Parent page: Schematic Commands
The following pre-packaged resources, derived from this base command, are available:
Add Component Display Mode
Applied Parameters: Action=Add
This command is used to add an additional graphical representation (mode) for the active component. The addition is called an Alternate.
This command can be accessed from the Schematic Library Editor by:
- Choosing the Tools » Mode » Add command, from the main menus.
- Clicking the
button on the Mode toolbar.
First ensure that the component you wish to add the additional graphical representation to, is selected in the Components list of the SCH Library panel (and is therefore the active component in the main design window).
After launching the command, an additional graphical representation (mode) will be added to the component, labeled Alternate N (where N is the next available number in the range 1-255).
A blank sheet will appear in the main design workspace, ready for you to add the graphics for this representation.
- The current graphical representation for the active component is denoted by an enabled 'tick' icon beside its entry in the main menus, or the Mode drop-down list on the Mode toolbar. Note, however, that only the first 20 Alternate graphical modes are listed on the menu and toolbar.
- The current mode for the active component is also shown in the Graphical region of its associated properties dialog.