerber图层顺序不同步的缺陷。
23797 修复了在更改一些非顶层上“上-中-下”和“全堆栈”焊盘与过孔的形状/尺寸后“属性”面板的焦点将跳转至“顶层”的缺陷。
23805 修复了总高度为零的挤压3D体显示为3D形式(DX10)的缺陷。
23837 修复了在使用嵌入板列阵更改PCB文档的旋转步骤后出现“未将对象引用设置到对象的实例”错误的缺陷。
23899 修复了无法为多个选中元件设置“3D体透明度”的缺陷。
24068 解决了当前在正在进行交互式过程时无法保存PCB库的问题。
24164 修复了PCB库封装名称的显示被错误截断的缺陷(BC:8692)。
24228 修复了在更改参数值之后在PcbDoc上选中字符串之前未更新“特殊字符串”中项目参数的缺陷。
24258 修复了在针对包含零尺寸基元的图层生成Gerber文件时导致错误的缺陷。
24365 修复了在两次启动交互式差分布线或长度调整命令后出现警告信息“当前命令处于活动状态且无法完成保存”的缺陷。
24399 修复了走线和圆弧基元缺少助焊层扩展量选项的缺陷。
24784 在Gerber和ODB++输出生成期间可正确删除未连接的中层焊盘(BC:8961)。
25094 修复了在启用了Entire Board From Below选项时OutJob PCB 3D PDF图纸中丢失阻焊层的缺陷。
25155 修复了拾放文件“自定义过滤器”对话框中的控件(BC:9089)。
25220 修复了在PCB文件包含先前版本的维度对象时出现的文件加载错误。
25240 修复了Gerber Batch导入将导致访问冲突的缺陷(BC:9112)。
25309 修复了PCB至SCH交叉选择和选择多个对象时出现的问题。
25389 当前,PCB默认保存过孔和焊盘模板设置。
25416 修复了在导出至STEP文件和使用多层堆栈时出现错误的元件离板高度的问题。
25433 修复了在CAMtastic中运行PCB Design Check时出现的系统崩溃。
25439 修复了未在PCB面板中正确应用掩模选项的缺陷。
25462 修复了3D体上的捕捉点不可见的缺陷(BC:9013)。
25632 修复了Draftsman中将“层堆栈表”文本高度设置为0时出现的系统崩溃。
25649 修复了在使用“属性”面板更改过孔模板和关闭PCB规则与约束编辑器后出现的运行时错误和“无法保存文件”错误。
23539 修复了如果以单独的窗口打开BomDoc并启用了“交叉选择”设置,则无法在PCBLIB上选择多个基元的问题。
25138 修复了在锁定了所有选中对象的情况下无法删除锁定对象的缺陷。
17293 修复了在将过孔屏蔽层从简单堆栈更改为“全堆栈”或“上-中-下”堆栈期间无法定义各图层上过孔的形状/尺寸的缺陷。
18454 修复了当所选焊盘有不同堆栈模式时“尺寸”和“形状”属性均无法更新的缺陷。
21801 修复了当选择了预设值时“更改单位”命令对“捕捉距离”无效的缺陷。
22397 修复了当选中一组3D模型时透明度滑块消失且在选中编辑时未重新出现的缺陷。
23317 修复了在未立即应用新的走线宽度时需要在暂停PCB布线后移动光标以输入新的宽度的缺陷。
24268 修复了属性面板中未列出“字体系列”的某些字体的缺陷。
24276 修复了PCB属性面板中圆弧属性的布局(BC:8693)。
24363 修复了在尝试通过“网络名称”查找网络时立即应用更改的缺陷。
24617 修复了在将顶层和底层测试点分配到焊盘且将焊盘移动至顶/底层时使用测试点管理器或PCB列表无法在网络上取消分配测试点的缺陷。
25434 修复了宽度滑块操作中的缺陷,从而即使在设计规则具有相同值的情况下滑块也可移动至最小、优选、最大位置(BC:8741)。
23626 改进了“属性”面板中图层名称的可见性。当前,短图层名称处于右对齐状态。
23750 新增了对PCB输出PDF文件的TrueType字体支持,因此可搜索文本(BC:1482)。
23789 通过在Export Options对话框中添加Skip free 3D bodies选项,新增了没有自由模型的情况下执行STEP输出的功能(BC:1240)。
22288 多板:改进了平面对齐后的对象冲突测试操作。进行了速度改进。
25116 在“视图配置”面板中新增了呈现PCB中有“特殊字符串”名称的标签的选项(BC:8832)。
24548 更新了IDF 3.0++ Exporter以包括具有MultiLayer的对象。
22090 修复了添加Ibis模型将导致X2.exe停止工作的回归缺陷。
22216 修复了在聚焦“交互式属性”面板时导致Ctrl+Q热键发挥作用的缺陷(BC:8841)。
22896 修复了在更改PCB上的单位时,单位在“违规详情”中未相应更改的缺陷。
23039 修复了通过“属性”面板更改“3D体透明度”造成多边形重建的缺陷。
23061 新图形引擎——修复了缩放缺陷以尽可能将缩放比例恢复为与先前相同的深度,从而可以显示非常精细的栅格。
25469 目前,IPC Footprint Wizard支持STEP模型预览和生成。
23089 目前,Expedition导入器可以检测到包含布线的平面层,这些层将作为信号层导入。
23782 修复了CAMtastic中的DRC概要信息未正确显示的缺陷。
23818 修复了在进行交互式差分对布线时“属性”面板中显示默认规则(而非适用规则)的缺陷。
23853 修复了在尝试通过Line 90/90和以圆弧(半径:100mil)为水平起点创建挤压3D体的情况下造成3D体毁坏的缺陷。
24474 修复了在PCB 3D打印设置中,将从模板创建的项目切换到打印视图后,所生成的PDF中,PCB没有阻焊掩膜以及铜箔的问题。
24492 修复了对包含FromTos的设计进行网络分析需要很长时间的缺陷。
24513 修复了在切分多边形铺铜时不能通过Tab键访问“线条约束”对话框的缺陷。
18799 更新了“属性”对话框中的“多边形铺铜”选项布局。
23507 新增了对IPC Compliant Footprint Wizard中新UI主题的支持。

