LibraryMigrator_Dlg-ChangeComponentTypeFormChange Type_AD
Created: 5月 02, 2018 | Updated: 5月 02, 2018
| Applies to versions: 18.0, 18.1 and 19.0
現在、バージョン 19. をご覧頂いています。最新情報については、バージョン LibraryMigrator_Dlg-ChangeComponentTypeForm((Change Type))_AD の 19.1 をご覧ください。
The Change type dialog is used to change the type of component(s) during library migration.
The dialog is accessed from any editor by right-clicking in the Components region of the Preview Stage of the Library Migrator (File » Library Migrator from the main menus) then selecting Change component type.
- Component type - enter the new component type in the textbox or use to open the Component Type dialog and choose the new type.