Additional Tools of the CAM Editor in Altium Designer
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Altium Designer's CAM editor includes a number of tools facilitating the execution of certain tasks when working with a CAM document.
Copper Area Calculation Copy Link Copied
To calculate the total copper area for selected objects in the current document, choose the Tools » Calc. Copper Area command from the main menus. After launching the command, the cursor will change to a small square and you will enter copper area calculation mode. The procedure involves the following sequence of actions:
- Click on objects you wish to include in the calculation, making them selected. Clicking away from an object allows you to drag a selection area, for including multiple objects in the selection. Selection is cumulative.
- Once all required objects have been selected, right-click. A report file (Copper Area.rpt) is generated and opened as the active document in the main design window. For each layer that is associated with the selected objects, the report lists the area of copper that will be used, in square inches. The total copper area is also listed.
Placing a Copper Pour Copy Link Copied
To fill a closed boundary with copper, choose the Tools » Copper Pour command from the main menus. After launching the command the cursor will change to a small square and you will be prompted to select a closed border. Closed borders can be circles, rectangles, or polylines (if they have been closed). The procedure involves the following sequence of actions:
- Simply position the cursor anywhere over the border of the area you wish to fill with copper and click. The Copper Pour dialog will appear.
- The dialog shows a preview of the pattern that will be used for the copper pour, and also a clearance value. This value provides a clearance boundary to ensure that the pour is contained completely within the bounds of the original image. By default, the last pattern for the copper fill to be defined, will be the one now offered. Should you wish to use a different pattern for the fill, click the Edit Pattern button, to open the Edit Pattern - Copper Pour dialog. Use this dialog to define the pattern for the pour as required:
- If the Fill Type is set to Polygon (Raster), then all other settings in this dialog will be disabled. The selected boundary will be filled with a solid polygon and in accordance with any clearance specified in the Copper Pour dialog.
- If the Fill Type is set to Vector, you may choose between using a solid image or a shape/Dcode. You can choose a shape and enter a size to use for the fill, or you can specify to use an existing aperture. If you have chosen to use Shape/Dcode, you can specify the XY spacing of the shape used.
- After defining the pattern and clearance as required, click OK to pour the copper into the boundary.
- Continue selecting further closed boundaries for pouring copper, or right-click, or press Esc, to exit.
Pad Removal Copy Link Copied
To remove isolated and stacked pads from all internal signal layers in the current document, choose the Tools » Pad Removal command from the main menus. After launching the command, an information dialog will appear, providing a summary of the isolated and stacked pads that were detected on all internal signal layers found in the current document. After clicking OK, the indicated total number of pads will be removed.
Modify Object Spread Copy Link Copied
The Tools » Spread/Reduce command from the main menus is used to increase or decrease the spread of a selected object, essentially adding thickness to, or thinning out the original aperture related to the object, and subsequently saving this as a new aperture.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a small square and you will enter spread/reduce mode. The procedure involves the following sequence of actions:
- Select the object(s) that you wish to enlarge/reduce. Simply position the cursor over individual objects and click to add them to the selection, or use one of the many selection tools available.
- After all objects are selected, right-click. The Spread/Reduce Size dialog appears. Use the dialog to specify a size for the enlargement/reduction, making sure to include a negative sign when reducing. You can choose to have the new objects placed on the same layer, a new layer, or one of the existing layers. The Delete Old Objects option gives you the choice of keeping the original objects for comparison purposes.
- After the sizing options are defined as required, clicking OK will effect the size change for the selected object(s). The resulting shapes that are obtained will be added as new aperture definitions - one per different initial aperture in the selection - and Dcodes will be assigned to each, starting at the first available (empty) Dcode.
- Continue enlarging/reducing further objects, or right-click, or press Esc, to exit.
Teardrop Selected Pads Copy Link Copied
The Tools » Teardrops command from the main menus is used to teardrop selected pads on routing (signal) layers in the current document. Teardropping pads is a common technique for guarding against drill breakout during the board fabrication phase.
First, ensure that the routing (signal) layers that you wish to add teardropped pads to, are turned ON in the Layers list of the CAMtastic panel.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a small square and you will be prompted to select the pads you wish to teardrop. Simply position the cursor over individual pads and click to add them to the selection, or use one of the many selection tools available. After all pads that you wish to teardrop are selected, right-click. The Add Teardrops dialog appears.
The left half of the dialog allows you to define the style of teardropping you wish to apply - either Pad or Line. The Pad style teardrop will place a pad, half the size of the original pad, at the trace/pad intersection. The Line style teardrop will place two lines (tangential to the pad) to fill in the trace/pad intersection. When using the Line style, you can specify a Line Offset Factor, which controls the length of the teardrop.
The right half of the dialog allows you to define and apply various clearance checks. Define these constraints as required. By default, each is set to 5mil.
The Inflate Pads/Vias bounding Rect By field is used as a method of speeding up the teardropping process. By inflating the bounding rectangle of a pad, you can narrow down the number of traces to be considered for teardropping to only those that touch the inflated boundary. Think of this as a coarse check, followed by the fine check of those traces that are left, to determine if they truly connect with the pad or not. The default setting is 25mil/side.
After defining the teardrop style and clearance checks as required, clicking OK will proceed to add teardrops to all selected pads. If placing a teardrop would result in violation of one or more checks, a pad will not be teardropped.
Continue selecting further pads to be teardropped, or press Esc to exit.
Trim Silkscreen Copy Link Copied
The Tools » Trim Silkscreen command from the main menus is used to trim silkscreen layer images, where they encroach upon solder mask layer pads.
After launching the command, the Trim Silkscreen dialog will appear. Use this dialog to specify a clearance constraint between silkscreen images and the edge of solder mask pads. Positive (retract silkscreen from pad) or negative (encroach upon pad) values may be entered.
