Applied Parameters: Tab = LayerStack|ShowInBoardPlanner=1
This command is used to access the Layer Stack Manager dialog, in which to configure and fully define the Layer Stack(s) for the board design. A new PCB has a default layer stack - Board Layer Stack - that comprises all of the layers that are used in the overall PCB design. A variety of types of layer can be included in the layer stack: including copper, dielectric, surface finish and mask layers. Each layer must be completely specified in terms of its material and mechanical requirements, including: the material used, the thickness, the dielectric constant, and so on.
In addition, and to support Rigid-Flex design, the dialog facilitates the definition of multiple layer stacks, that can be fashioned to include different layer content, and can ultimately be associated to different regions (rigid and flex) of the board.
This command can be accessed from both PCB and PCB Library Editors:
- PCB Editor - the following methods of access are available:
- Choose the Design » Layer Stack Manager command from the main menus.
- Right-click in the design workspace (over an object or not) and choose the Options » Layer Stack Manager command from the context menu.
- Use the O keyboard shortcut, then choose the Layer Stack Manager entry on the subsequent pop-up menu.
- PCB Library Editor - the following method of access is available:
- Choose the Tools » Layer Stack Manager command from the main menus.
- Right-click in the design workspace (in free space) and choose the Options » Layer Stack Manager command from the context menu.
- Use the O keyboard shortcut, then choose the Layer Stack Manager entry on the subsequent pop-up menu.
After launching the command, the Layer Stack Manager dialog will appear. For a new board, its single default stack comprises: a dielectric core, 2 copper layers, as well as the top and bottom solder/coverlay and overlay layers.
The dialog has two modes. In its Simple mode, the dialog provides the features and functionality needed to manage the layers in the stack for a traditional rigid PCB. For rigid-flex PCBs, you need to be able to create and manage multiple stacks. This is performed by entering the dialog's Advanced mode - by clicking the Advanced button at the bottom-left of the dialog. In this latter mode, the dialog is visually and functionally divided into two key regions:
- Stack region (the lower region) – providing controls to add, delete and re-order layer stacks.
- Layer region (the upper region) – providing controls to manage the layers available to the defined stacks (add, remove, enable/disable, and re-order layers, as well as defining layer properties).
The stack currently selected in the lower region of the dialog has its name highlighted with a grey background, and this stack is displayed in the upper layer region of the dialog.
Use the options and controls available, to configure and define the layers as required, then craft the stack(s) as needed, based on that bucket of available layers.
For a higher-level overview on configuring the layer stack, see
Defining the Layer Stack. For a higher-level overview of using multiple layer stacks in designs with rigid and flexible regions, see
Rigid-Flex Design.
- The selection of materials and their properties should always be done in consultation with the board fabricator.
- A range of predefined layer stack definitions are available, as well as the ability to load a previously save definition (in a *.stackup file). Ideally, a preset layer stackup should be chosen, or a saved stackup loaded, when the PCB is first created - before any primitives have been placed, and routed. If you attempt to change the layer stack in this way while existing layers are in use, you will be alerted that primitives on those layers will be removed.
- It is important that the properties of the layer stack - copper thicknesses, materials, stack-up style, dielectric constants, etc... - are set up correctly in order to achieve realistic results when using impedance controlled routing. Impedance formulae (Microstrip and Stripline) can be accessed through the Impedance Formula Editor dialog - accessed by clicking the Impedance Calculation button.
- Click the Drill Pairs button to access the Drill-Pair Manager dialog, to configure the required drill pairs for the active layer stack. Drill pairs must be configured when blind, buried, or build-up type vias are to be used, with a drill pair for each layer-pair that a via spans. It is the presence of drill pairs that lets the system know that blind and/or buried vias are in use. This ensures that when the fabrication output files are generated from the completed board, there are suitable drill files for the various drill jobs that must be performed to create the blind and/or buried vias.