The following sections list the release notes for publically released versions of Altium NEXUS 1.1

For a summary of new features and enhancements in Altium NEXUS 1.1, see New in Altium NEXUS.

Version 1·1·7

Build: 68  Date: 8 June 2018 

25047 Data Management: Fixed bug where team configuration changes for Managed Output Job revisions are not updated in the released project.
26005 Data Management: Fixed bug where certain projects show the error 'An item with the same key has already been added.' during project Release.
26126 Data Management: Fixed bug where a non-accessible item in a vault could cause the error 'A component named Sections_1 already exists' during project Release.
26446 Data Management: Fixed regression that didn't properly restrict search results to the correct Content Type in the Vault Explorer.
24006 PCB: Fixed regression that caused software crash when Signal Integrity is analyzing a board containing Accordions that are using the Mitered Arcs style.
26310 PCB: Fixed regression that caused software crash when using the mouse wheel in the Query Builder.
26591 PCB: Double clicking PCB Text is now correctly focused and selected in the Properties panel (BC:9451).
26639 PCB: The Expedition Importer has been improved to more accuracy import the Board Outline shape.
26863 PCB: Fixed a bug where Un-Routed Net violations were not detected if primitives are connected to an isolated part of a Hatched Polygon (BC: 8999, 9396, 9458).
26163 PCAD Importer: Fixed regression in the PCAD Importer where component rotation was not set correctly.
26641 Expedition Importer: Fixed bug where Footprint origins were incorrectly located.
26293 DxDesigner Importer: Fixed several issues related to object connectivity as well as incorrect sheet sizes, multipart symbols, pin name visibility and general stability.
27053 Zuken CR5000 Importer: Fixed issues with importing power ports, rounded rectangle pads, oblong pads, footprints with same pads numbers and crashes with specific projects.
26139 Draftsman: Fixed regression where the 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error occurred while placing Angular dimension between two lines.
26443 Draftsman: Fixed a crash after the associated PCB document was renamed.
26489 Draftsman: Fixed regression where Draftsman reported Illegal characters in path when creating new Draftsman document from template, for example if a footprint contained characters "?\^:".
26772 Platform: The UI Theme 'Altium Light Gray' now has increased contrast to improve the readability and look of panels and dialogs (BC:8859).

