WorkspaceManager_Dlg-ConflictingHarnessDefinitionsFormConflicting Harness Definitions Details_AD
Created: Lipiec 28, 2015 | Updated: Czerwiec 16, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1 and 17.0
Now reading version 16.0. For the latest, read: WorkspaceManager_Dlg-ConflictingHarnessDefinitionsForm((Conflicting Harness Definitions Details))_AD for version 17.1
This dialog provides harness definition error details, including harness type, conflicting definitions, etc.
To access the Conflicting Harness Definitions Details dialog, click Details in the Harness Definition Resolver dialog (Tools » Harness Definition Problem Finder).
- Harness Type - displays the harness type of the incorrect harness definition.
- Conflicting Definitions - lists the conflicting definitions, including the Version and Documents where they are located.
- Version 1 - lists the Harness Entries in Version 1.
- Version 2 - lists the Harness Entries in Version 2.
- Used By (left-hand side) - a list of documents in which the Version 1 harness type is used.
- Used By (right-hand side) - a list of documents in which the Version 2 harness type is used.