Sch_Dlg-ExpressionHistoryFormExpression Manager (SCH) _AD
Created: Lipiec 28, 2015 | Updated: Czerwiec 17, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1, 17.0 and 17.1
Now reading version 17.1. For the latest, read: Sch_Dlg-ExpressionHistoryForm((Expression Manager (SCH) ))_AD for version 21
The Expression Manager dialog provides controls related to filter history and favorites. The designer can view expression history as well as add/remove favorite expressions for easier filtering operation.
This dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
- In the Sch or SchLib Editor, right-click in the workspace and select Filter » History » More or Filter » Organize Favorites to access this dialog.
- From the SCH Filter or SCHLIB Filter panel, click the Favorites button or right-click and select Organize Favorites from the context menu.
- From the SCH Filter or SCHLIB Filter panel, click the History button or right-click and select History » More from the context menu.
Favorites Tab
- Favorites List - This is a list of user selected Favorite query expressions. A query expression can be added from the History list (click on the History tab of this dialog). Choose a query favorite and then click the Apply Expression button to invoke the query library search.
- Remove - Click to remove a highlighted query expression from the Favorites list.
- Rename - Click to rename a favorited query expression.
- Edit - Click to open the Edit Favorite dialog which allows the user to make changes to a favorited query.
History Tab
- Grid History - Every time a query expression is entered it is stored in the History lists. Easily reuse queries by adding them to the Favorites list.
- Add To Favorites - Click this button to add the selected expression to Favorites list.
- Clear History - Click to clear the query entries history.
- Apply Expression - Click to run the query. For more information on using queries, see the Schematic Query Functions page.