主页面: 与原理图相关的更多信息

Altium Designer的“连接细节”功能(“设计细节”功能的一部分)能够提供项目内连接关系的即时视图。可选择元素将以带有可选原理图预览的文档树的形式显示,以方便用户快速直观地浏览项目连接结构。
- 光标悬停在原理图连接对象(导线、端口等)上时,显示相关网络连接信息
- 在对象上使用ALT+双击时,显示基于树的连接预览图。


网络标识符 |
功能 |
Bus |
用于捆绑一组网络(例如,Data[0..7])。网络必须使用特定命名方案按顺序命名(例如,Data0、Data1、……Data7)。该命名方案将决定“总线”名称(例如,Data[0..7])。 |
Bus Entry |
图形器件,用于支持在不在两个网络之间造成短接的情况下从总线两侧复制不同网络。其他情况下不需要使用。 |
OffSheet Connector |
用于将网络从一张原理图图纸连接到另一张图纸(不在同一图纸内)。仅支持横向连接(平行式设计)。与“端口”相比,“跨页连接器”的功能相对有限。 |
Net Label |
一个网络标识符,用于创建与同一原理图图纸上的其他同名“网络标签”的连接。网络由“网络标签”自动命名。“网络标签”可以放置在元件引脚、导线和总线上。请注意,除非将项目选项配置为使用“全局网络标识符范围”,否则“网络标签”不会跨页连接。 |
Pin |
引脚放置在原理图符号编辑器中,以表示元件上的物理引脚。引脚仅有一端带电,该带电端有时被称为引脚的热端。 |
Port |
用于将网络从一张原理图图纸连接到另一张图纸。在层次式设计中,连接为纵向互连;在平行式设计中,连接为横向互连(垂直和水平设计的解释见下文)。如果在“项目选项”对话框的“选项”选项卡中启用了“允许端口命名网络”选项,则“端口”名称将被用于进行网络命名。遇此情形,原理图上的“端口”也将连接。 |
Power Port |
无论使用何种设计结构,均可以在原理图项目中创建与所有其他同名电源端口的连接。网络由“电源端口”自动命名。如有需要,可以将该网络本地化到特定的原理图。 |
Sheet Entry |
放置在“图表符”内,以创建与该“图表符”子图纸上同名“端口”的连接。如果在“项目选项”对话框的“选项”选项卡中启用了“允许图纸入口命名网络”选项,则“图纸入口”将用作网络名称。 |
Signal Harness |
用于捆绑网络、总线和低层次信号线束的任意组合。 |
Wire |
一种多段线电气设计基元,用于在原理图上的点之间形成电气连接。“导线”类似于物理电线。 |
Net Label