Version 1·1·6

Build: 48 Date: 26 April 2018 

Altium NEXUS

19186 Altium NEXUS - Improved performance of component update when using batch editor.
19419 Altium NEXUS - Request part button that appears in the Explorer and Part Search panels after a search, now calls available Part Request workflow processes.
20493 Altium NEXUS - Fixed bug where the 'Always Show Comment/Designator' option from document options SCHLIB was not preserved during editing.
20494 Altium NEXUS - Improved Single Component Editor to facilitate drag and drop of domain models directly from the Explorer panel (as per Batch Editing mode).
20603 Altium NEXUS - Improved usability of Managed Projects through UI and functionality updates.
24573 Altium NEXUS - Fixed regression where 'Load linked' function of Batch state change did not work.
24896 Altium NEXUS - Fixed bug that caused an access violation when navigating to specific footprint.
21740 Added the ability to specify the default target folders for the Single Component Editor.
22758 Improved performance and usability of Where-used in Explorer panel.
23453 Improved process and hints of uploading 3D models into server.
23468 Improved presentation of information when viewing the Full Item details for a managed Item.
17718 Fixed bug causing slow performance during some Vault operations when lots of Vault folders are loaded in the the Libraries panel.
19127 Fixed bug with a missing file when using "Collate outputs into a single file".
20599 Fixed behavior of the revision navigation, when launching Explorer panel in selection mode (via Choose.. actions etc.).
21910 Fixed bug where icons were appearing in place of Preferences, Notifications and User icons, when opening a Symbol or Footprint Item for editing from a source Vault.
23175 Fixed bug where a schematic symbol pasted from a local SCHLIB to the temporary editing window for a Symbol Item could not be released due to a 'missing lifecycle definition' error.
23739 Fixed regression where Design Repositories were missing after restoring Preferences.
24023 Fixed bug that caused slow information loading when using Where-used in Explorer panel.
24082 Fixed bug where running the Component Rule Check (from the Single Component Editor, while editing a managed component) would throw an error where pin/pad designator 0 was being used. Designator 0 is supported correctly now.
24653 Fixed bug where an incorrect information link displayed when cannot be connected to an on-premise server.


21586 Improved handling of Windows Min/Max buttons for Windows 7 themes where Desktop Windows Manager is inactive.
23704 Added new Light Gray theme option (Preferences >>> System >>> View).
24930 Restored Project Documents option to the Projects menu.
20961 Fixed bug where insertion arrows retained after moving header columns throughout the application.
22143 Fixed bug where some Preferences menu sections were not scaled and did not fit the High DPI aspect.
22764 Fixed regression where the zoom did not function for an Outjob PDF (BC:7723).
23358 Fixed regression where copy and paste (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) were not working in the Query Helper dialog.
23528 Fixed bug where Choose Folder dialog could not be moved or closed when custom scaling set to 250%.
24178 Out of Memory exception error resolved (BC:9014).
24423 Fixed regression where Differences associated with Nets varied during ECO runs (BC:8744).
24867 Fixed bug where a filename containing '&' symbol prevented certain characters from being typed into Text String properties (BC:8988).
25420 Fixed occasional crash in certain situations where Altium Designer started with the License Management page open.
20733 Fixed issue where an invalid window handle error would occur for a panel presenting supplier data, and that panel was pinned/unpinned.
23887 Updated Chinese simplified localization.
24945 Projects panel - Added document status indicators for opened, modified and locked (BC:8696).
19903 Improved the Search facility to enable all results to be viewed/selected, rather than just the first 15.
21286 New FPGA Pin Mapping tool to compare and update any PCB component with an external Pin File (BC:2100).
22728 Fixed regression where Windows Taskbar did not pop up in an auto-hide mode with AD18 in focus (with Classic Windows theme) after the hide / show Altium Designer.
23562 Fixed regression where you could not use the Y or N shortcut key to close Confirm message dialogs.
23849 Fixed bug where the Script Custom button in toolbar is empty after restarting AD.
26222 Fixed regression where connection lines were not built and DRC Un-Routed Net constraint violations were not being reported for Power Plane Connect Style "No Connect" rules.

