
Nexus message

This documentation page references Altium NEXUS/NEXUS Client (part of the deployed NEXUS solution), which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace. Check out the FAQs page for more information.

Altium NEXUS includes a Workspace for all your design content which is an integral part of the overall deployed solution. The Workspace works in harmony with the design software counterpart of your Altium NEXUS solution to provide an elegant answer to the question of handling design data with secured integrity. The Workspace not only provides rock-solid, secure storage of data but also enables re-release of data as distinctly separate revisions – essentially tracking design changes over time, without overwriting any previously released data. It also caters to the lifecycle of the design data, allowing people that need to use the data to see, at-a-glance, what stage the data has reached in its 'life' and therefore what it can be safely used for.

The Workspace is used to manage all design data, including components, domain models, schematic sheets of circuitry, and design templates. Indeed, you can even create and manage your entire design projects directly within the Workspace.

By furnishing a set of reusable design 'building blocks' within the Workspace, you can embark on fresh projects safe in the knowledge that each model, component, and higher-order design element has been ratified and approved for use, with no having to reinvent the wheel as it were. The Workspace becomes both the source and destination of design elements, with each new design utilizing elements released to, and managed through, the Workspace. And by designing only with elements from the Workspace, the integrity of those designs is inherently assured.

Altium NEXUS can connect to the following Workspaces:

With an Altium 365 Workspace, you'll benefit from a richer set of collaborative features, including Global Sharing. And because it is cloud-based, you get the latest version of the Workspace without having to worry about manual upgrades.


凭借统一的设计方法,Altium NEXUS一直使用可扩展到电子设计过程各个方面的元件模型。但是,为了将电子设计过程无缝地融入到整个封装产品开发过程中,该模型需要不断发展 - 经过扩展后涵盖其他方面,包括其他设计过程(特别是MCAD和工业设计)以及与产品开发过程交织的业务流程(例如,采购和制造)。




Altium NEXUS的元件面板提供了一个强大的界面,它可以与所有元件进行交互。针对工作区内的元件,为了指定目标元件参数,该面板提供基于过滤器的参数化(分面)搜索功能。此外,该面板还提供一系列选项,包括通过“元件编辑器”(在“单个元件编辑”模式下)对工作区元件进行编辑,通过资源管理器面板在源工作区查看元件,以及执行元件创建和克隆或编辑所选元件的“部件选择”和“类型”等元件管理功能。
通过使用Altium NEXUS中的制造商部件搜索面板,您可以搜索实际制造的部件,然后将这些部件获取到工作区中。获取的过程包括使用“单个元件编辑”模式下的“元件编辑器”创建一个新元件并将其发布到目标工作区。


工作区可与Altium NEXUS协作为设计项目提供支持。工作区项目针对的是项目生命周期的开发阶段,简化了版本受控项目的创建和持续工作流。凭借由工作区控制的集中存储功能,工作区项目成为了其他协作服务的基础。


  • 简化存储工作流。无需决定存储位置。兼顾备份和其他基本服务。
  • 奠定协作功能的基础。
  • 加强版本控制。
  • 发挥专用注释系统的优点。
  • 显示通知和状态。包括本地修改在内的文档状态对整个设计团队可见。
  • 无需任何复杂设置即可开展并行PCB设计。
  • 能够与多人共享项目以进行编辑,或仅用于查看和进行评论。

此外,工作区通过推动“项目历史”的概念,提供了可从一个统一位置查看此类信息并与之交互的良好解决方案。从Altium NEXUS内部或通过工作区的浏览器界面可以访问专用的历史视图,该视图提供与项目相关的主要事件的渐进时间线 - 包括创建、提交、发布、克隆和MCAD交换 - 并在适用时为各种操作提供支持。





注释 - 即用户添加的注释 - 可被应用于原理图或PCB文档上的点、对象或区域,其他用户可对注释进行回复。可为协作用户(即共享文档访问权限的用户)提供实时的注释,这些注释将独立于项目保存到工作区内,同时不会以任何方式更改工作区的组成文档。通过网络界面设计视图可以在Altium NEXUS和相关工作区添加和管理注释。两个注释系统的功能在本质上是相同的,并且由于项目和注释数据均存储在工作区中,因此系统可以实时地协同工作。

Read about the Web Viewer interface (of the Altium 365 Workspace or the NEXUS Server Workspace).  Read about Project Commenting.


