This type of event is only supported for a project that is fully managed and stored under the Workspace's native VCS (within its
Versioned Storage Git repository). For a local project made available to the Altium 365 Workspace but not under formal version control – thereby using the Simple Sync methodology – you will not see any VCS-related commit events on the history timeline. To get this information, you can switch the style of online availability by enabling the
Version Control option on the
General tab of the
Project Options dialog. This brings the project under the Workspace's native VCS.
For a project made available to an Altium 365 Workspace but already under external version control, you will also not see any VCS-related commit events on the history timeline. Use your external version control client to examine the project's version control history. Alternatively, you can effectively switch to Workspace's native VCS. You can create a snapshot of your project – performed most efficiently and cleanly using Altium Designer's
Project Packager. This disconnects it from external VCS and from the Workspace (if already made available there), after which you can then make it available to the Workspace again, but under the Workspace's VCS – starting afresh as it were. For detailed information on how to do this, see
Moving from External VCS to Workspace Native VCS.
Each time you Commit a project to the Workspace (where the project is managed under the Workspace's internal Versioned Storage Git repository), a Project Committed event tile will be added to the timeline. The person who performed the commit (Save to Server) is presented by name (and picture), along with the date and time. If a comment was added at the time of the commit and pushed – using the Commit to Version Control dialog – then that will also be displayed within the tile.
If the project was a local, unmanaged project that was subsequently made available online, then the description that was entered in the
Make Available Online dialog will be used in both the
Project Created event tile and the initial
Project Committed event tile since the project commit is performed as part of making the project available online – provided of course that the
Version Control option was enabled.
Example initial Project Committed event tile.
The tile also supports and presents design diffing information, showing more detailed information on what has changed between the current and previous commits. Elements supported include files, components, nets, variants, and PCB structure. The diffing section of the tile summarizes the various elements affected by the commit event, grouped by the following states:
– element added.
– element removed.
– element modified.
Clicking on the
control in the tile will expand this diffing section to present the affected elements by name.
Use the available
Show More and
Show Less controls to interrogate the full listing for each element type. Click on the

control in the tile to return to the summary display.
Click the
control at the tile's top-right corner to access a menu with the following commands:
Download Sources - use to download and open that specific revision of the PCB or Harness project in the Projects panel. The project name will include the date and time at which that revision was committed. Note that this revision is read-only; you can view it but not edit it.

You can open (for viewing only) any specific revision of the project – directly from the corresponding Project Committed event tile for that revision.
Compare: Schematic to, PCB to, BOM to – allows you to compare the PCB project's Schematic, PCB or BOM data in this commit against that of another commit or release event. Use the sub-menu to compare against the previous commit or select from all possible releases and commits. Once the data has been chosen for comparison, the results of the comparison are presented in the associated differences view, which opens as a new tab in your default browser. For more information, see Design Data Comparisons (Altium 365 Workspace, Enterprise Server Workspace).
Create Tag – add a single, custom-named tag to any commit of a design project (and only where that project is stored in a Workspace under its internal Git VCS system). You can create a tag only for the commit that is already saved in the Workspace. After running the command, the Create Tag dialog opens. Enter the desired tag then click Create.
An information pop-up will open alerting you if there are illegal characters in the name of the Tag. The Tag will not be created until the illegal characters are removed.
If the project has commits that have not yet been pushed, the Save To Server dialog will open, asking if you want to perform a push. If the commit is pushed, the Create Tag dialog will open.
When the project is released using the Project Releaser and its latest commit does not yet have a tag, a tag will be assigned automatically to this latest commit. This tag will be in the form of RELEASE_<RevisionID>
, where <RevisionID>
is the revision number of released project sources (A.1
, A.2
, etc.,), for example, RELEASE_A.3
To rename or delete a tag, click
then hover over the Tag entry. A dialog will open in which you can enter the new name of the tag. If Remove is selected, the tag is deleted immediately.
Create Tag command can also be accessed by right-clicking on the name of a project or document in the
Projects panel and then choosing
History & Version Control » Create Tag to create a tag for the last/latest commit.
There is no tag support for external version control.
Only one (1) tag per commit can be created.
Make a copy – use to create a copy from that specific revision of the project. The Create Project Copy dialog opens in which you enter a Project Name (by default, this will be the original project name with the suffix ' - Copy'), Description (which is not pre-populated), the Folder path (within the Workspace), and the Local Storage path (to the working copy). The project will be created, and a Project Copied event tile will be added to the timeline.
The Workspace
Folder will, by default, be the same folder in which the original project is stored. Click

to open the
Choose Folder dialog (a trimmed-down version of the
Explorer panel) to change the folder as required. The
Local Storage will, by default, be set to use the location defined on the
System - Default Locations page of the
Preferences dialog. Click

to open a standard Windows dialog with which to change this location as required.
Revert to – use this command to revert to using the data from that specific revision of the project. The data from the project source documents in that specific revision overwrites the data in your local working copy of the project. Effectively, the project is momentarily closed and then reopened with that reverted data. If you want to complete the reversion and make that data the Head Revision (current version), you must commit and push the project back to the Workspace.
You can revert to any specific revision of the project directly from the corresponding Project Committed event tile for that revision.
After reverting to a specific revision and before committing, you can restore your local working copy to the latest revision by using the Revert to command associated with the latest Project Committed event tile on the timeline.
Project Committed event tile is physically connected to the main trunk of the timeline with a solid blue connection line and node:

. The latest revision of the project (i.e. the last commit) is distinguished by having a white fill for its node:
