Layer Source Properties

Parent page: WorkspaceManager Dialogs

The two incarnations of the Layer Source Properties dialogThe two incarnations of the Layer Source Properties dialog


This dialog provides controls to configure the properties of a newly-added or existing layer entity. This could be a standard layer or an iterated layer (created automatically when adding a new drill printout set).

While the controls of the dialog largely remain the same, the actual use of the dialog and its banner text will vary depending on the type of layer entity being created/edited.


The dialog is accessed in the following ways:

  • From the PCB Printout Properties dialog:
    • Double-click on the entry for an existing layer entity.
    • Select an existing layer entity, right-click then choose the Properties command from the context menu.
  • From the Printout Properties dialog:
    • Double-click on the required layer entity in the Layers region.
    • Select the required layer entity in the Layers region then click the Edit button.


Top Region

The control presented in this region of the dialog differs depending on the layer entity being configured:

  • Standard Layer - when configuring a standard layer, this region presents the Print Layer Type field. Use it to choose/change the required layer. The drop-down presents all layers defined for the board.
  • Iterated Layer (associated with a drill printout set) - when configuring the iterated layer associated with a drill printout set, this region presents the Iterated Layer field. This is a read-only field that states <DrillLayer> For One Layer Pair, where <DrillLayer> is the specific drill layer (Drill Drawing or Drill Guide) chosen for the parent drill printout set.

Free Primitives

This region of the dialog provides controls to determine how the free primitives on a layer are displayed on the printout. For the following free primitive objects, use the associated drop-down field in each case to choose whether to display the object fully (Full), in outline mode only (Draft), or hide the object (Off).

  • Arcs
  • Fills
  • Pads
  • Strings
  • Tracks
  • Vias
  • Regions

The following buttons are available at the bottom of the region, to quickly switch the setting for all objects in a single action:

  • Full - click this button to set the display option for all free primitives to Full.
  • Draft - click this button to set the display option for all free primitives to Draft.
  • Hide - click this button to set the display option for all free primitives to Off.

Component Primitives

This region of the dialog provides controls to determine how the component primitives on a layer are displayed on the printout. For the following component primitive objects, use the associated drop-down field in each case to choose whether to display the object fully (Full), in outline mode only (Draft), or hide the object (Off).

  • Arcs
  • Fills
  • Pads
  • Strings
  • Tracks
  • Vias
  • Regions

The following buttons are available at the bottom of the region to quickly switch the setting for all objects in a single action:

  • Full - click this button to set the display option for all component primitives to Full.
  • Draft - click this button to set the display option for all component primitives to Draft.
  • Hide - click this button to set the display option for all component primitives to Off.


This region of the dialog provides controls to determine how other objects on a layer are displayed on the printout. For the following objects, use the associated drop-down field in each case to choose whether to display the object fully (Full), in outline mode only (Draft), or hide the object (Off).

  • Designators
  • Comments
  • Polygons
  • Dimensions
  • Coordinates

The following buttons are available at the bottom of the region to quickly switch the setting for all objects in a single action:

  • Full - click this button to set the display option for all objects to Full.
  • Draft - click this button to set the display option for all objects to Draft.
  • Hide - click this button to set the display option for all objects to Off.

Drill Layers

Use this region of the dialog when configuring a drill layer (Drill Drawing/Drill Guide).

  • First - use this field to specify the starting layer for the required drill pair. The drop-down will list all available signal and internal plane layers defined in the board's layer stack.
  • Last - use this field to specify the finishing layer for the required drill pair. The drop-down will list all available signal and internal plane layers defined in the board's layer stack.
When configuring the Iterated layer entity associated to a drill printout set, these fields are unavailable. Since the process is iterative when creating the printouts in the set, the First and Last drill pair layers for the layer in each printout are determined automatically from the layer stack.

.Legend Symbols

Use this region of the dialog to specify the type of symbols to be used in the printed drill drawing legend. Choose from either Characters, Size of Hole String, or Graphics Symbol.

These controls only affect a drill drawing legend created by placing a .Legend special string on the Drill Drawing layer. They have no affect on the printing of a placed Drill Table object.

.Legend Sorting

Use this region of the dialog to specify the property by which information in a printed drill drawing legend is to be sorted. Choose to either Sort By Hole Size or Sort By Hole Count.

These controls only affect a drill drawing legend created by placing a .Legend special string on the Drill Drawing layer. They have no affect on the printing of a placed Drill Table object.

Drill Drawing Symbol Size

Use this region of the dialog to define the size of symbols when printing the Drill Drawing Layer. Enter the required value in the region's Symbol Size field.


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