Projects in a Concord Pro Workspace

Now reading version 4.0. For the latest, read: Projects in a Concord Pro Workspace for version 5.0

This documentation page references Altium Concord Pro, which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace. Check out the FAQs page for more information.


Parent page: Altium Concord Pro

Altium design software, in conjunction with Altium Concord Pro, brings support for Managed Projects. Managed projects target the development stage of the project lifecycle, simplifying the creation and ongoing workflow for version controlled projects. Centralized storage under the control of Concord Pro also enables this feature to be a foundation for other collaborative services.

Some key benefits to using managed projects are:

  • Simplified storage. No need to make decisions about storage locations. Backup and other basic services are taken care of.
  • Foundation for collaborative features.
  • Enforced version control.
  • Advantages of a dedicated commenting system.
  • Notifications and status. Document status including local modifications is visible to entire design teams.
  • Concurrent PCB design works without any complex setup.
  • Ability to share a read-only, browser-based interactive view of a project with other users, via the Web Viewer.
  • A range of advanced version control features, such as an interactive Project History view.

Technically a managed project is the combination of meta information stored on the server, along with tight integration with Altium Concord Pro's local Version Control service. The typical work flow is as follows:

  1. A user creates a new managed project via Altium Designer's Create Project dialog, by converting an existing unmanaged project via the Make Available On Server dialog, or from within Concord Pro's browser interface (detailed below). During creation, that user defines the project's name, description, and design repository.
  2. Access to the project is defined and managed in Concord Pro's browser interface, or directly within Altium Designer.
  3. All collaborators select the project for opening (either from within Altium Designer, or from Concord Pro's browser interface) after which it is automatically checked out.
A major advantage of Managed Projects is that they are version controlled by default, and can be collaboratively worked upon without having to worry about shared drives, servers, agreements etc.

Prior to creating a new managed project, or making an existing unmanaged project available to the server, ensure that a design repository exists in which to store that project, and all future projects. Design repositories are centrally managed as part of the Altium Concord Pro server, through its local Version Control service. A new installation of Altium Concord Pro provides a single Git-based design repository – Versioned Storage – for accommodating all of your managed design projects.

If you have upgraded your Server from an earlier product such as Altium Vault 3.0, then the use of SVN repositories will also be enabled so that you can continue to use your previous (and established) design flow. In this case, you can create additional SVN repositories through the server's Version Control service, or connect to external repositories (SVN or Git).

Creating a New Managed Project

There are three ways in which a managed project can be created:

  • Creation of a new project from Altium Concord Pro's browser interface, or from within Altium Designer.
  • Making an existing, non-managed project available to Altium Concord Pro, from within Altium Designer – that is, converting an unmanaged project to a managed project.
  • Cloning an existing Managed Project through the Concord Pro browser-based interface, or by cloning a project from Altiium Designer's Projects or Explorer panels.

The following sections take a closer look at these methods of creating a Managed Project.

Through Altium Designer

A new managed project can be created from within Altium Designer using the Create Project dialog (File » New » Project):

Setting up the Create Project dialog to create a new managed project from within Altium Designer.Setting up the Create Project dialog to create a new managed project from within Altium Designer.