Data Management

22608 Improved Preview aspect when browsing a Footprint Item in the Explorer panel to display 'Item not found'-type message rather than blank view.
23278 Added options for SVN working copy formats on Data Management - Version Control Preferences page (BC:8167).
24116 Excel format BOM produced from an OutputJob, where the project includes variants that reference varied parameters via a DbLink, are now updated correctly when the "Include Parameters from Database" option is enabled for BOM generation (BC:1318).
24630 Improved speed of Repository browsing and Check Out operations.
20681 Fixed regression where too many clicks were required to rename files in the Storage Manager panel.
20684 Fixed regression where the Storage Manager did not correctly sort filenames alphanumerically.
20696 Fixed regression where switching between project documents in the Projects panel while Storage Manager panel was open switched the Storage Manager panel to a random panel (e.g., Outputs, Messages).
20737 Fixed bug where Storage Manager panel did not display "Loading" when checking the status of project files.
20910 Fixed bug where there was a typo (loose instead of lose) in the confirmation dialog after performing a revert through the Storage Manager panel.
21947 Fixed bug in Explorer panel, where parameters with long value entries were being cut-off. They are now displayed correctly.
22871 Fixed Regression where multiple SVN credentials request dialogs appear after Sign In.
22915 Fixed regression where software would open with error if the VCS Provider - SVN extension had been removed.
23597 Fixed regression that caused the Parts Providers Parameter Import Options to not function correctly.
23629 Fixed bug where a particular Digi-Key part (754-2121-1-ND) was available through Octopart, but not through the Altium Parts Provider.
23630 Fixed bug where Manufacturer Part Number IS25LP016D-JNLE (Digi-Key: 706-1583-ND) was not being recognized, and data not made available through the Altium Parts Provider.
23931 Fixed bug with bad/invalid supplier links and not actual supplier data.
23948 Fixed regression where sometimes an error dialog would repeat when performing an auto-backup.
24045 Fixed regression that caused software crash when updating Collaboration, Compare and Merge panel.
24556 Fixed regression where it was not possible to add or checkout projects from SVN when the folder name path depth was more than 260 symbols.
25425 Fixed bug in variants where No-Fit components showed on Mechanical layer 16 when using Mechanical layers 17-32 in Footprints.
21129 Fixed bug that caused 'Relative Path to Template File' for BOM templates to not work with Project Releaser.
23543 Fixed bug where parameters listing could not be scrolled using the mouse wheel, in the Part Search panel, or Add Supplier Links dialog.
23742 Fixed ECO failure when updating Parameters from Database for Alternative Part from DbLib (BC:8624).
24622 Fixed regression where an error occurred when trying to open general templates immediately after loading software and a schematic document.
23527 Fixed bug with Create SVN Design Repository dialog not displaying correctly when custom scaling level set to 250%.
25394 Fixed exception error when trying to apply an empty SVN Libraries Working folder in Preferences.


