Variant Management
Parent page: WorkspaceManager Dialogs
The Variant Management dialog provides controls to add and configure variants of the main PCB board design. Variants are variations of the main PCB board design and using variants, any number of variations of the base design can be designed. Each component in the base design can be configured to be:
- Fitted - the default setting when a new variant is created.
- Not Fitted - the original component as used in the base design is not fitted/used in this variant of that design.
- Fitted with modified component parameters, such as the component's value.
Variants that use any of these types of variations are all referred to as Assembly Variants since they only impact the assembly process. All variants share the same fabricated base board.
This dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
- Click Project | Project Actions » from the main menu of any document in the project.
- In the Projects panel, right-click on project name then select Variants.
- In the Schematic Editor, right-click a placed component then select Part Actions » Variants.
The dialog is divided into two main regions:
- The upper region, titled Components, lists all of the components in the base design.
- The lower region, titled Component Parameters, details all of the parameter variations of the component(s) currently selected in the upper region.
Project Components - this region of the dialog lists each component in the project. For each component, the Hierarchy Path and Logical designator are listed, as well as Comment and physical Designator. The Document and Original Library Link list where source documents are located.
Component Variation - after a new variant is added, a dedicated column appears to the right of Project Components. The name given the new variant appears as the title and the Component Variation column lists any variations for each component.
Once the variant has been created, you can configure the state of each component. This is done by clicking the component cell in the new column to reveal the
button or by right-clicking to access the context menu commands. When the button is clicked, the Edit Component Variation dialog will open and present two choices:- Fitted - the original component as used in the base design is also fitted/used in this variant of that design. For a newly added variant, all components are Fitted by default and the cell is empty. Note that individual parameters can also be varied for a Fitted component by typing in the new parameter value. Varied parameters are shown in bold.
- Not Fitted - the original component as used in the base design is not fitted/used in this variant of that design. For a Not Fitted component, the cell displays the text Not Fitted.
Right-click Menu
The following commands are available on the region's right-click menu:
- Columns - click to see/hide columns that are not needed. Toggle the visibility of any column.
- Edit Selected - make changes to the selected component.
- Set Selected As - click to change to Fitted or Not Fitted.
- Only Show Varied Components - click to show varied components.
- Filter - click to filter components by Show Fitted with Varied Parameters or Show Not Fitted.
- Cut - click to delete cell contents. A Confirm window opens for confirmation before deletion occurs.
- Copy - click to copy the selected cell contents.
- Report - click to open the Report Preview dialog to create a printout of the Components region.
- Save All - click to open the Save Grid Contents to File dialog to save all project components to another location.
- Save Selected - click to open the Save Grid Contents to File dialog to save all selected project components to another location.
- Select All - click to select all cells.
- Select Column - click to select the current column.
- Invert Selection - click to select all components other than those that are currently selected.
- Cross Probe - click to show the selected component's location on the schematic.
Component Parameters
For each component, you can have Parameter Variations. The Parameter Name and Original Value are listed. To the right of Parameter Variations is the newly-added variant column where the New Value is listed. The New Value that appears is a copy of the base design component value until you make a change. Right-click to access different menu items including:
- Edit Selected - click to change New Value of selected variant.
- Reset Selected - click to restore New Value back to original value.
- Reset All - click to restore all New Value cells to original value, regardless of current selection.
- Update Values From Library - click to bring any parameter changes made to a library component that is used as an Alternate Part into the variant definitions. Note that this updates the parameters only.
- Only Show Varied Values - click to show only varied values.
- Cut - click to delete cell contents. A Confirm window opens for confirmation before deletion occurs.
- Copy - click to copy the selected cell contents.
- Report - click to open the Report Preview dialog to create a printout of the Component Parameters region.
- Save All - click to open the Save Grid Contents to File dialog to save all parameters to a .txt file in another location.
- Save Selected - click to open the Save Grid Contents to File dialog to save all selected parameters to a .txt file in another location.
- Select All - click to select all cells.
- Select Column - click to select the current column.
- Invert Selection - click to select all parameters other than those that are currently selected.
Additional Controls
- Add Variant - click to create a new variant of the base design. The Edit Project Variant dialog will open. Use this dialog to add, edit or remove a variant, and specify any required variant-level parametric data. This button includes a drop-down that is used to access the Clone Selected Variant command. Cloning is used when you need to define a number of variants that are very similar.
- Delete Variant - click to delete selected Variant(s). A Confirm Delete Variant window opens for confirmation before deletion occurs.
- Edit Variant - click to open Edit Project Variant dialog to edit a variant.
- Detailed Report - click this button to open the Variant Report dialog to generate a detailed variant report.
- Drawing Style - click this button to access the Variant Options dialog from where you can define how non-fitted components and varied parameters will appear, both in the compiled document view of the schematic and in schematic prints. You can also define appearance for these components in PCB assembly drawings.
- Fit to Width - check this option to adjust the width of the column.