  1. Select the entry for your Concord Pro server from the dialog's LOCATIONS options (it will appear with the name you have specified for it, on the Admin – General page of the server's browser interface) – you must be signed in to Concord Pro with administrator privileges to access the server naming option.
  2. The Project Type column allows you to select the type of project that is being created, and if an available Project Template will be used. The list of templates for each project type includes all compatible Project Templates that are available in the server.
  3. Enter a Project Name and optionally, a project Description.
The project name should start with, and can contain A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. Underscores, dashes, and spaces are allowed, but the latter can only be used within the middle of the name (leading and trailing spaces will be ignored). You can not use the following words: AUX, COM1-COM9, LPT1-LPT9, CON, NUL, and PRN. In addition, the name cannot contain the following characters: \ . / ? % * : | " < >.
  1. The Repository drop-down menu (if present) will list all Design Repositories managed through Concord Pro's Version Control Service, and which have been shared with you to use. Choose the repository in which to store the new project and its files – there is a single Git-based repository (Versioned Storage) available by default. If a SVN type repository is selected, an additional Repository Folder option is available for specifying or browsing to an alternative target folder within the repository itself – see example .
  2. Use the Folder field to specify where the folder for the project – within Concord Pro's folder structure – is to be created. The default path for new Concord Pro projects is specified on the Admin – Settings – Projects page of Concord Pro's browser interface (by default, this will be Projects\<ProjectName>). Click the button to browse to and select a different server folder, if required.
  3. Use the Local Storage field to specify where the project will be stored on your hard drive, prior to its committal to the centralized Design Repository. The default location is defined in the System – Default Locations page of the Preferences dialog. Click the button to browse to and select a different folder location, if required. This is the 'working' folder for the project and the local Git repository it is committed to. The project is ultimately, or at the time of committal, Pushed to the centralized design repository in Altium Concord Pro (Versioned Storage), which is the remote Git repository.
  4. Use the Parameters list area to add or remove custom Name/Value parameter pairs that are associated with the project and saved in the server. Use the button to add a new parameter Name-Value pairing to the list. These managed project parameters are saved in the Concord Pro server with the new project, and can be edited within the server. By contrast, Project type parameters are saved in the project file (*.PrjPcb), and can be edited in Altium Designer. Both parameter types may be used as Special Strings in Altium Designer – access from the Properties panel with a placed Text String selected in the design workspace. Parameters defined for the project can also be viewed on the Parameters and Server Parameters tabs of the Project Options dialog (Project » Project Options).

Setting up a new Managed Project in Altium Designer, where the project structure and files are defined by a Managed Template (Default PCB Project).Setting up a new Managed Project in Altium Designer, where the project structure and files are defined by a Managed Template (Default PCB Project).

After clicking , the new project will be created locally, in accordance with the defined Location. When a Template with defined documents is used (under Project Type), as shown in the image above, the project documents will automatically be created, Committed to version control, and Pushed to the server. The synchronized Project is then opened in the Projects panel, where its fully synchronized state is indicated by the associated icons.

The project is fully synchronized with the server in one step. The project is fully synchronized with the server in one step.

The project will appear in the Projects panel under an entry for the target server, reflecting the name of that server.

Alternatively, if the new project has not been assigned a Template with constituent documents, the project file (*.PrjPcb) and therefore the structure of the project only will be created. The project is then opened in the Projects panel, which will show it as being Scheduled for addition, denoted by the associated icon. At this point you can add documents to the project, or simply save the structure to the server (Commit/Push) in its current shell state.

To do so, click the Save to Server control associated with the project entry in the Projects panel – also available from the right-click context menu, and from the main File menu. In the following Save <project> to Server dialog, select/deselect files for inclusion, add an optional Comment, and then confirm the save process with the button. Once the project is added to the server, the Projects panel will reflect the fully synchronized state that exists between the files in the server repository and the local working copy, as indicated by the icons.

Commit the newly created Managed Project to the target Design Repository.Commit the newly created Managed Project to the target Design Repository.

The project creation process also may be completed using more specific version control actions, rather than the automated Save to Server process outlined above. For that approach, choose the Version Contol » Commit Whole Project command option available from the project entry right-click menu. In the following Commit to Version Control dialog, select the files to include, add an optional Comment, and click the button (which is just Commit when the target is a SVN repository). Note that the Commit (to local VCS) and Push (to server VCS) actions can be done in separate stages by using the button's drop-down menu options.

Regardless of the type of project structure, an entry for a new project will appear on the Designs page (Projects) of Concord Pro's browser interface.

A newly-created project, evident on the Projects page of Altium Concord Pro's browser interface.A newly-created project, evident on the Projects page of Altium Concord Pro's browser interface.

The project will initially be shared for Read/Write access with the user who created it and all those in the Administrators role group. The project will also be shared to all server users, but with Read-only access. For more information on configuring project access permissions, see Sharing a Managed Project.

Through Concord Pro's Browser Interface

A Managed Project can be created directly through the Altium Concord Pro's browser interface:

  1. Sign in to the interface and select the Projects menu option to access the Designs page. Any previously created projects will be listed here.
  2. Click the button at the top of the page and then the Create Project menu option to open the Create Project window.
  3. The window will initially present in a simplified view. Enter the desired name for the project, a description (if needed), and choose a suitable Managed Project Template from the Templates drop-down menu.
The project name should start with, and can contain A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. Underscores, dashes, and spaces are allowed, but the latter can only be used within the middle of the name (leading and trailing spaces will be ignored). You can not use the following words: AUX, COM1-COM9, LPT1-LPT9, CON, NUL, and PRN. In addition, the name cannot contain the following characters: \ . / ? % * : | " < >.
  1. To access more controls click the button. The following fields will present:
    1. Parent Folder – use this field to specify where the folder for the project is to be created within the server's folder structure. By default, this will be Projects\<ProjectName>. The default path for new projects is specified on the Admin – Settings – Projects page of Concord Pro's browser interface.
    2. Repository – this field (if present) will list all Design Repositories managed through Concord Pro's local Version Control service, and which have been shared with you to use. Choose the repository in which to store the new project and its files. By default, the Versioned Storage (Git-based) repository will be selected.
If you upgraded to Altium Concord Pro from previous server technology and still have the ability to use internal (SVN) and/or external (SVN/Git) design repositories, the Repository field will be presented. This lists all design repositories managed through Concord Pro's local Version Control service, and which have been shared with you to use. Choose the repository in which to store the new project and its files. If an SVN-based repository is chosen, the Repository Folder field will be presented. Use this field to specify the name of the folder within the repository in which to accommodate the project and its associated files. By default, this will take the project's name.

Defining a new Managed Project directly through Concorde Pro's browser interface.Defining a new Managed Project directly through Concorde Pro's browser interface.

After defining the new project as required, click to create the new project structure. You will come back to the summary-level project list, where you will now see an entry for the newly-created project.

An additional Managed Project, created through the browser interface.An additional Managed Project, created through the browser interface.

The project will initially be shared for Read/Write access with the user who created it and all those in the Administrators role group. The project will also be shared to all server users, but with Read-only access. For more information on configuring project access permissions, see Sharing a Managed Project.

Conversion of an Existing Non-Managed Project

You can also create a Managed Project from an existing non-managed one by converting the latter to the former. To do this, open the existing non-managed project as normal in Altium Designer, right-click on its entry in the Projects panel and use the Make Project Available on Server command from the context menu.

If the project is currently under Version Control in a local Design Repository, it can not be converted directly. A message will alert you to this, with the option to essentially convert the project to a Regular project first – ignoring SVN revisions and changes log – and then converting that Regular project to a Managed one with the Make Project Available on Server command.

Make an existing, regular project available as a managed project on the Altium Concord Pro server.Make an existing, regular project available as a managed project on the Altium Concord Pro server.

Use the Make Available On Server dialog to optionally change the Project Name and add a Description. By default, the name will be that of the original project.

Click the Advanced link at the bottom to expose the Folder field. This field is used to specify where the folder for the project – within Concord Pro's folder structure – is to be created. The default path for new Concord Pro projects is specified on the Admin – Settings – Projects page of Concord Pro's browser interface (by default, this will be Projects\<ProjectName>). Click the button to browse to and select a different server folder, if required.

Note that the server Folder setting will also define the location in which data for the project will be released when using Altium Designer's Project Releaser.

With the properties for the managed project defined as required in the Make Available On Server dialog, click OK. The project and files will be committed and pushed to Concord Pro's Versioned Storage design repository, with the Projects panel reflecting the fully synchronized state that exists between that remote design repository and the local (working copy) repository – as indicated by the associated icons.

The newly-created and ported managed project will subsequently be available from the Projects page of Concord Pro's browser interface.

The converted and ported project is added to the list of centrally managed projects.The converted and ported project is added to the list of centrally managed projects.

The project will initially be shared for Read/Write access with the user who created it and all those in the Administrators role group. The project will also be shared to all server users, but with Read-only access. For more information on configuring project access permissions, see Sharing a Managed Project.

The ability to make a GitHub project available on an on-site server appears to be no longer valid. The Make Project Available on Server option is not available for external Git projects, but is for external SVN projects. However the option is available when connected to an Altium 365 Workspace.

Working with GitHub

Using the GitHub platform as an external version control system (VCS) is a popular way to host and share design projects, and is easily integrated with Concord Pro through Altium Designer. The existing external VCS arrangement is synchronized with Concord Pro which allows you to benefit from its advanced data management and collaboration features.

How you normally work with GitHub itself will vary depending on company practices or simply the Git tools you have at hand. In general however, a design project is created in a local Git repository and then Pushed to a GitHub (remote) repository, or an existing project is Cloned to a local repository from GitHub. Once in the local Git repository, the project can be opened in Altium Designer and made available to Concord Pro (Make Project Available on Server), as outlined above.