Use the Copy to New Layer option to save a copy of the original silkscreen to a new layer. This can prove very useful when wishing to compare the results of the trimming operation.
After defining the trimming options as required, clicking OK will effect the trimming.
Create & Group Parts Copy Link Copied
The Tools » Parts » Create & Group Parts command from the main menus is used to create and group identical parts in the current design image, ultimately allowing you to generate a parts list that can subsequently be exported.
First, ensure that only a single top or bottom layer (e.g. Top or Bottom Solder Mask layer) is visible in the main design window, with all other layers turned OFF.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a small square and you will be prompted to select a footprint. The procedure involves the following sequence of actions:
- Use the cursor to select all pads in a particular footprint, either by clicking on each pad individually, or by dragging a selection box around them.
- Right-click - the Assign/Group Parts dialog appears. Use this dialog to give the footprint a description (e.g. DIP14), specify its rotation, and define its type (Thru Hole, or SMT).
- After defining the properties of the footprint as required, click OK. The software will look on the same layer only for identical footprints, searching in terms of size, shape, and orientation. Each identical part will have a rectangle drawn around it, with a cross running through its center. These cross-filled rectangles are added to a new layer - Refdes_Top or Refdes_Bottom - depending on whether the layer you are using to create the parts is on the top or bottom. This layer is added to the Layers list in the CAMtastic panel.
- Continue selecting and grouping further footprints, or right-click, or press Esc, to exit.
Assign Reference Designators Copy Link Copied
The Tools » Parts » Assign Ref Designators command from the main menus is used to assign reference designators to all parts that have been successfully created/grouped in the current design document.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a small square and you will be prompted to select a part. Simply position the cursor over the center of the cross in a grouped part, and click. The Enter Value dialog will appear, from where you can enter the reference designator you wish to assign to the part. After entering the designator required and clicking OK, the designator will appear at the center of the cross for the part.
Continue assigning reference designators to other parts in the design, or right-click, or press Esc, to exit.
Convert Flashed Pads to Homebase Pads Copy Link Copied
The Tools » SMT Stencil » Homebase Pad Conversion command from the main menus is used to convert a pair of flashed pads to a homebase pad. Homebase pads are used for improving the area of paste (per pad) deposited with an SMT stencil.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a small square and you will enter conversion mode. The procedure involves the following sequence of actions:
- Select the initial pair of flashed pads to be converted. Simply position the cursor above each pad in the pair and click.
- Right-click to access the Flash - Homebase Conversion dialog. Use this dialog to:
- Define the homebase pad in terms of the direction and extent of beveling that is applied to each of the pads in the pair.
- Choose to have the resulting homebase pads drawn on the same layer, a new layer or any one of the existing layers in the current document.
- Various other conversion options are available from the dialog, including the ability to set a flash tolerance - when searching pad-pairs for a match with the initial selected pad-pair - and whether to keep old pads or delete them completely.
- After defining the options as required, clicking OK will return you to the main design window and you will be prompted to select the entire area to be considered for conversion. Simply drag a selection box around the whole design and then right click once the area has become selected. The selected objects will be compared against the initial selected pad-pair and all matches found will be converted to homebase pads.
- Continue converting further flashed pad-pairs to homebase pads, or right-click, or press Esc, to exit.
Add Epoxy Bars Copy Link Copied
The Tools » SMT Stencil » Add Epoxy Bars command from the main menus is used to add an epoxy bar between all occurrences of a selected flashed pad-pair combination, in the current document.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a small square and you will enter epoxy bar addition mode. The procedure involves the following sequence of actions:
- Select an initial pair of flashed pads. Simply position the cursor above each pad in this initial pair and click.
- Right-click to access the Add Epoxy Bars dialog. Use this dialog to:
- Define the width and height of the epoxy bar, in relation to its position between the two pads.
- Choose to have the resulting epoxy bars drawn on the same layer, a new layer or any one of the existing layers in the current document.
- Various other conversion options are available from the dialog, including the ability to set a flash tolerance - when searching pad-pairs for a match with the initial selected pad-pair - and whether to keep old pads, or delete them completely.
- After defining the options as required, clicking OK will return you to the main design window and you will be prompted to select the entire area to be considered for conversion. Simply drag a selection box around the whole design and then right-click once the area has become selected. The selected objects will be compared against the initial selected pad-pair, and all matches found will have an epoxy bar placed between them.
- Continue adding epoxy bars, or right-click, or press Esc, to exit.
Creating and Using a Macro Copy Link Copied
To record a new macro for actions carried out in the current document, choose the Macro » Start Recording command from the main menus. After launching the command, the Create New Macro File dialog will appear. Use this dialog to define where and under what name, the new macro script file should be stored. After clicking Open, you will enter recording mode. Any actions you carry out within the CAMtastic Editor will be recorded, and the corresponding lines of script added to the macro file (*.bas).
When you have finished performing all actions to be included in the macro, use the Macro » Stop Recording command to exit recording mode. The current macro recording session will be terminated and the generated macro script file will be opened automatically as the active document in the main design window. The generated file will appear in the Projects panel as a free document. The scripting language used is Enable Basic.
To edit a generated macro script, use the Macro » Edit Script command. After launching the command, the Open Macro File dialog will appear. Use this dialog to locate and open the macro file (*.bas) that you wish to edit. The macro file will open as the active document in the main design window. You can then edit the script as required.
To run the specified macro script, choose the Macro » Run Script command from the main menus. After launching the command, the Open Macro File dialog will appear. Use this dialog to locate the macro file (*.bas) that you wish to run. After clicking Open, the macro will be run, and the commands contained therein will be executed.