Altium 365基础设施平台最强大的一个功能是支持全局范围的协作。平台的核心是对全局共享的支持。利用Altium 365,您可以轻松地与管理层、采购人员或潜在制造商共享您当前的设计进度,并且对方也可以轻松接受共享——无论使用任何设备均可进行简化的交互式协作。


  • 使用免费的、独立的Altium 365查看器通过网络浏览器共享您的电子设计和CAM制造数据。
  • 与工作区之外的人员实时共享 (WIP) 设计——仅适用于查看和注释或编辑——此时无需邀请对方进入工作区。
  • 通过临时链接访问共享的设计“快照”。
  • 与任何人永久共享您上传到Altium 365平台个人空间的设计和CAM制造数据的“快照”。
  • 与工作区的成员共享设计数据。根据需要共享项目、文件夹和条目。
  • 通过定义的“制造包”与制造商共享发布数据,然后制造商可以通过Altium 365平台的专用“制造包查看器”仔细阅读这些数据,而无需访问您的工作区,因此不会看到您的设计数据。

When connected to a NEXUS Server Workspace, you'll be able to share your project data in the following ways:

  • 使用免费的、独立的Altium 365查看器通过网络浏览器共享您的电子设计和CAM制造数据。
  • 与工作区的成员实时共享 (WIP) 设计 - 仅适用于查看和注释或编辑。
  • 与工作区的成员共享设计数据。根据需要共享文件夹、条目和修订内容。
  • 通过临时链接访问共享的设计“快照”。
  • 与任何人永久共享(需要注册AltiumLive)您上传到Altium 365平台个人空间的设计和CAM制造数据的“快照”。


Altium NEXUS provides a powerful collaborative design environment. Part of that is the support for Workflows, that guide a company's designers through typical, everyday design processes such as:

  • Requesting new parts
  • Performing project-related activities, such as design reviews or publishing to a PLM
  • Creation of new projects.

Each Workflow that is used to implement a particular design process is created as part of a Process Definition. It can therefore be referred to as that process's underlying Workflow, or simply a Process Workflow.

Processes, and their Workflows, are created and managed by an Administrator through the Workspace's browser interface. For the three design areas mentioned previously, predefined process workflows are included with your Workspace. Some of these are activated for use out-of-the-box. Use these, modify them, or create your own as required, to suit the needs of your company. Others are samples – these cannot be activated and used as is. Each of these is therefore more like a 'template' – edit to suit your company's requirements, name, and save as a new process definition, which you can then activate and use, along with all other definitions.

A powerful Process Workflow Editor provides the flexibility for you to build processes with workflows that can be as simple, or as complex as needed, and in-line with your company's requirements.

When designing in Altium NEXUS, a designer can access and initiate any of the processes that have been activated for use at the administrative level. Interaction with a process – or rather its defined workflow – is through Tasks. A Task relates to a user task defined within the workflow – a point at which action by a user is necessary for the workflow to progress.

PLM Integration

The Workspace facilitates the uni- or bi-directional synchronization of component data with your enterprise systems. A configuration file allows you to specify the direction of synchronization and therefore which parameters are mastered in which system. Component data synchronization between the Workspace and the target enterprise system uses a built-in synchronization process which may be manually triggered or set as a timed repeating event.

