WorkspaceManager_Dlg-BoardFlowReleaseSummaryFormRelease Summary_AD
Created: 七月 28, 2015 | Updated: 九月 14, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1 and 16.0
您正在阅读的是 15.1. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 WorkspaceManager_Dlg-BoardFlowReleaseSummaryForm((Release Summary))_AD 阅读 16.1 版本
The Release Summary dialog provides a list of the data that has been stored in the revision of the Item in the vault during the PCB Release Process.
The dialog is accessed by performing the following steps:
- Click the Open the PCB Release View icon (
) in the Schematic Standard toolbar.
- Select Release Mode (located in the upper center of the workspace between the Design Source and Target Vault regions).
- Click Commit Release.
The main region of this dialog is a display of the files that were released. Use + and - to expand/collapse the folders. Information displayed includes:
- File Name - the name of the released file.
- Type - the file type.
- Revision - the revision of the file, if applicable.
Additional Controls
- Copy - click to copy the summary information to your clipboard.