PCB_Dlg-ChangeViewportDesign View_AD
Created: Lipiec 28, 2015 | Updated: Czerwiec 16, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1 and 17.0
Now reading version 16.0. For the latest, read: PCB_Dlg-ChangeViewport((Design View))_AD for version 17.1
The Design View dialog allows designers to set up the properties of Design View. Design View allows designers to place a snapshot of any rectangular shaped region of the current board, or another board.
The dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
- From the toolbar, select Place » Design View.
- Double-click on the placed Design View object.
- Right-click on the the design view object and select Properties from the context menu.
- Run command Edit » Change, then click an existing object.
Definition Tab
- Location - Specify the X and Y coordinates of the design view area.
- Width - Specify the width of the design view area.
- Height - Specify the height of the design view area.
- Define area - Click the Define area button, which returns you to the workspace with a crosshair cursor, and then define the rectangular region of the view.
- Title - Specify the title of the design view area.
- Font - Choose the font for the title.
- Color - Click the a color to select it for the title.
- Height - Specify the height of the title.
- This document - Check this option to place the design view on the current PCB document.
- Specify document - Check this option to place design view on a different PCB document. Click the button to open the Choose PCB Design File browser.
- Locked - Check this option to lock the design view.
- Mirrored - Check this option to mirror the design view.
Layer Tab
Select the Layers tab and enable the required layers. The Layers tab features the following right-click menu:
- All On - Select all layers to be shown as visible in the design view.
- All Off - Deselect all layers; they will not be visible in the design view,
- Selected On - Selected layers will be visible in the design view.
- Selected Off - Selected layers will not be visible int he design view.