A dedicated Project Creations workflow is available that supports the automatic creation of part numbers in your PLM instance, and then propagation of these as Workspace Parameters of the NEXUS project. You also have the ability to publish your design to your PLM instance, as part of running the Project Releaser in the Altium NEXUS design client. The publishing operation uses a publishing template – defined as part of the PLM instance integration configuration – to control how data should be propagated to the PLM.

A Workspace includes a CSV Component database importer tool that can be used to bring component data into the Workspace from a file exported from another system (PLM, ERP, or otherwise). Implemented as a configurable batch (*.bat) file, the desktop tool imports component data from a target spreadsheet file (*.csv) into the Workspace as determined by existing templates or a dedicated configuration file.

In addition, direct support is provided for the following PLM systems:

  • PTC Windchill® PLM (11.0 M030)
  • Arena® PLM
  • Oracle® Agile™ PLM
  • Siemens Teamcenter® (with additional setup)

The interface configuration is performed through the Workspace's browser interface, with the connection setup and parameter mapping defined within an XML-based configuration file (uploaded to the Workspace). A smart configuration generator is also included to help in creating a custom connection to enterprise systems.

Note that synchronization of Part Choice data is unidirectional – from the enterprise system to the Workspace only.
Read about PLM Integration.


大多数经过设计的电子产品均固定在某种机械结构上——底盘或外壳。如果到设计后期才发现电路板(ECAD)和底盘/外壳(MCAD)之间存在机械冲突,这可能会带来高昂的代价。虽然您可以从Altium NEXUS中导出3D模型,但这是一个手动的过程,需要作出有意识的决定和行动。实际上,这种情况比较罕见,其结果是MCAD设计人员永远无法确定他们所拥有的设计成品是否是最新的和最好的。其实,确保您不会因为工具无法交流而浪费一大笔钱不应该是很难的事情。



  • Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS®——2018、2019、2020、2021版本
  • Autodesk Inventor Professional®——2020、2021、2022版本
  • PTC Creo Parametric® – 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x
  • Autodesk Fusion 360®
MCAD CoDesigner可以帮助电气工程师和机械工程师实现同步PCB设计。它通过Altium NEXUS端的MCAD CoDesigner面板以及MCAD软件相应的插入面板直接处理ECAD和MCAD数据。后者通过Altium CoDesigner插件安装(和MCAD软件注册)提供。从altium.com网站下载页面上的MCAD CODESIGNER PLUGINS部分可以获取MCAD软件的相应插件。
阅读有关“ECAD-MCAD CoDesign”的信息。



  • 用户管理
  • 文件夹级共享
  • 条目级共享
  • 条目修订级共享




工作区可以灵活安全地集中存储和管理Altium NEXUS中使用的各类设计数据。从原理图模型到元件、从托管原理图纸到已完成的PCB设计——工作区提供了一种存储和管理电子设计数据的理想方法。









The Explorer Panel资源管理器面板

在Altium NEXUS中,使用元件面板制造商部件搜索面板可以简化元件管理。但是,工作区的另一个界面是Altium NEXUS的资源管理器面板。从该面板可以执行多项活动,包括:

  • 创建和管理工作区中使用的组织结构。
  • 创建任意数量的条目,每个条目代表一个设计对象。
  • 直接编辑和放置“条目修订”。
  • 审查和管理“条目修订”的生命周期。
  • 询问特定条目修订的用途(Where-Used)。
  • 浏览和管理“元件条目”的“部件选择”信息。
  • 下载已存储的数据,包括通过发布电路板设计项目生成的数据。

资源管理器”面板将成为您信赖的得力助手,它提供一系列功能,当您通过Altium NEXUS使用工作区时,它可以帮助您切实提高工作效率。

While the majority of your day-to-day working with your Workspace will be through the Components panel or Explorer panel, there will also be occasions when you need to interact with the Workspace through its browser interface – especially for administrative purposes. For more information, see Exploring the Browser-based Interface (for Altium 365 Workspace or NEXUS Server Workspace).
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