GitHub Protocols

While there is a range of data transfer protocols offered by the Git VCS, Altium Designer currently supports the HTTP/HTTPS protocol only for connections between a local Git repository and its remote master repository. In practice, the applied protocol is set by the URL prefix specified for the remote repository connection – https://<remote repository>, ssh://<remote repository>, git://<remote repository>, and so on.

GitHub supports both the SSH and HTTPS protocols, and recommends using HTTPS URLs for connections.

► See Which remote URL should I use? on GitHub for more information.

The HTTPS protocol offers the advantage of a secure connection that is simple to use and implement, whereas SSH is more complex to deal with – due to the need for public keys, firewall/proxy port requirements – is arguably less secure, and does not provide the convenience of SSO (single sign-on) authentication.

Similarly, the GIT connection protocol is not recommended (or supported here) due to its lack of authentication and setup complexity.

If your external VCS system is bound to a protocol other than HTTPS, such as a GitHub SSH connection, this will be preset in a repository that has been cloned from the remote. As this protocol is incompatible with Altium Designer, an error will be thrown when attempting to integrate the project with Concord Pro. If you are unsure of the remote URL protocol that is used for a local Git repository, this can be checked using the git remote – v command.

Use the Git Bash command line interface to check a repository's remote URL setting. Use the Git Bash command line interface to check a repository's remote URL setting.

The repository can be reconfigured for a different URL, such as the HTTPS protocol to enable compatibility with Altium Designer, by using the git remote set-url <name> <URL> command, where the URL's prefix specifies the protocol type.

Changing the remote repository connection URL protocol and then confirming with the remote command.Changing the remote repository connection URL protocol and then confirming with the remote command.

Browsing Managed Projects

The projects listing on the Projects page of Altium Concord Pro's browser interface includes all projects that are shared with you, and offers a range of controls to access project management features. Use the button to switch the page to its project preview (graphical tiles) mode and the button to switch the page to its detailed list mode.

The Projects page of Concord Pro's browser interface – command central for working with your managed projects. Here, the detailed list mode for the page is shown. Hover the mouse over the image to see the project preview mode.The Projects page of Concord Pro's browser interface – command central for working with your managed projects. Here, the detailed list mode for the page is shown. Hover the mouse over the image to see the project preview mode.

The view's project entries are automatically sorted by Last modified date, with the most recently modified project appearing first in the list. Click the button to change to sorting by project Name, and click again to toggle between ascending and descending order.

The List mode view ( ) can be sorted by Name, Author, or Date, using the column header in each case. Click once to sort in ascending order, click again to sort in descending order. The arrows to the right of the column name will indicate the currently active sort direction.

The Projects view provides Properties and Activities data that relate to the selected project, available in the view's right-hand sidebar pane.


The sidebar pane information includes:

  • Properties tab:
    • Project – a high-level summary of the project's state, including the 3D view of the board (where a PCB is available for the project).
    • Shared With – the users and/or roles who have access to the project. Hover over an entry to see the full name of the user/role.
    • Parameters – detailed metadata extracted or computed from the project design itself. Click the Show More control to expand the full list.
    • Releases – a list of project releases in chronological order. Click on an entry to open that release in the server's Manufacturing Portal.
  • Activity tab – a chronological list of project events, such as a Commit, Release, or a completed process workflow associated with the project.

For each project, the following operations also are provided by the buttons at the top of the view (and detailed in the linked sections that follow):

  • Share – access controls with which to configure project access permissions.
  • Functions – menu access to project functions. Also available from the button of a selected project when in Preview mode:
    • Open – open the project in its detailed CAD-centric view. Equivalent to clicking (Preview mode) or double-clicking (List mode) on a project name entry.
    • Move – relocate the project to another parent folder within the server's folder structure.
    • Edit – edit the project in terms of its Name, Description and server Parameters.
    • Clone – create a renamed identical copy of the project.
    • Watch/UnWatch – follow/unfollow a project's activity by receiving related notifications (updated, released, etc) in the project's Activity tab, and also via email if Email Notifications are enabled.
    • Delete – remove the project entry by moving its structure and data to the server Trash, where it can be permanently deleted from the server or restored to its previous state.

Also included is a project Search feature that can filter the project listing by a range of properties such as Name, Author and Description etc. Type any part of a search string in the field at the top of the browser interface. The list will update to include only those project entries whose attributes include the search string.

To clear the search filtering, either click on the main Projects page entry in the left-hand navigation pane, or clear the search field and press Enter.

