Applied Parameters: Index=n (where n is in the range 1 to 30)
This command is used to import the indicated third-party file format into the active document using the associated importer.
The related indexed commands are accessed from the PCB Editor or PCB Library Editor from the File » Import sub-menu.
The command entries to import third party formats are only available in the menus provided the associated Importer is installed as part of your Altium NEXUS installation. To view and change which Importers and Exporters are currently installed, first access the
Extensions & Updates view (click on the

control at the top-right of the workspace then choose
Extensions and Updates from the menu). From the
Installed page, click the
Configure control at the top-right to access the
Configure Platform page. Enable the Importers/Exporters required then click
Apply. You will need to restart Altium NEXUS for the changes to take effect. In some cases, an importer may require installation of a dedicated extension. Extensions can be found on the
Purchased tab of the
Extensions & Updates view.
The importers available will depend on the active document's type (PCB or PCB Library).
After launching the command, the Import File dialog will appear. Use this dialog to browse to and open the required third party file. Depending on the format, this may happen directly or after configuration of import options in an intermediate dialog.
- The Extensions & Updates view can also be quickly accessed by using the Add Importer command located at the bottom of the Import sub-menu.