WorkspaceManager_Dlg-AddCatalogItemToBOMFormAdd to BOM Components_AD
Created: luty 14, 2016 | Updated: Czerwiec 16, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1 and 17.0
This document is no longer available beyond version 17.1. Information can now be found here: Custom BOM Items and Columns for version 25
The Add to BOM Components dialog is used to add BOM catalog items to the BOM components.
The dialog is accessed from a *.BomDoc in the following ways:
- On the BOM Components tab:
- Click Add from Catalog located in the menu items under the tab name.
- Right-click in the main grid area then select Add from Catalog.
- On the BOM Catalog tab:
- Click Add to BOM located in the menu items under the tab name.
- Right-click in the main grid area then select Add instances of [Design Item Id] to BOM.
- Choose BOM Catalog Item from List - this region lists BOM catalog items that are available to add to the BOM components. Information listed includes:
- Item Type
- Design Item Id
- Catalog Item Source
- Description
- Designator Prefix - use to specify the designator prefix of the item. Enter the designator prefix or hover the cursor over the right-hand side of the text box to access a drop down from which you can select the designator prefix.
- Separator - use to specify the separator. Enter the separator or hover the cursor over the right-hand side of the text box to access a drop down from which you can select the separator.
- Quantity - use to specify the quantity of the item. Enter the quantity or hover the cursor over the right-hand side of the text box to access up and down arrows to select the quantity.