IntegratedLibrary_Dlg-ReportLibraryFormLibrary Report Settings_AD
Created: July 28, 2015 | Updated: June 30, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1, 17.0 and 17.1
Now reading version 17.1. For the latest, read: IntegratedLibrary_Dlg-ReportLibraryForm((Library Report Settings))_AD for version 22
The Library Report Settings dialog shown when accessed from the Sch Library Editor (back) and the PCB Library Editor (front).
The Library Report Settings dialog provides controls to configure a library report.
From either the schematic or PCB library editor, click Reports » Library Report from the main menus.
Output File Name
- Output File Name - displays the entire output file, including path. Use the browse folder icon to search for and select a different location and name
- Document Style - the file extension will be .doc and a word document format will be generated for the library report.
- Browser Style - the file extension will be .html and a web page will be generated in an internet browser. You can edit the full output file name if desired.
- Open generated report - enable to open the generated report either in MS Word or an internet browser.
- Add generated report to current project - enable to add the generated report to the current project.
Include in report
- Component's Parameters - enable to include component's parameters in the report.
- Component's Pins - enable to include component's pins in the report.
- Component's Models - enable to include component's models in the report.
Draw previews for
- Components - enable to draw a preview for components in the report.
- Models - enable to draw a preview for models in the report.
Draw Components' previews
Enable to draw a preview for components in the report.
- Use Color - enable to allow the library report to contain elements in color for either word or web documents.