Net labels identify and electrically connect different points in a schematic.
Electrical connectivity between schematic component pins can be created by placing a wire between those pins. This is called physical connectivity since the pins are physically connected with a wire. Connectivity also can be created logically by using suitable net identifiers, such as net labels. As well as providing a human-friendly identifier for a net, a net label allows you to connect points on a circuit without actually physically wiring them together.
Net labels are available for placement in the Schematic Editor only in the following ways:
- Choose Place » Net Label from the main menus.
- Click the Net Label button (
) in the graphic objects drop-down on the Active Bar located at the top of the design space. (Click and hold an Active Bar button to access other related commands. Once a command has been used, it will become the top-most item on that section of the Active Bar.)
- Right-click in the design space then choose Place » Net Label from the context menu.
- Click the
button on the Wiring toolbar.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a cross-hair and you will enter net label placement mode with a net label floating on the cursor:
- Press Tab to open the Net Label mode of the Properties panel with the Net Name field selected and ready for editing; enter the new net name.
- Position the net label so that its bottom-left corner touches the object to which you want to assign it then click or press Enter to place the net label.
- Continue placing further net labels, or right-click or press Esc to exit placement mode.
Additional actions that can be performed during placement while the net label is still floating on the cursor and before the center point of the net label is anchored are:
- Press the Tab key to pause the placement and access the Net Label mode of the Properties panel in which its properties can be changed on the fly. Click the design space pause button overlay (
) to resume placement.
- Press the X or Y keys to flip the net label along the X-axis or Y-axis.
- Press the Spacebar to rotate the net label counterclockwise or Shift+Spacebar for clockwise rotation. Rotation is in increments of 90°.
Considerations during placement:
- The electrical hotspot on a net label is the lower left corner, therefore, this corner must touch the wire, bus, or signal harness for a valid connection to be made.
- If the Net property of the net label is entered before it is placed and the value entered has a numeric ending, each subsequent net label will auto-increment this numeric value. This behavior is configured in the Auto-Increment During Placement options on the Schematic – General page of the Preferences dialog. For net labels, only the Primary field applies; the Secondary field applies when the object has multiple fields, such as a Pin.
Graphical Editing
The net label can be edited graphically using what is known as in-place editing. To edit a net label string in place, click once to select, pause then click a second time to enter edit mode.
Click once to select the string.
Pause, then click a second time to enter in-place edit mode.
The string has been selected, ready to type in a replacement string. The Net Label can be edited in-place.
Once editing is complete, press Enter or click away from the string to exit in-place editing mode.
This feature is available only if the
Enable In-Place Editing option is enabled on the
Schematic – General page of the
Preferences dialog.
- Net labels create logical connectivity within a single schematic sheet; they do not create connectivity between schematic sheets. To do this, Ports must be used.
- To negate (include a bar over the top of) a net label, use one of the following methods:
- Include a backslash character after each character in the net name (e.g., E\N\A\B\L\E).
- Enable the Single '\' Negation option on the Schematic - Graphical Editing page of the Preferences dialog, then include one backslash character at the start of the net name (e.g., \ENABLE).
- When individual nets form a bus, there are specific requirements as to how they are named. For more information, refer to the Bus page.
- Net identifiers of different types do not automatically connect to one another even if they share the same name. For example, a net label named AGND will not automatically connect to a power port named AGND; a wire must be placed to connect them.
Net Label Properties

- (X/Y)
- X (first field) - the current X (horizontal) coordinate of the reference point of the object, relative to the current design space origin. Edit to change the X position of the object. The value can be entered in either metric or imperial; include the units when entering a value whose units are not the current default.
- Y (second field) - the current Y (vertical) coordinate of the reference point of the object, relative to the current origin. Edit to change the Y position of the object. The value can be entered in either metric or imperial; include the units when entering a value whose units are not the current default.
- Rotation - use the drop-down to select the rotation.
- Net Name - use the drop-down to select the net name or enter the name directly.
- Font - use the controls to select the desired font, font size, color, and attributes to bold, italicize, etc., if desired.
- Justification - select the justification by clicking on an arrow that corresponds with the desired justification, or the circle to center.
Off Sheet Connector

