Installing Altium Concord Pro

Now reading version 4.0. For the latest, read: Installing Altium Concord Pro for version 5.0

This documentation page references Altium Concord Pro, which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace. Check out the FAQs page for more information.


Parent page: Installation, Licensing & Management

Altium Concord Pro cannot be installed on the same PC as another server offering from Altium (Altium NEXUS Server (1.0, 1.1), Altium Infrastructure Server, Altium Vault (3.0 and earlier)). In the case of the Altium NEXUS Server/Altium Vault, you can upgrade to Altium Concord Pro (as though updating to a later version of that Altium NEXUS Server/Altium Vault).

Altium Concord Pro is a full-blown engineering content management solution that delivers high integrity, smart design and product data management, by providing storage, formal revision management, supply chain intelligence, and lifecycle state management. It also facilitates a wide range of additional technologies and capabilities, by providing a centralized platform from which other related services can be served, including: Design Project Management and Centralized Design Collaboration. Installation of Altium Concord Pro is both intuitive and expedient, courtesy of the Altium Concord Pro Setup wizard.

This article takes a look at the procedure for installing Altium Concord Pro for the first time on a computer. If you are upgrading an existing installation, see Updating to a Later Version.

Altium Concord Pro cannot be installed on a PC running a 32-bit OS, nor a 64-bit OS that does not support Windows Authentication (Core, Home, Starter, and Base editions). The following is a summary of supported Operating Systems:

  • Officially Supported: Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition 64-bit (Recommended), Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition 64-bit (Minimum).
  • Recommended only for Evaluation: Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit - Ultimate or Professional versions in each case. Limited to 10 concurrent websockets in use through Concord Pro's browser interface on such an OS.
For additional system requirements, see System Requirements.
While the Altium Concord Pro installer includes automated backup of your existing installation, it is always a good idea to make a pre-update backup of your data yourself - taking a redundancy copy off to one side as it were. This provides additional safety, should any unforeseen technical difficulties arise (see Backing up and Restoring Your Installation). It is advised to test out a new release of Altium Concord Pro on a different machine, before updating your production instance. Use of Virtual Machines can be invaluable in this respect.

Pre-Install Preparation

To access the Altium Concord Pro Setup wizard, you need to first download and run an executable – Altium Concord Pro <VersionNumber>.exe. This executable (approx. 2.2GB in size) is available from the Downloads page of the Altium website and can be saved anywhere on your hard disk.

  • Some users have experienced issues with the installation of Microsoft .NET Core apps when running the Altium Concord Pro installer.
    ► See the Install on a New Operating System section in the Possible Installation Issues page for a workaround install and optional repair information.
  • Due to the observed unpredictable behavior of antivirus software, it is recommended to disable such software during the installation of Altium Concord Pro.

Running the Setup Wizard

Double-click the Altium Concord Pro <Version Number>.exe file. Altium Concord Pro requires .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET Core 3.1.2 be installed on the hosting computer. If these are present, the Altium Concord Pro Setup wizard will appear directly. If not, the following procedure is followed:

  1. .NET Framework 4.8 installation - if this is not currently installed, you will be offered the chance to install it at this time. Click Yes - the installer will appear.

  1. Once installation is complete, you will need to restart your computer, after which you will need to run the Altium Concord Pro <Version Number>.exe file again.
  2. .NET Core 3.1.2 installation - if this is not currently installed, you will be offered the chance to install it at this time. Installation happens in the background, after which the Altium Concord Pro Setup wizard will appear.

Initial welcome page for the Altium Concord Pro Setup wizard.
Initial welcome page for the Altium Concord Pro Setup wizard.

The installation wizard provides a set of progressive (and intuitive) pages that collectively gather the information to effectively install the server.

Click Next to continue. The following sections provide a summary of the various pages you will encounter.

License Agreement

This page of the wizard presents you with the Altium End-User License Agreement (EULA).

Read and accept Altium's End-User License Agreement.
Read and accept Altium's End-User License Agreement.

The agreement is available post-installation in RTF format - Eula.rtf - in the main install folder (set on the next page of the Wizard, and by default: \Program Files (x86)\Altium\Altium Concord Pro).

With the EULA read, continue with the install by enabling the I accept the agreement option and clicking the Next button.

Select Destination Location

This next page of the wizard allows you to specify the destination in which to install Altium Concord Pro. The default installation path is \Program Files (x86)\Altium\Altium Concord Pro. Altium Concord Pro requires at least 3.22GB of free disk space for installation.

To specify an alternate location, type the location directly into the field, or click the Browse button at the right of the field, and browse for the required destination folder (or create it on-the-fly).

Determine install location for Altium Concord Pro.
Determine install location for Altium Concord Pro.

Altium Concord Pro doesn't just provide you with a repository for your managed content. It also provides the base platform from which additional services are 'plugged' and served. These services include the Vault Service (Altium Concord Pro itself), Identification Service, Search Service, Comments Service, Data Acquisition Service, Part Catalog Service, and Projects Service.

Once the install location is specified, click Next to continue.

Select Altium Concord Pro Data Directory

Use this page of the wizard to specify the destination folders in which to store the database and revision files respectively. The default installation paths are:

  • Database Folder\ProgramData\Altium\ConcordProData
  • Revision Files Folder\ProgramData\Altium\ConcordProData\Revisions

To specify an alternate location, type the location directly into a field, or click the Browse button at the right of a field, and browse for the required destination folder (or create it on-the-fly).

