Sch_Dlg-ChangeNoErcTargetedNo ERC_AD
Created: 7月 26, 2017 | Updated: 6月 02, 2021
| Applies to versions: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4 and 5
The No Erc dialog showing Violation Types mode (first image) and Connection Matrix mode (second image)
Summary Copy Link Copied
The No ERC dialog is used to suppress the desired violation types and/or connection errors.
Access Copy Link Copied
The dialog is accessed from the schematic editor by performing the following steps:
- Select a placed No ERC object in the workspace to open the Properties panel in No ERC mode.
- Under the Suppressed Violations region of the Properties panel, click Specific Violations.
Options/Controls Copy Link Copied
- Top statement - This statement allows you to quickly see how many violation types and connection errors are currently suppressed. The statement is updated as you make changes in the dialog.
- Show - select either Violation Types or Connection Matrix to view and configure the respective No ERC directive.
Violation Types
This mode allows you to suppress or unsuppress violation types.
- Violation Type To Suppress - displays a list of the violation types available to configure.
- Report Mode - displays the current report mode for the listed violation type.
- Suppress - check the box to suppress the associated violation type; uncheck to unsuppress.
Right-click Menu
- Suppress only "[xxx]" - use to suppress only those violations types listed within the quotes.
- Unsuppress only "[xxx]" - use to unsuppress only those violations types listed within the quotes.
- Suppress All "[xxx]" - use to suppress all violations types of the object listed within the quotes.
- Unsuppress All "[xxx]" - use to unsuppress all violations types of the object listed within the quotes.
- Suppress All - use to suppress all listed violation types regardless of the object or cursor placement.
- Unsuppress All - use to unsuppress all listed violation types regardless of the object or cursor placement.
- Toggle All - use to toggle the Suppress checkbox of all violation types.
Connection Matrix
This mode allows you to suppress or unsuppress connection errors.
- Grid - use the checkboxes in the grid to suppress (checked) or unsuppress (unchecked) the desired connection errors.
Right-click Menu
- Suppress only "[xxx]" - use to suppress only those connection errors listed within the quotes.
- Unsuppress only "[xxx]" - use to unsuppress only those connection errors listed within the quotes.
- Suppress All "[xxx]" - use to suppress all connection errors within the quotes. There are two of these commands, one for each part of the connection.
- Unsuppress All "[xxx]" - use to unsuppress all connection errors within the quotes. There are two of these commands, one for each part of the connection.
- Suppress All - use to suppress all connection errors in the grid.
- Unsuppress All - use to unsuppress all connection errors in the grid.
- Toggle All - use to toggle the checkbox of all connection errors. Checked boxes will be unchecked; unchecked boxes will be checked.