Content Types
Created: May 13, 2016 | Updated: June 16, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0 and 16.1
Now reading version 16.1. For the latest, read: Content Types for version 21
The Content Types dialog.
The Content Types dialog allows designers to select and enable the desired content type(s) for use in the Edit Lifecycle Definitions and Edit Revision Naming Schemes dialogs.
From the Edit Lifecycle Definitions dialog or the Edit Revision Naming Schemes dialog, click the Content Types link towards the upper-right of the dialogs.
- Control Lifecycle Definition per Content Type - This option is enabled by default and allows users to determine which content types are selected in the table below. When disabled, users can not select which content type is used per revision naming scheme or lifecycle definition.
To select items for use in a revision naming scheme or lifecycle definition, enable the checkbox to the right of the desired option under the Use column. Disable the option for items that are not desired. The Use column can only be edited if the Control Revision Naming Scheme Per Content Type option is enabled.