ComponentsPanel_Dlg-FindSimilarComponentsFind Similar Components_AD
Created: 6月 09, 2022 | Updated: 6月 09, 2022
| Applies to version: 5
The Find Similar Components dialog
Summary Copy Link Copied
The Find Similar Components dialog allows you to set up search criteria for the Find Similar Component process. This process uses the attributes of a target component as a reference for finding several other components with similar characteristics.
Access Copy Link Copied
The dialog is accessed from the Components panel by right-clicking over the desired component, then choosing the Find Similar Components command from the context menu.
Options/Controls Copy Link Copied
The dialog is divided into three primary sections that list the attributes of the chosen component, sectioned off by Component, Parameters, and Models.
Attribute Grid
The grid of attributes for the chosen component is divided into three columns:
- Left Column - lists the names of all the attributes of the chosen component.
- Center Column - lists the value of those attributes taken from the chosen component.
- Right Column - provides a drop-down list of options used for specifying how the associated attribute should be used to find similar components. The options are:
- Any - find similar components with any value for this attribute.
- Same - find similar components with the same value set for this attribute as that of the chosen component.
- Different - find similar components with a different value set for this attribute as that of the chosen component.
Additional Controls
- OK - click to save your selected criteria and close the dialog.
- Apply - click to to test your search criteria to yield the desired results without closing the dialog.