WorkspaceManager_Dlg-LineNumberingLine Numbering_AD
This document is no longer available beyond version 22. Information can now be found here: Line Number Column for version 25
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Three variations of the Line numbering dialog
Summary Copy Link Copied
The Line numbering dialog is used to select the action required when numbering the Line# column in an ActiveBOM document (*BomDoc).
Access Copy Link Copied
The dialog is accessed from an ActiveBOM document (*BomDoc) by clicking the button.
Options/Controls Copy Link Copied
Set Line Numbers Variation
- Set Line numbers for selected rows - click to use the existing numbers as references and continuously number the SELECTED empty cells, starting with the nearest non-empty cells above.
- Set Line numbers for all rows - click to use the existing numbers as references and continuously number ALL empty cells, starting with the nearest non-empty cells above.
Continue Numbering Variation
Continue numbering - click to use the existing numbers as references and continuously number empty cells starting from the nearest non-empty cells above.
Renumber all - click to delete all existing numbers and renumber all rows.
Renumber All Variation
- Renumber all - click to delete all existing numbers and renumber all rows.