Off Sheet Connectors are used to create connections between schematic sheets.
An off sheet connector is an electrical design primitive. Off sheet connectors are used to connect nets across multiple schematic sheets that are descended from the same parent sheet symbol.
Off sheet connectors are available for placement in the Schematic Editor only in the following ways:
- Choose Place » Off Sheet Connector from the main menus.
- Right-click in the design space then choose Place » Off Sheet Connector from the context menu.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a cross-hair and you will enter off sheet connector placement mode with an off sheet connector floating on the cursor:
- Press Tab to open the Off Sheet Connector mode of the Properties panel with the Net Name selected and ready for editing; enter the new net name.
- Position the off sheet connector so that its electrical hotspot (the end held by the cursor) touches the wire to which you want to connect then click or press Enter to effect placement.
- Continue placing further off sheet connectors or right-click or press Esc to exit placement mode.
Additional actions that can be performed during placement while the off sheet connector is still floating on the cursor are:
- Press the Tab key to pause the placement and access the Off Sheet Connector mode of the Properties panel in which its properties can be changed on-the-fly. Click the workspace pause button overlay (
) to resume placement.
- Press the X or Y keys to flip the off sheet connector along the X-axis or Y-axis.
- Press the Spacebar to rotate the off sheet connector counterclockwise or Shift+Spacebar for clockwise rotation. Rotation is in increments of 90°.
If the Net property of the off sheet connector is entered before it is placed and the value entered has a numeric ending, each subsequent off sheet connector will auto-increment this numeric value. This behavior is configured in the Auto-Increment During Placement options on the Schematic – General page of the Preferences dialog. For off sheet connectors, only the Primary field applies; the Secondary field applies when the object has multiple fields, such as a Pin.
Note that the Cross Reference feature identifies the locations of interconnected Ports and positional grid references for interconnected off sheet connectors. For both types of schematic connection objects, the existing Reports » Port Cross Reference » Add To Project command adds a cross-reference parameter based on the target sheet name and a positional grid reference.
Graphical Editing
The off sheet connector can be edited graphically using what is known as in-place editing. To edit an off sheet connector string in-place, click once to select, pause, then click a second time to enter edit mode.
Click once to select the string.
Pause, then click a second time to enter in-place edit mode.
The string has been selected, ready to type in a replacement string.
The Off Sheet Connector can be edited in-place.
Once editing is complete, press Enter or click away from the string to exit in-place editing mode.
This feature is available only if the
Enable In-Place Editing option is enabled on the
Schematic – General page of the
Preferences dialog.
Off sheet connectors do not have independent font properties; they use the Document Font properties (also referred to as the System Font) of the schematic sheet on which they are placed. Double-click in the sheet border to edit the Document Options in the Properties panel including the font.
Off Sheet Connector Properties