Example use of the search feature, in this case finding a project based on its Description.Example use of the search feature, in this case finding a project based on its Description.

Working with Server Folders

Altium Concord Pro also provides the ability to create and manage project folders within the server's structure. Projects may then be created in or moved to any folder in the resulting folder hierarchy.

To create a new folder under the (default) top-level Project folder, choose the Create Folder option from the  button menu. In the following Create Folder window, specify the name of the new folder, its parent folder, and an optional description. A new folder is always created under the currently selected folder, which becomes its parent folder.

Open a created folder by selecting its title, and navigate back up the hierarchy using the breadcrumbs above.

Use the menu options to modify a folder's details (Edit), relocate the folder under a different parent folder (Move), or remove the folder from the server's folder structure (Delete). When moving a folder, select a new parent folder from the hierarchy tree in the Move folder <folder> to window.

Upload a Project

In Altium Designer the Make Available on Server command will upload an unmanaged project to Concord Pro, where it becomes a fully managed project under version control. An equivalent process can be performed within the Concord Pro browser interface from the Upload Project option available from the  button menu. Browse to and select a local project's host folder to upload that project to the currently selected server folder by default, or use the Change option in the Upload Project windows' Parent Folder list to select an alternative location in the folder hierarchy.

Any existing version control links in the local project are ignored, and the uploaded project becomes a fully managed, version-controlled, server-based project -- the local source project is not altered in any way.

Move a Project

To relocate a project to a different server folder, select the Move option from the menu drop-down options and select a new location from the folder hierarchy in the Move project <project> to window. When confirmed with the button, the selected project will then be hosted under the newly specified parent folder.

Sharing a Managed Project

Once a project is managed, you'll want to determine which users can actually access that project. This is done by sharing the project, or rather, by configuring its access permissions. A managed project – newly created or converted – is shared, by default, with the following:

  • The Owner of the project, which is usually the designer who created it (or made it available on the server): full (Read/Write) access permissions.
  • The Administrators role group: full (Read/Write) access permissions.
  • All server Users – indicated by the enabled Everyone in the team option which is set to Can View (Read-only) access permissions.

Configuration of access permissions can be performed through Concord Pro's browser interface, and also directly from within Altium Designer.

From within Concord Pro's Browser Interface

To configure access for a project from Altium Concord Pro's browser interface, select the project entry on the Projects page (Projects on the main menu) and click the  button to access the Share:<project> window – or the Share option from the menu associated with a project entry. This offers all the controls necessary to share the project with other users or groups of users (Roles).

With projects centrally managed in Concord Pro, sharing with others is simply a case of managing each project's permissions.With projects centrally managed in Concord Pro, sharing with others is simply a case of managing each project's permissions.

Within the Share <project> window:

  • A user/role has Read/Write access when the Can Edit option is enabled. If this option is disabled, they have Read access only.
  • To remove an existing user/role from having shared access to a project, click the Remove option in the associated drop-down menu.

Things to be aware of:

  • By default, all Concord Pro users will be able to see the project. If you want to lock access down to a specific set of users and/or groups, you must first uncheck the Everyone in the team option.
  • The Everyone in the team option, which applies to all server users, can be set for read-only or read/write access.
  • The owner of a project has permanent Read/Write access.
  • The signed-in user must have full Write access to a project in order to access and change its permissions. The exception is Administrators, who have full access to project permission settings.
Note that you also can specify the sharing of a project when it is open in the Design View.

From within Altium Designer

Access for a project can be configured directly from within the Altium NEXUS design client by using the Share command. This command can be accessed by:

  • Clicking the button in the top margin.
  • Selecting Project » Share on the main menu,
  • Right clicking on the project name in the Projects panel and choosing the Share option from the context menu.

The Share <ProjectName> dialog will open in which you can configure sharing as required.

Accessing the Share dialog – command central for sharing a design from within Altium Designer.Accessing the Share dialog – command central for sharing a design from within Altium Designer.

The Share dialog also offers the prospect of sharing a static snapshot of the design in its current state using the Snapshot on the Web option. You have the choice of simply sharing a generated link to the design snapshot hosted in the Altium 365 web-based Viewer, or specifying access for particular people by email address for a more advanced version of design snapshot sharing.

► See Sharing a Design from within Altium NEXUS for more information.

