PCB_Dlg-Rotation AngleDegreesRotation Angle_AD
Created: 七月 28, 2015 | Updated: 六月 19, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1, 17.0 and 17.1
您正在阅读的是 15.1. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 PCB_Dlg-Rotation AngleDegrees((Rotation Angle))_AD 阅读 22 版本
The Rotation Angle dialog.
This dialog allows the designer to specify an angle of rotation to be applied to selected objects in the workspace.
The dialog can be accessed and used in both the PCB Editor and the PCB Library Editor, by choosing the Edit » Move » Rotate Selection command, from the main menus.
Use the field to enter a value for rotation (resolution 0.001 Degrees). Enter a positive value for anti-clockwise rotation, or a negative value for clockwise rotation.