- (X/Y)
- X (first field) - the current X (horizontal) coordinate of the reference point of the object, relative to the current workspace origin. Edit to change the X position of the object. The value can be entered in either metric or imperial; include the units when entering a value whose units are not the current default.
- Y (second field) - The current Y (vertical) coordinate of the reference point of the object, relative to the current origin. Edit to change the Y position of the object. The value can be entered in either metric or imperial; include the units when entering a value whose units are not the current default.
- Rotation - use the drop-down to select the rotation. Choices are: 0 Degrees, 90 Degrees, 180 Degrees, and 270 Degrees.
- Net Name - enter the net name.
- Cross Ref - this field displays cross reference values that are applied to the offsheet connector.
- Style - use the drop-down to select the default from the available choices: Left or Right. Click on the color box to access a drop-down from which you can select the default color.
General (Net)
Displays the properties of the nets assigned to the off sheet connector. Update as needed.
The Power Net and High Speed fields become available after a directive has been added to the object.
Parameters (Net)
- Selection buttons - click the desired objects to display in the grid.
- Add - use the drop-down to add the desired object(s) then define the values.
The Add button becomes available after a directive has been added to the object.
If the Net property of the off sheet connector is entered before it is placed and the value entered has a numeric ending, each subsequent off sheet connector will auto-increment this numeric value. This behavior is configured in the
Auto-Increment During Placement options on the
Schematic – General page of the
Preferences dialog. For off sheet connectors, only the
Primary field applies; the
Secondary field applies when the object has multiple fields, such as a Pin.
Note that the
Cross Reference feature identifies the locations of interconnected
Ports and positional grid references for interconnected off sheet connectors. For both types of schematic connection objects, the existing
Reports » Port Cross Reference » Add To Project command adds a cross-reference parameter based on the target sheet name and a positional grid reference.
Power Port
A placed Power Port
A power port is an electrical design primitive. It is a special schematic object used to define a power or ground net. Power ports allow you to conveniently indicate a power net at any location in the design, which can then be connected to pins or wires. Power nets of the same name automatically connect throughout the design, except in the following two situations:
- If a Power Port is specifically wired to a Port object, then that power net becomes local to that sheet - net connections beyond the sheet must then be defined by the wiring of the Port/Sheet Entry combination.
- If the Net Identifier Scope is set to
Strict Hierarchical
. This sets all power nets to be local within each sheet. Refer to the Options tab of the Project Options dialog to learn more.
Power ports are available for placement in the Schematic Editor in the following ways:
- Click Place » Power Port from the main menus.
- Click the
button on the Wiring toolbar to place a bar-style power port, pre-assigned to the VCC
- Click the
button on the Wiring toolbar to place a power ground style power port pre-assigned to the GND
- Click the Harness Entry button (
) in the graphic objects drop-down on the Active Bar located at the top of the design space. Click and hold an Active Bar button to access other related commands. Once a command has been used, it will become the top-most item on that section of the Active Bar.
- Click the
button on the Utilities toolbar to access a drop-down providing an array of power port commands, including the various styles and several net-pre-assigned power ports.
- Right-click in the design space then choose Place » Power Port from the context menu.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a cross-hair and you will enter power port placement mode. A power port symbol will appear floating on the cursor.
- Position the object then click or press Enter to effect placement.
- Continue placing further power ports or right-click or press Esc to exit placement mode.
Additional actions that can be performed during placement while the power port is still floating on the cursor are:
- Press the Tab key to pause the placement and access the Power Port mode of the Properties panel from where its properties can be changed on the fly. Click the design space pause button overlay (
) to resume placement.
- Press the Alt key to constrain the direction of movement to the horizontal or vertical axis depending on the initial direction of movement.
- Press the Spacebar to rotate the power port counterclockwise or Shift+Spacebar for clockwise rotation. Rotation is in increments of 90°.
- Press the X or Y keys to mirror the power port along the X-axis or Y-axis.
Graphical Editing
This method of editing allows you to select a placed power port object directly in the design space then change its location graphically. Power ports are fixed with respect to their size and shape. As such, editing handles are not available when the power port object is selected:
A selected Power Port
- Click anywhere inside the dashed box then drag to reposition the power port as required. While dragging, the power port can be rotated (Spacebar/Shift+Spacebar) or mirrored (X or Y keys to flip along the X-axis or Y-axis).
- The assigned net for a power port object can be edited in place by:
- Single-clicking the power port to select it.
- Single-clicking again (or pressing Enter) to enter the in-place editing mode. Sufficient time between each click should be given to ensure that the software does not interpret the two single-clicks as one double-click (which would open the Properties panel).
- To finish editing in-place text, press Enter or use the mouse to click away from the power port.
This feature is available only if the
Enable In-Place Editing option is enabled on the
Schematic – General page of the
Preferences dialog.
Power Port Styles
The following graphical styles of power port are available and can be set by editing the object's Style property in the Properties panel.
The graphical symbol selected for a power port does not determine the net to which it is assigned. The net name must be explicitly set.





