Project Management Copy Link Copied
A range of new features has been introduced to enhance the handling of PCB projects and their file structure. These include fully synchronized project name and design file renaming, intelligent handling of a disruption in the local-remote project relationship, and smarter data clean-up options that introduce the concept of a recycle bin 'soft' delete.
Project and Design File Renaming
A file Rename command is now available from the right-click context menu in the Projects panel, replacing the Save As command. This allows you to directly change the name of a PCB project (*.PrjPcb
) or any of its constituent design files (*.PcbDoc
, *.SchDoc
, etc) and then save the update to local and VCS remote storage (File » Save to Server).
Note that the Save As command remains available from the main File menu, and a design file also can be renamed from the Storage Manager panel right-click options.
File rename synchronization is maintained between local storage and remote server-based storage. Additionally, a renamed project file will invoke an alignment with the project Name on the server side, as outlined in the Project Renaming information below.
Managed Project Renaming
The introduction of direct project file renaming (*.PrjPcb
) on the design side is also supported by automated project Name alignment on the server side. In practice, when an updated project file name has been synchronized to the server, the server automatically changes the managed project's Name parameter to match.
Conversely, when the name of a managed project is updated in the server space – via the Edit mode on the server Projects page or the design client's Explorer panel – the change is propagated to client side when the project is next opened.
When the updated project is opened (File » Open Project), an initial dialog provides options to align the project file name with the new project Name, ot force the project Name to match the existing project file name, or allow the two names to be different.
Project Sharing
Along with permission-based sharing of design projects between Altium 365 Workspace team members, project sharing is now available for contributors that are not Workspace team members or not currently registered with AltiumLive. This allows both internal and external collaborators to view, or with appropriate share permissions, edit a specific project. Those outside your Workspace team can then have controlled access to a work-in-progress view (managers and other stakeholders) or editing rights to the design itself (external contract collaborators, etc).
Along with permission-based sharing of design projects between NEXUS Server team members, remote project sharing is also available for a design hosted in an Altium 365 Workspace. This allows both internal and external collaborators to view, or with appropriate share permissions, edit a specific Workspace project. The approach allows those outside your design team to have controlled access to a work-in-progress view (managers and other stakeholders) or editing rights to the design itself (external contract collaborators, etc).
► See Global Sharing for more information.
Projects shared through the Workspace browser interface enable access to the invited user or Role group on an exclusive basis, without any other exposure of the hosting Workspace. Collaborators that do not have an AltiumLive account (required) are provided with the means to register one via the email share invitation.
A project shared with a NEXUS user is accessed from the Shared With Me location option in the Open Project dialog. The user is not required to be a member of the Workspace team.
In the Projects panel, a project that has been opened from shared access is indicated by an associated Shared with me label. The project can be saved and committed back to the Altium 365 Workspace if editing rights have been granted for the shared project, or saved/committed locally if the project has been shared with view-only permissions. To open the project the Altium web Viewer, select the Show in Web Browser option from the project entry's right-click context menu in the Projects panel.
Working Copy to Server Project Sync Resolution
The application of fully managed, version-controlled PCB projects relies on the tight synchronization between the project's local working folder contents and the host server's versioned storage. If this relationship is disrupted by changes made outside of the normal processes, the managed project structure can become corrupted.
Possible changes that break the local-remote storage synchronization include manual actions such as renaming, moving, or copying/cloning a working project folder. These issues are now detected and addressed through a 'choice' dialog that highlights a recommended action based on the situation. In general, its options are to make the folder project a new managed project, to resynchronize the folder project as the current managed project, to remove the project's relationship with the server (make the project unmanaged), or to ignore the current disparity.
Other more complex synchronization disruptions may be caused by changes in the server identity, such as when the server itself has been renamed or moved, when a local project file has been overwritten with one that contains different server identity parameters, or the project's target repository has changed. Such issues create a disparity between the server and the local project repositories, and are reported by warning dialogs or dialogs that provide a resolution choice.
PCB Editor Copy Link Copied
Via Propagation Delay Calculation
The calculated propagation delay through routed PCB nets now takes into consideration the used barrel length of connecting Vias, based on the proportion of their specified . In practice, the applicable Via barrel length is determined by the track entry and exit layers. This net propagation delay calculation aligns with existing net length calculations which take into account the proportional path through connecting Vias. Propagation Delay
Component Editor Copy Link Copied
Component Editor Cross Probing
Symbol Pin to Footprint cross-probe highlighting is now available when editing a server-based managed Component in the Single Component Editor. The editor can be accessed by selecting the Edit option from a component entry's right-click options in the Components panel.
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Third-party Sign-in
Providing more flexibility in how you can connect to Altium's services, Altium NEXUS now offers popular third party AltiumLive sign-in options. To link an alternative sign-in option to your account, click the desired connection (Google® shown here) and sign in to that service if required. Enter your existing AltiumLive credentials in the following page to establish the third-party link to your account.
Confirmation of the account linkage can be seen in your Altium Account, which also serves to remove the association if necessary (Unlink).
Single Sign On
To enhance compatibility with existing company systems, you can now sign in to Altium NEXUS using your organization's Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication system. Along with the benefits of increased security and more efficient IT user access management, the application of SSO schemes provides the convenience of signing in to Altium software using the same set of credentials that apply to your company-wide systems and services. Your company's Altium Account is configured for SSO interaction by an account Administrator in the Authentification page of the Altium Dashboard.
► See the Single Sign On section of the Licensing page for more information.
Library Migrator Updates
A range of usability enhancements has been made to the Library Migrator user interface and its library handling functions. These include:
- General interface usability improvements.
- The parameter key-word detection logic has been expanded for improved automatic library splitting.
- Better handling of missing component symbol/footprint models:
- For missing footprints, this is now automatically resolved with the addition of a PCB library that contains the required footprints.
- Missing footprints are correctly detected by the Validation process, which also provides a Choose a Library option in its error report (under Details). Where more than one component footprint has been detected as missing, an Apply PcbLib Selection dialog provides options to use the specified PcbLib for this instance or for all components with missing footprints.
Altium NEXUS Security Upgrades
The security for remote connections has been improved with the following Altium NEXUS updates:
- Stored sign-in passwords are now encrypted.
- HTTPS certificates are verified.
- TLS 1.2 support is provided.
Note that the default account portal address has changed as part of these upgrades.