WorkspaceManager_Err-ComponentRevisionHasInapplicableStateComponent Revision has Inapplicable State_AD

Parent category: Violations Associated with Components

Default report mode:


This violation occurs when at least one placed instance of a Component Item Revision - placed from an Altium Vault - is detected to be in an inapplicable state. For example, the Component Item is currently Depracated or Obsolete and should therefore have no place on the latest design spin! Applicability is determined through the Allowed to be used in designs option, in the State Properties dialog. From within the Edit Lifecycle Definitions dialog, access this dialog for the required state, either by double-clicking on the state's entry within the parent lifecycle definition, or by selecting its entry and clicking the edit icon that appears (). When this option is enabled, an Item Revision in this state is permitted to be used in a design. It is deemed to be Applicable. If this option is disabled, an Item Revision in this state cannot be validly used, and is deemed Inapplicable (or non-applicable).

The Edit Lifecycle Definitions dialog is itself accessed from the Data Management - Vaults page of the Preferences dialog, by selecting the vault, clicking the Properties button, then selecting Edit Lifecycle Definitions from the drop-down menu.


If compiler errors and warnings are enabled for display on the schematic (enabled on the Schematic - Compiler page of the Preferences dialog) an offending object will display a colored squiggle beneath it. A notification is also displayed in the Messages panel in the following format:

Component <Designator> <Comment>: Component revision has inapplicable state,


  • Designator is the component instance's Designator.
  • Comment is the component instance's Comment.

Recommendation for Resolution

Use the Item Manager dialog to choose a replacement Component Item Revision that is valid for use in the design. Do this for each component that is in an inapplicable state. Alternatively, you can switch-out an existing Component Item Revision for a different revision, or revision of a different Component Item, at the individual component level, through the associated Properties for Schematic Component dialog.

Use controls available in the relevant properties dialog, or Item Manager dialog, to choose a later revision of the Item that is in an applicable state or, if this is not possible (the Item in general is not for design use), simply choose an applicable revision of a different Item.


  1. If a placed vault component loses connection with its vault - for example the vault from which it was placed is disconnected or you are signed out from your vault - it will violate the Component revision has inapplicable state check. This will be reflected in the Messages panel, with an entry in the form: Component <Designator> <Comment>: Can't perform revision status validation: Failed to get session: Access denied! User login required for this service.
  2. You can also catch components that are being invalidly used within a design, during the design release process. Simply add and configure Component State Checking to your overall release validation regemin.


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