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Parent page: Library Query Functions - Components
Summary Copy Link Copied
Returns all components whose Component Type property complies with the Query.
Syntax Copy Link Copied
ComponentType = ComponentType_String
must be one of the strings from the following list:
- 'Graphical'
- 'Jumper'
- 'Mechanical'
- 'Net Tie'
- 'Net Tie (In BOM)'
- 'Standard'
- 'Standard (No BOM)'
Example Usage Copy Link Copied
ComponentType = 'Graphical'
Returns all components whose Component Type is Graphical
ComponentType = 'Standard'
Returns all components whose Component Type is Standard
Tips Copy Link Copied
- Ensure that the scope of the search is set to Components, using the Search in field in the File Libraries Search dialog.
- When searching components, all SchLib and IntLib libraries - available, or along a defined search path - will be interrogated.
- All results are listed in the Query Results listing, back in the Components panel.
- The single quote characters (') at the start and end of
are mandatory.