GOST Arrow


GOST Earth

GOST Power Ground

Power Ground

Signal Ground

The GOST-related styles allow you to comply with the regional standards (GOST) maintained by the Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC). These standards are adhered to by designers throughout the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
To negate a power port (include a bar over the top of its name), use one of the following methods:
- Include a backslash character after each character in the net name (e.g.,
- Enable the Single '\' Negation option on the Schematic - Graphical Editing page of the Preferences dialog, then include one backslash character at the start of the net name (e.g.,
Power Port Properties
- (X/Y)
- X (first field) - the current X (horizontal) coordinate of the reference point of the object, relative to the current design space origin. Edit to change the X position of the object. The value can be entered in either metric or imperial; include the units when entering a value whose units are not the current default.
- Y (second field) - The current Y (vertical) coordinate of the reference point of the object, relative to the current origin. Edit to change the Y position of the object. The value can be entered in either metric or imperial; include the units when entering a value whose units are not the current default.
- Rotation - use the drop-down to select the rotation.
- Name - the name of the power port. Use the eye icon to show/hide the name.
- Style - use the drop-down to select the style of the power object. The preview image updates according to your choice. Click the color box to choose the color.
- Font - use the controls to select the desired font, font size, color, and attributes to bold, italicize, etc., if desired.
General (Net)
Displays the properties of the nets assigned to the power port. Update as needed.
The Power Net and High Speed fields become available after a directive has been added to the object.
Parameters (Net)
- Selection buttons - click the desired objects to display in the grid.
- Add - use the drop-down to add the desired object(s) then define the values.
The Add button becomes available after a directive has been added to the object.
Wires are used to create electrical connectivity in a schematic.
A wire is a polyline electrical design primitive that is used to form electrical connections between points on a schematic. It is analogous to a physical wire.
Wires are available for placement in the Schematic Editor only in the following ways:
- Choose Place » Wire from the main menus.
- Click the Wire button (
) in the drop-down on the Active Bar located at the top of the design space. (Click and hold an Active Bar button to access other related commands. Once a command has been used, it will become the topmost item on that section of the Active Bar).
- Click the
button on the Wiring toolbar.
- Right-click in the design space then choose the Place » Wire command from the context menu.
- Using the Ctrl+W shortcut.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a cross-hair and you will enter wire placement mode. Placement is made by performing the following sequence of actions:
- Click or press Enter to anchor the starting point for the wire.
- Position the cursor then click or press Enter to anchor a series of vertex points that define the shape of the wire.
- After placing the final vertex point, right-click or press Esc to complete placement of the wire.
- Continue placing further wire objects or right-click or press Esc to exit placement mode.
- Use the Backspace or Delete keys to remove the last wire segment placed.
Placement Modes
When placing a wire, there are three 'manual' placement modes, two of which have Start and End sub-modes. The mode specifies how corners are created when placing wires and the angles at which wires can be placed. During placement:
- Press Shift+Spacebar to cycle through the modes.
- While in the 90 Degree or 45 Degree mode (known as true orthogonal modes), press Spacebar to cycle between the Start and End sub-modes.
- During placement, the current placement mode is displayed in the Status bar. You can change modes at any time during wire placement.
- In modes other than Any Angle, the line segment attached to the cursor is a look-ahead segment. The segment you are actually placing precedes this look-ahead segment.
45 degree mode
90 degree mode
Any angle mode
Auto Wire mode
There is also an
Auto Wire mode that can be used to route quickly from the previous segment end to the point where the cursor is clicked using the
Point to Point Router. The path of the route will be the most efficient possible while avoiding existing placed objects on the sheet. When placing a wire, press
Shift+Space to rotate through placement modes. After entering the
Auto Wire placement mode, press
Tab. Pressing
Tab while in this mode to configure applicable options in the
Point to Point Router Options dialog.
Guided Wiring
Schematics have a definable electrical grid that makes it easy to define electrical connections between objects. As you are placing a wire, when the wire falls within the electrical grid range of another electrical object, the cursor will snap to the fixed object and a Hot Spot (blue cross) will appear.