21314 Added ability to group grid lines by the columns in the ActiveBOM.
23310 New column added to the ActiveBOM Properties panel, Supplier Subtotal per Board = Unit Price * Design Quantity. Also Price per Board now reflects the actual unit cost of the design, while the Order Price continues to reflect the MOQ costs (BC 8796).
23362 Improved support for line numbering in an ActiveBOM.
23821 Added highlighting of differences in the consolidated BOM.
24467 Added BOM Set functionality.
24739 Added "Create Manual Solution" feature to ActiveBOM solutions.
24967 Added ComponentType and Folder parameters to the BOM.
25626 ActiveBOM - Improved the Up/Down button behavior in the Select Columns dialog.
22991 Fixed issue where ActiveBOM automatic line numbering could create duplicate line numbers.
23989 Fixed regression where Core-unManaged components had 'Component revision state is not defined' BOM status violation in the BomDoc.
24343 Fixed bug that caused inconsistencies in 'Revision Status' and 'BOM Status' in the BomDoc for managed components.
24891 Fixed regression where same supplier with similar SPN for different manufacturers in custom database provider were not displayed twice in the BOM supplier tile.
25639 Fixed bug where manual solutions were not available in version 18.0 on the BomDoc file which was created in version 17.1.


23814 Added Color property for Designators in the Board Assembly View to enable global changes to the reference designator color (BC:8755).
21367 Aligned features with the user-friendly interface of Altium Designer's PCB editor for features and shortcuts such as selection, zoom, arrow keys and others.
21375 Performance improvements to Update Board, including multi-threading, updating only used views.
25265 Added support for Assembly view to change all components at once in the Component Display Properties.
25941 The Detail View in Draftsman now draws correctly when the Drill Table symbols are changed (BC:9287).
22411 Fixed zooming issue when using Space Navigator and both PCB and Draftsman documents are affected at the same time.
23647 Fixed regression where cutting line control points could not be moved.
23838 Fixed regression where it was not possible to set or edit the Alias name in the BOM Properties Panel (BC:8873).
24621 Fixed bug where project parameters were not being shown in Draftsman documents, for projects that have defined variants.
24700 Fixed bug where a component with 3D bodies that extend beyond its component geometry source could occlude that part of the assembly view.
24736 Fixed bug with Draftsman document, where system parameters beginning with '=VersionControl' would disappear when exporting to PDF (BC:8870).
24839 Fixed bug in Draftsman document, where it was not possible to set or edit tolerance values in Ordinate Dimensions for some items (BC:8874).
24845 Fixed bug where placing any True Geometry views on a Draftsman document would result in the views being empty (no components shown).
25120 Fixed regression in Draftsman where the user parameter defined in sheet template was not available after loading into the .PCBDwf file.
25133 Fixed error when generating a PDF from a specific Draftsman document.
25162 Fixed the opening of a specific Draftsman document.
25227 Fixed case sensitivity when using .designator parameter (BC:9078).
25248 Fixed bug with the access violation "An item with the same key has already been added" when placing a Layer Stack Legend for particular Rigid-Flex PCB designs (BC:9039).
25255 Fixed bug where a PCB document containing a particular STEP model would cause an error during Update board.
25386 Fixed issue with the layer ordering in the Layer Stack Legend where incorrect bottom paste position is shown.
25390 Fixed regression where Draftsman incorrectly prompted to save document as a template (BC:8675; BC:8898).
25411 Draftsman now produces the same variant hatching styles in both document editor and PDF output.
25532 Fixed regression where placed Assembly, Drill Drawing and Fabrication View sizes would be set to incorrect values.