Managed Project Functions

Functional operations associated with projects are available from the menu on the Projects page, and include the ability to open, move, edit, clone, watch and remove a managed project. The menu also is available from the button of a selected project entry:

Open a Project

Select the Open option from a project entry's menu or from the upper menu to open a project into its manufacturing orientated CAD-centric view – or when in Preview mode ( ), click on the project's name. The view provides access to several sub-views available from the navigation pane:

  • Design – navigate and interact with the project's design documents, inspect object properties and place review comments. The view applies to the current (latest) project revision, and uses the Web Viewer interface.
  • Supply – Interactively examine work-in-progress (WIP) BOM data extracted from the design documents, including entries for Manufacturer and Supplier parts data derived from a project's populated ActiveBOM document.
  • Manufacture – view summary information on all Releases for the current project, each of which can be opened in the Manufacturing Portal view. This in turn provides sub-views for the release package files, design documents and supply data in that selected release.
  • History – Browse a progressive timeline of major events relating to the project, including its creation, commits, releases, and clones. Each time a supported event happens in association with the project, that event is added to the timeline as a dedicated tile with various actions supported where applicable.
Open the server's CAD-centric project view from Altium Designer by selecting a project in the Explorer panel navigation tree and clicking the button.

► See Management of a Specific Project for more information.

Edit a Project

To edit the properties of an existing project in the NEXUS Server, select its entry on the Projects Management page (Projects) and then the Edit option from its menu or the upper menu. In the following Project Editing window you can change the project's Name, Description and manage server Parameters entries.

Click the button in the Project Editing window to expose additional property data derived from and stored with the project. Select the Parameters control to access and add (), edit, or remove () parameter Name/Value pairs. These are saved in the server with the project, and may be used as Special Strings in Altium Designer – access from the Properties panel with a placed Text String selected in the design workspace. By contrast, Project type parameters are saved in the project file (*.PrjPcb), and can be edited in Altium Designer.

Clone a Project

To clone (duplicate) an existing managed project, select its entry on the Projects Management page (Projects) and then the Clone option from its menu or the upper menu. Use the Clone Project window to set the name and description for the cloned project – by default, the original project name will be used with a – Copy suffix.

Click the button to expose additional property fields, which include the target parent folder and Repository information. The target folder setting will automatically match the project name unless manually specified, or assigned to a different existing parent folder via the Change option.

You can clone a managed project to create an identical copy of it, along with its working files.You can clone a managed project to create an identical copy of it, along with its working files.

The cloned project will be made in the same design repository as the original – you cannot change this as part of the cloning process.

After setting the fields as required, click the button to confirm. The original project will be cloned (duplicated) along with its constituent files and data, and be added as a new project entry to the Projects page listing.

Cloning a Managed Project in Altium Designer

To clone a managed project from within Altium Designer, right-click on the entry for the project in the Projects panel and choose the Clone command from the context menu. Use the Clone Project dialog to determine the Project Name, Description (which is not pre-populated), the Folder path (within Concord Pro), and the Local Storage path (to the working copy).

Clone a managed project from within Altium Designer.Clone a managed project from within Altium Designer.

Watch a Project

To 'watch' – receive notifications regarding – a project in Concord Pro, select its entry on the Projects page (Projects) and then the Watch option from its menu or the upper menu.

When you follow (watch) a project, you will receive notifications related to the project (such as commit, release and property change messages) under the Activities tab in the interface's right hand pane. The creator of the project will automatically be set to watch that project. When enabled, the command will change to UnWatch – select to stop following the project and cease reception of notifications for events relating to that project.

Notifications also will be sent to your email account if server Email Notifications are configured and enabled (Admin – Settings – Email Notifications).

► See Configuring Server Email Notifications through the Browser Interface for more information.

Deleting a Managed Project

To delete (remove) an existing managed project, select its entry on the Projects Management page (Projects) and then the Delete option from its menu or the upper menu. The action is effectively a 'soft delete', where the project repository is moved into the server's Trash area. The equivalent process in Altium Designer is the Explorer panel's Delete Folder command.

From within that view (select Trash from the main menu), the project entry can be completely removed (Permanently Delete) or the action reverted (Restore). Note that the button will remove all entries (where possible) that are stored in the server's Trash.

Removing a managed project from Altium Concord Pro.Removing a managed project from Altium Concord Pro.

  • The Delete option only is available to users that have Write permission access to the selected project.
  • This action effectively renders the project no longer managed. It is removed from the NEXUS server only – your local working copy is not affected.
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