The Hot Spot guides you to where a valid connection can be made and automatically snaps the cursor to electrical connection points.
The electrical grid can be defined on the General tab of the Properties panel in Document Options mode. It is recommended that you set the electrical grid to be slightly smaller than the current snap grid or it can become difficult to position electrical objects one snap grid apart.
Graphical Editing
This method of editing allows you to select a placed wire object directly in the design space and change its size and/or shape graphically.
When a wire object is selected, the following editing handles are available.
A selected Wire ready for graphical editing.
- Click and drag A to reposition the end points of the wire.
- Click and drag B to move a wire vertex. The end points will remain anchored.
- Click and drag on a wire segment to grab that segment and reposition it. The end points and other vertices will remain anchored.
- Right-click on a vertex point then choose the Edit Wire Vertex n command to access the Vertices tab of the Wire dialog with the entry for the
vertex selected ready for editing.
- Click and hold on a vertex then press Delete on the keyboard to remove that vertex.
To move an entire wire, click and hold on the un-selected wire then move to the new location.
Information About Dragging
- While dragging, hotspots are used to provide a visual indication of where auto-junctions are going to be created.
- Unnecessary/redundant auto-junctions are removed after dragging has ceased.
Indication of New Auto-Junction Creation
Depending on the affected wiring, performing a drag operation may result in the creation of auto-junctions at new locations. To provide visual feedback on where these new junction instances will be, hotspots are used. Enable the use of these hotspots and their color for wires and buses in the Auto-Junctions region on the Schematic - Compiler page of the Preferences dialog.
Selecting and Removing
With the wire selected, click on a segment to individually select that segment. This wire 'sub-selection' is distinguished by the associated editing handles becoming red in color.
Individual segment sub-selection.
The associated vertices for the segment can then be edited directly using the SCH List panel with any changes appearing immediately on the schematic.
You also can perform removal of selected wire segments with the tap of the Delete key. You can delete multiple segments across different wires - ensure that each is selected (Shift+Click twice on each subsequent segment to include it in the overall segment selection). Auto-junctions are also accounted for - allowing you to remove a segment of a wire up to that junction only (and including that junction if only two other wire segments would otherwise remain connected to it).
Considering a T-junction, which is formed by three wire segments and a junction - removal of one wire segment will result in the removal of the junction. The remaining two wire segments will be merged to form a single segment.
A wire segment also can be removed through the use of the Break Wire feature (Edit » Break Wire), by first setting the Cutting Length option to Snap To Segment.on the Schematic - Break Wire page of the Preferences dialog.
► See the Break Wire command for more information on the Break Wire feature.
A T-junction in a wire is automatically connected by a junction (Compiler-Generated Junction). If the Break Wires At Autojunctions option is enabled on the Schematic - General page of the Preferences dialog, an existing wire segment will be broken into two at the point where an autojunction is inserted. For example, when making a T-Junction, the perpendicular wire segment will be broken into two segments, one on each side of the junction. With the Break Wires At Autojunctions option disabled, the wire segment will remain unbroken at the junction.
Wire Properties

General (Net)
Displays the properties of the nets assigned to the wire. Update as needed.
The Power Net and High Speed fields become available after a directive has been added to the object.
- Width - use the drop-down to select the desired width. Click the color box to select the desired color for the object.
- Vertices Grid - lists all of the vertex points currently defined for the object in terms of:
- Index - the assigned index of the vertex (non-editable).
- X - the X (horizontal) coordinate for the vertex. Click to edit.
- Y - the Y (vertical) coordinate for the vertex. Click to edit.
- Add - click to add a new vertex point. The new vertex will be added below the currently focused vertex entry and will initially have the same X,Y coordinates as the focused entry. Click
to remove the currently selected vertex.
Parameters (Net)
- Selection buttons - click the desired objects to display in the grid.
- Add - use the drop-down to add the desired object(s) then define the values.
The Add button becomes available after a directive has been added to the object.
Compiler Generated Junction

The schematic compiler automatically adds junctions at each T-junction to complete the electrical connection.
A junction is an electrical design primitive. It is a small circular object used to join intersecting wires (or buses, or signal harnesses) on a schematic sheet. A Compiler generated junction is a junction that is automatically placed by the Auto-junctioning feature when two wires/buses/signal harnesses are connected in a T-type fashion, or when a wire/bus/signal harness connects orthogonally to a pin, power port or other electrical object.
This type of junction is placed automatically by the Schematic Editor's Auto-junctioning feature. As such, it is not a design object that can be accessed and placed by the user.
Compiler-generated junctions are placed automatically whenever a T-junction occurs during wiring, such as 2 wires/buses/signal harnesses meeting in a T, or a wire/bus/signal harness orthogonally crossing the end of a component pin or another electrical object, such as a Power Port.
If the Break Wires At Autojunctions option is enabled, on the Schematic - General page of the Preferences dialog, an existing wire/bus/signal harness segment will be broken into two at the point where an autojunction is inserted. For example, when making a T-Junction, the perpendicular wire/bus/signal harness segment will be broken into two segments, one each side of the junction. With this option disabled, the wire/bus/signal harness segment will remain unbroken at the junction.
A Compiler generated junction cannot be edited in the usual manner (via a dialog or graphically on the schematic sheet). The display properties of compiler generated junctions are configured on the Schematic - Compiler page of the Preferences dialog, as shown in the image below. Note that disabling the display of compiler generated junctions does not break the electrical connection at that junction point.
Configure the display options for compiler generated junctions (auto-junctions) in the Preferences dialog.
Indication of New Auto-Junction Creation
Depending on the affected wiring, performing a drag operation may result in the creation of auto-junctions at new locations. To provide visual feedback on where these new juntion instances will be, hotspots are used. Enable the use of these hotspots, and specify their color - for wires and buses - also as part of your preferences.
Control the display of predicted auto-junctioning during drag operations.