24188 Improved performance when moving a large number of objects in the schematic.
25440 Restored ability to select multiple pins in schematic library using the component pin editor.
22213 Fixed regression that caused SCHLIB component properties to be reset in the Properties panel.
24298 Fixed regression that caused Update from Libraries command to fail if part has an alternate part variant.
22998 Fixed bug in the Properties panel (for SCH/PCB) where different types of selection were being used for the same fields.
24802 Fixed bug that caused an access violation if an Update from Libraries was performed, and the project was then closed without saving.
25129 Fixed crash when placing a Harness object that goes beyond the sheet work area.
23581 Improved the presentation of simulation source entries on the Mixed Sim toolbar
21284 Added ability to create Differential Pair class in schematic editor (BC:5151).
18432 Fixed bug where a "Parameter name must be unique" message appeared when trying to change characters in the Parameter Name to upper/lower case in the Properties panel.
23549 Fixed regression where scrollbar was not available to scroll Model File content, when defining a Sim Model.
24312 Fixed bug where the port orientation was wrong after using the PCAD SCH importer.
24745 Fixed bug that caused xDxDesigner importer to improperly import multi-part symbols.
21902 Fixed bug in Schematic where delay in properties loading occurred when first selecting of schematic component (when PCB editor is started).
22286 Fixed bug where the 'Maintain Aspect Ratio' option was not working for a placed Picture on a Multi-board Schematic document.
21993 Fixed regression where Point to Point Router Options dialog was missing when placing a wire on schematic in Auto Wire mode.
23160 Fixed bug where an exception occurred when using the Import from DXF command in a Multi-board Schematic. The command has been removed as the DXF Importer is not implemented yet.
23510 Fixed regression where symbol preview wasn't available in the Sim Model - General/Spice Subcircuit dialog, under the Port Map tab.
23799 Fixed bug where cross select mode wasn't working from the Navigator panel, if enabled through Preferences.
24322 Fixed regression where footprint models were missing from schematic library report files.
24827 Fixed bug where it was not possible to edit component properties when using the same schematic document across multiple opened projects.


