
This document is no longer available beyond version 4. Information can now be found here: ComponentType for version 5

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Parent page: Library Query Functions - Components

Summary Copy Link Copied

Returns all components whose Component Type property complies with the Query.

Syntax Copy Link Copied

ComponentType = ComponentType_String

ComponentType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:

  • 'Graphical'
  • 'Jumper'
  • 'Mechanical'
  • 'Net Tie'
  • 'Net Tie (In BOM)'
  • 'Standard'
  • 'Standard (No BOM)'

Example Usage Copy Link Copied

ComponentType = 'Graphical'
Returns all components whose Component Type is Graphical.

ComponentType = 'Standard'
Returns all components whose Component Type is Standard.

Tips Copy Link Copied

  1. Ensure that the scope of the search is set to Components, using the Search in field in the File Libraries Search dialog.
  2. When searching components, all SchLib and IntLib libraries - available, or along a defined search path - will be interrogated.
  3. All results are listed in the Query Results listing, back in the Components panel.
  4. The single quote characters (') at the start and end of ComponentType_String are mandatory.
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