Example showing predicted new auto-junctions resulting from a drag operation.
Visual Indication of Connectivity Change
While dragging a component, it is possible to inadvertently drag a little to far, or off-course, resulting in an unintended auto-junction, and a potentially fatal change to the connectivity of a circuit. To provide a timely and graphical indication of the status of connectivity while performing a drag, a couple of icons are used:
- OK - the drag operation is not altering the connectivity of the circuit.
- Alert - the drag operation is causing a change to the connectivity of the circuit.
The applicable icon is displayed near to the cursor as you drag.
This feature requires the Display When Dragging option to be enabled in the Auto-Junctions region on the Schematic - Compiler page of the Preferences dialog.
The benefit of having the alert symbol displayed near the cursor, rather than at the point of connectivity change, is that you get a visual warning for a change that may well be occuring in an area of the circuit beyond the currently viewable area of the workspace.

Providing a visual warning that a drag operation will result in a change to connectivity.




- 第一个优点是层次式设计能够按照原理图图纸的结构,以逻辑块(“图表符”)的呈现方式向读者展示设计的功能。顶层原理图将以一组高级功能块的形式呈现设计。这些功能块的排列则反映了它们在传统走向的整体电路中的位置(从左到右、从输入到输出)。这些功能块还可以进一步分解为更小的功能块。如有需要,允许搭载元件的最低层次原理图使用相对简单的结构并放置较少数量的元件。由于每张图纸均比较简单,因此图纸可以维持较小尺寸,而这在印制原理图时是一个巨大优势。
- 另一个主要优点是,由于读者只需要将主图纸上的“图纸入口”与子图纸上的“端口”进行匹配,因此他们可以更容易地在层次式设计中跟踪信号,并且可以沿着每张图纸中的导线跟踪信号。

左侧是引用相同子图纸的四个“图表符” (PortIO.SchDoc);右侧是通过“重复”关键字重复八次InputChannel.SchDoc。


- 如果顶层图纸上有图纸入口,则使用“层次”选项。
- 如果没有图纸入口但存在端口,则使用“平行”选项。
- 如果没有图纸入口和端口,则使用“全局”选项。


- 在层次结构中更改不同层次网络的名称,以更好地体现其在该图纸上的功能。
- 重复使用子原理图,而无需重命名其上的网络。
- 在“项目选项”对话框的“错误报告”选项卡上更改“网络有多个名称”错误检查的设置;或
- 通过在每条警告上放置一个“无ERC”标记,然后在“属性”面板的“无ERC”模式上选择“特定违规”以定义需要抑制的错误的方式,抑制特定警告。请注意,不能通过右键单击“消息”面板中列出的警告或右键单击原理图图纸上标记违规的彩色波浪线放置“无ERC”标记。选中“无ERC”标记后,用户可以在“属性”面板中更改其形状和颜色。
- 如果“电源端口名称优先”选项关闭,则顺序为“网络标签”、“电源端口”、“端口”和“引脚”。
- 如果“电源端口名称优先”选项打开,则顺序为“电源端口”、“网络标签”、“端口”和“引脚”。