17906 Added Height constraint to imported keepouts in IDF Importer.
22135 Smart Grid Insert now works properly with the List Panel.
22341 Properties Panel - Added support for formulas (for location and text values, regular calculations, action with current value) (BC:8861).
22837 Added support for snapping to the center of holes and center of edges in 3D models (BC:548).
23132 Improved Confirm dialog text and controls when deleting selected objects, and all of those objects are currently locked.
24218 Backdrilling improved, now supports defining a back drill pair between any layer-pair, and now recognizes connections made with polygon, region and fill objects (BC:8372).
24732 Updated the PCB 3D view so highlighted 3D models are rendered with suitable transparency and color.
25388 The right mouse Edit Layer command in View Configurations Panel now works correctly.
25113 Advanced Snapping options have been restored to the PCB Editor (Board Properties).
25438 The Pads transparency setting now works correctly and affects all pad objects.
25592 Improved performance of SCH > PCB synchronization (Update Schematic > PCB) when Project contains multiple variants.
15767 Fixed bug where the extended new primitive selection using the Tab key was not displayed for polygons.
16436 Fixed bug where gloss did not respect other objects on the PCB when there was a gloss differential pair with a preferred long gap.
17632 Fixed bug where retracing a differential pair with a big width and gap created hard violations.
17639 PCB Import - Fixed imported OrCAD pad diameters.
18924 Fixed issue where AD would hang during interactive diff pair routing, when the swap to opposite route point shortcut key (9) was pressed (BC:8630).
18988 Fixed regression where deleting a Net Class was not in the Undo buffer.
18994 Fixed regression where Pad Via Library editor was opening empty when accessing an existing PVLib
19546 Fixed bug in Properties panel where the library status for a pad that has been unlinked from its Pad Template wasn't being change to Local.
21186 Fixed regression where "Resize Polygon Pour" command was not working properly.
21574 Fixed bug in Multi-board Assembly document, where zooming in would be considerably 'jumpy'.
21577 Fixed access violation that would occur when manually routing after customizing the PCB:ManualRoute command.
21705 Fixed 3D display issue when viewing an Embedded Board Array from Top View in Orthographic projection.
22191 DRC no longer reports violations between different copper objects in a custom footprint pad, if that pad is not assigned to a net (BC:1779).
22373 Fixed regression where cursor hangs when moving mouse to select first Slice Track point.
22501 Fixed bug that caused the Properties panel Snap Point location to use the wrong coordinates.
22574 Fixed regression where it was not possible to remove Pad/Via dependency from a PVLib, when using the Unlink button in the Properties panel.
22635 Fixed bug where it was not possible to edit/copy/paste the value of a locked location through the Properties panel.
22902 Fixed regression where the previews of components in the Update from PCB Libraries dialog and Libraries panel were not behaving as expected.
22936 Fixed bug where software would hang when trying to move an accordion, and the Cross Select option was enabled.
23020 Fixed bug where the Shift+M shortcut for toggling the Board Insight Lens was being erroneously presented in the Heads Up display.
23028 Fixed bug where the PCB Heads Up display was floating over the top of an external application (even if the software was minimized).
23067 Fixed bug where X2.exe would stop working if a PCB document was closed while interactively routing.
23080 Fixed regression where software would freeze after exporting to IDF on a particular board.
23424 Fixed regression in PCB where changing the layer during a paused interactive process - through the Properties panel - would result in next placed objects being placed on the previous layer.
23479 Fixed regression where, while interactively routing and changing the track width on-the-fly, there was no alert if the width needed to be clipped back to within the min/max of the associated Width rule.
23532 Fixed regression where xSignals with Display Override option enabled, were not being hidden when switching mode of the PCB panel (to Nets, Components, etc).
23651 Fixed bug where 3D measurement lines were being drawn away from the actual measured points.
23677 Fixed regression where Alignment option was missing for the Layer Stack Table, when viewing properties through the Properties panel.
23681 Fixed bug with incorrect importing of component into a Multi-board Assembly document, when component consists of similar extruded bodies.
23768 Fixed regression where polygons were sometimes not updating when their Net Color was being changed and the Net Color Override was toggled On or Off .
23781 Fixed regression where the generated Gerber layer order between .EXTREP file and the CAMtastic panel were not synchronized.
23797 Fixed regression where, after changing shape/size for Top-Middle-Bottom and Full Stack pads and vias on some non-Top layer, the focus in the Properties panel jumps to the Top Layer.
23805 Fixed regression where extruded 3D bodies with zero overall height were being displayed in 3D (in DX10).
23837 Fixed bug where, after changing the Rotation Step for a PCB document with an Embedded Board Array, there would be an error: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'.
23899 Fixed bug where 3D Body Opacity could not be set for multiple selected components.
24068 Resolved issue where a PCB lib could not be saved if an interactive process was currently being performed.
24164 Fixed regression where the display of PCB Library Footprint names were truncated incorrectly (BC:8692).
24228 Fixed bug where project parameters were not updated in Special Strings until the string was selected on PcbDoc after changing parameter value.