When installing Altium Concord Pro, you also have the option to install sample data - including managed projects and managed components. This can be very handy if you are new to the server technology, because it gives you something to explore, right out of the box. To make use of this, leave the Install sample data option enabled. Disable this option to install with just the data structure of server folders in which to start creating your various data Items, along with some defined component templates.

Determine install locations for server data.
Determine install locations for server data.

Once the data folder locations are specified, click Next to continue.

Altium Concord Pro Configuration

Use this next page of the wizard to specify the port numbers to be used by Altium Concord Pro for network connections. The defaults are:

  • HTTP Port (default 9780)
  • HTTPS Port (default 9785)
  • LDAP Service Port (default 9791)
If a port is already used, the Installer will search for the next available, and use that instead.

When choosing a port, note that it must not clash with any ports used by other applications - if a port is currently in use, you will be notified by the installer.

Set the port numbers for server communications.
Set the port numbers for server communications.

Once the port numbers are specified as required, click Next to continue.

Ready to Install

The Installer now has all the information it requires to proceed with the installation. If you need to change anything, click the Back button. If you want to cancel out of the install, click Cancel. To go ahead and proceed with the installation, click Install. The page will change from "Ready to Install" to "Installing" and the installation will proceed. Once complete, simply click Finish to exit the wizard.

Altium Concord Pro runs on top of the Microsoft Internet Information Services package (IIS). If this is not installed on the PC, you will be prompted to install it after the installation process begins.

Kick off the installation by clicking Install. Click Finish once the installation is complete.
Kick off the installation by clicking Install. Click Finish once the installation is complete.

For your convenience, the final page of the Installer also presents URLs (HTTP and HTTPS) for accessing the server - either when signing into the server through Altium Designer, or when accessing the server through its browser-based interface.

For information on how to access Altium Concord Pro from within Altium Designer, and working with it from a design perspective, see Access from within Altium Designer, and Working with a Managed Content Server, respectively.

Verifying that Altium Concord Pro is Running

Verification that Altium Concord Pro is running can be performed from the Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager panel – accessed from the Administrative Tools window. Simply check to confirm the Altium Concord Pro-related Application Pools are in the Started state. For more information, see Application Pools Installed on IIS.

Installation from the Command Line

Altium Concord Pro can also be installed from the command line, using the following entries:

  • DatabaseName - name of the database (the database filename). Specify the path within double quotes, for example "C:\ProgramData\Altium\ConcordProData\DXPServer.dat", for the default install.
  • DataFolder - destination database folder. Specify the path within double quotes, for example "C:\ProgramData\Altium\ConcordProData", for the default install.
  • DBPassword - password portion of your database login credentials, for example MyPassword.
  • DBServer - the location of the database, in the format Host:Port. For example localhost:3050, for the default Firebird database install.
  • DBType - the type of database to be used. Enter Firebird.
  • DBUserName - username portion of your database login credentials, for example MyName.
  • InstallFolder - the location in which to install Altium Concord Pro. Specify the path within double quotes, for example "C:\Program Files (x86)\Altium\Altium Concord Pro\", for the default install.
  • InstallSampleSnapshot - control whether sample data is installed into the server (set value to 1) or a clean server install without data is made (set value to 0).
  • Log - use this parameter to change the location and filename of the installation log file. Specify the path within double quotes. If omitted, the default install location will be used (\Program Files (x86)\Altium\Altium Concord Pro\install.log).
  • Port - the communications port, for example 9780 for the default install.
  • RevisionFolder - destination revision files folder. Specify the path within double quotes, for example "C:\ProgramData\Altium\ConcordProData\Revisions", for the default install.
  • VERYSILENT - use this parameter to run the installation without any dialogs popping up.

When entering the information on the command line, observe the following:

  • Start with the name of the installer executable, for example "Altium Concord Pro <VersionNumber>.exe".
  • Enter each parameter, followed by the equals symbol (=), and then its value.
  • Separate subsequent parameteric entries with a space followed by the forward slash character ( /).
  • To run without any dialogs popping up, be sure to add the entry VERYSILENT at the end.

An example command line entry might therefore be:

"Altium Concord Pro <VersionNumber>.exe" /InstallFolder="C:\Program Files (x86)\Altium\Altium Concord Pro\" /Port=9780 /DBType=Firebird /DBServer=localhost:3050 /DBUserName=MyName /DBPassword=MyPassword /DatabaseName="C:\ProgramData\Altium\ConcordProData\DXPServer.dat" /DataFolder="C:\ProgramData\Altium\ConcordProData" /RevisionFolder="C:\ProgramData\Altium\ConcordProData\Revisions" /VERYSILENT

The majority of the parameters above are not applicable when updating the server. For a command line approach to updating, it is recommended to use the following:

"Altium Concord Pro <VersionNumber>.exe" /VERYSILENT

If you want additional control over whether a backup of your existing server is created, and where, the following can be added to the command line entry:

  • BackupFile - path to the backup file, when updating the current server to a later version. Specify the path within double quotes, for example "C:\Altium Concord Pro\Backups\".
  • IgnoreBackup - use this parameter to not create a backup of the current server, when updating to a later version. This can be very useful when the backup is failing for some reason.

Post-Installation Management

For information on how to manage your instance of Altium Concord Pro after initial installation, use the following links:


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