- 创建“网络连接”符号和封装时,有两种“网络连接元件类型”模式可供选择:一种将“网络连接”纳入BOM中(例如,“网络连接”是短路跳线);另一种将其从BOM中排除(例如,“网络连接”只是一段铜线)——选择所需的“元件类型”。
- 在电路板上为“网络连接”布线时,可以选择任何一种布线模式以避开“网络连接”焊盘布线。如需布线至“网络连接”焊盘内,则您必须切换到“忽略障碍布线”模式。
► “网络连接元件”布线演示。



相关文章: 验证您的设计项目
在Altium Designer 20.0之前的软件版本中,用户必须手动编译项目以构建“统一数据模型”。自Altium Designer 20.0起,软件会在每次用户操作后通过动态编译对设计数据模型进行增量更新(即,创建所谓的“动态数据模型”(DDM))。在动态编译中,项目将自动完成编译,用户全程无需进行任何手动操作。通过动态编译,设计连接模型将在每次用户操作后得到增量更新。对于设计项目,自动编译过程将执行三个功能:
In versions of the software prior to Altium NEXUS 3.0, the project had to be manually compiled to build the Unified Data Model. Since then, the design data model is incrementally updated after each user operation through dynamic compilation - creating what is referred to as the Dynamic Data Model (DDM). There is no manual compilation of the project involved, it is all done automatically. The design connectivity model is incrementally updated after each user operation, courtesy of dynamic compilation. For a design project, the automatic compilation process performs three functions:
- 实例化设计层次结构。
- 在所有设计图纸之间建立网络连接。
- 构建设计的内部“统一数据模型”(UDM)。
A fundamental element of the software is the Unified Data Model (UDM). Data within the model can be accessed and manipulated by the various editors and services within the software including the schematic and the PCB. Rather than using a separate data store for each of the various design domains, the UDM is structured to accommodate all information from all aspects of the design, including the components and their connectivity. This single, cohesive model that sits central to the design process is created as a result of dynamic design compilation. It means that the Unified Data Model is available from the moment a project is opened and should not require additional manual compilation – a true Dynamic Data Model (DDM). Therefore, the model is incrementally updated (compiled) after each user operation. You can freely place, wire, rearrange, rename, add, and delete content from your schematic design.
The PCB design compilation process is managed by code outside of the schematic and PCB editors. There are a number of advantages to this approach, with the biggest being that the Unified Data Model of the design sits outside of the individual schematic and PCB editors. The UDM includes detailed descriptions of every component in the design and how they connect to each other.

The software manages the connective data across the schematic and the PCB.
The following locations and operations do not require any additional manual actions in terms of design compilation as compilation is dynamic:
- Navigator and Projects panel
- ActiveBOM
- Performing ECO
- Cross-probing
- Net color highlighting
- Pin swapping
- Component cross reference
To automatically refresh the project view and
Navigator panel after dynamic compilation, enable the
option in the
Advanced Settings dialog (accessed by clicking
Advanced on the
System – General page of the
Preferences dialog.
So how do you interact with the Unified Data Model, for example, to trace a net through the design? You do that through the Navigator panel.
- 通过单击面板顶部的
- 在面板区域“文档”中设置浏览范围。如需浏览整个设计,请选择“扁平层次结构”。
- 单击列表“实例”部分中的元件,以跳转到该元件。
- 单击“网络”/“总线”部分中的网络或总线,以跳转到该网络或总线。
- 单击时,按住Alt键可跳转到原理图和PCB上的该对象。

- 在“高亮显示方法”中启用“选择”选项,并在“优选设置”对话框的“系统—导航”页面的“交叉选择模式”中启用您的首选选项。
- 在原理图和PCB编辑器中启用“交叉选择”(“工具»交叉选择模式”)。


- 使用标准Windows多选技巧(Shift +单击或 Ctrl+单击)选择多个网络类或多个单个网络。
- 右键单击选中对象并从上下文菜单中选择“更改网络颜色”命令,为选中网络分配新的颜色。
- 再次右键单击并选择“显示覆盖»选中项打开” Display Override » Selected On,以为选中网络启用颜色覆盖功能。