24258 Fixed regression that caused error when generating Gerber files for layers that contain zero-size primitives.
24365 Fixed regression where the warning message 'A command is currently active and save cannot be completed' appeared after launching interactive Diff Pair Routing or the Length Tuning command, twice.
24399 Fixed bug where Paste Mask Expansion option was missing for Track and Arc primitives.
24784 Unconnected mid layer pads are now correctly removed during Gerber and ODB++ output generation (BC:8961).
25094 Fixed regression where the Solder Mask is missing from OutJob PCB 3D PDF prints when Entire Board From Below option is enabled.
25155 Fixed controls within the Pick and Place "Custom Filter" dialog (BC:9089).
25220 Fixed file loading error when PCB document contained dimension objects from previous version.
25240 Fixed regression where Gerber Batch import would produce an access violation (BC:9112).
25309 Fixed regression with PCB to SCH Cross Selection and selecting multiple objects.
25389 PCB Defaults are now saving the Via and Pad template settings.
25416 Fixed incorrect component standoff heights when exporting to STEP files and using multiple layer stacks.
25433 Fixed crash when running PCB Design Check in CAMtastic.
25439 Fixed regression where the Mask option was not being applied correctly in the PCB panel.
25462 Fixed regression where Snap points on 3D bodies were not visible (BC:9013).
25632 Fixed crash in Draftsman when setting the Layer Stack Table text height to 0.
25649 Fixed runtime errors and "unable to save file" errors after changing Via Template using the Properties Panel and closing the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor.
23539 Fixed issue where it was not possible to select more than one primitive on a PCBLIB, if a BomDoc was opened in a separate window and the Cross Selection setting was enabled.
25138 Fixed regression where it was not possible to delete locked objects if all selected objects were locked.
17293 Fixed bug where it was not possible to define via shapes/sizes on each layer during changing the via shielding stack from Simple to Full Stack or Top-Middle-Bottom.
18454 Fixed bug where the Size and Shape properties were not available to update when selected pads had a different stack mode.
21801 Fixed bug where "Change Units" command did not work for the 'Snap Distance', when the value from presets has been selected.
22397 Fixed bug where the Opacity slider disappeared when a group of 3D Models is selected, and did not reappear when selected for editing.
23317 Fixed regression where the new track Width wasn't immediately applied but required a cursor move after pausing PCB routing to enter a new width.
24268 Fixed regression where some fonts in the Font Family were not listed in the properties panel.
24276 Fixed layout of Arc properties in PCB Properties panel (BC:8693).
24363 Fixed bug that caused changes to be applied immediately when trying to find net by Net Name.
24617 Fixed regression where it was impossible to un-assign testpoints on net using either the Testpoint Manager or PCB List when both Top and Bottom Testpoints were assigned to a pad, and the pad was moved to top/bottom layer.
25434 Fixed bug in the Width slider behavior so that it may now be moved to Min, Preferred, Max positions even when the design rules have the same values (BC:8741).
23626 Improved layer name visibility in the Properties panel. Short layer names are now right-aligned.
23750 Added TrueType Font support to PCB output PDF files so text may be searched (BC:1482).
23789 Added ability to do STEP output without free models by adding 'Skip free 3D bodies' option to Export Options dialog (BC:1240).
22288 Multi-Board: Improved behaviour of object collision test after a plane-to-plane alignment. Implemented speed improvements.
25116 Added option in View Configuration panel for representation of labels with Special String names in PCB (BC:8832).
24548 Updated IDF 3.0++ Exporter to include objects with MultiLayer.
22090 Fixed regression where adding an Ibis model would result in X2.exe to stop working.
22216 Fixed regression that caused Ctrl+Q hotkey to function when focused on Interactive Properties panel (BC: 8841).
22896 Fixed regression where the units were not changed in Violation Details when changing units on PCB.
23039 Fixed bug where changing the 3D Body Opacity for a component, through the Properties panel, caused polygon rebuilding.
23061 New Graphic Engine - Fixed regression to restore the zoom level to the same depth as previously possible so that very fine grids may be displayed.
25469 IPC Footprint Wizard now supports step model preview and generation.
23089 Expedition importer now detects plane layers that contain routes, these are now imported as signal layers.
23782 Fixed bug where summary DRC information in CAMtastic was not presented correctly.
23818 Fixed bug where the default rule, rather than the applicable rule, was being displayed in the Properties panel when performing interactive Diff Pair Routing.
23853 Fixed bug where a corrupted 3D body would result, if trying to create an extruded 3D body using Line 90/90 Horizontal Start with Arc (Radius: 100mil).
24474 Fixed regression where switching the View to Print in the PCB 3D Print Settings for a project created from templates after generation produces a PCB without solder mask and copper in the generated PDF.
24492 Fixed bug where analyzing nets for designs containing FromTos took a long period of time.
24513 Fixed regression where the Line Constraints dialog could not be accessed via the Tab key when slicing a Polygon Pour.
18799 Updated Polygon Pour options layout in Properties panel.
23507 Added support for the new UI theme to the IPC Compliant Footprint Wizard.
If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

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