Scripting Instrument Controls in Altium Designer


利用できる機能は、Altium 製品のアクセスレベルによって異なります。Altium Designer ソフトウェア サブスクリプション の様々なレベルに含まれる機能と、Altium 365 プラットフォーム で提供されるアプリケーションを通じて提供される機能を比較してください。

ソフトウェアの機能が見つからない場合は、Altium の営業担当者に連絡して 詳細を確認してください。

The Tool Palette's Instrument Controls tab contains components (controls) that are used to design an Altium Designer Custom Instrument panel GUI. These controls are specifically for use with the Custom Instrument.

While instrument controls are available for use in Altium Designer's scripting environment, note that support of FPGA designs within which signals can be monitored and controlled with custom instruments are not supported in Altium Designer starting from version 18.0.

► See Custom Instrument GUI - Available Instrument Controls for a functional description of each Instrument Control.

To view the associated Properties and Events for an Instrument Control component placed on a script Form, use the Properties or Events tab in the Object Inspector panel (View » Panels » Object Inspector).

To find a particular Method (or Property) for an Instrument Control, use the Code Completion feature (see Script Editor Tools). For example, by typing TInstrumentCheckBox.get the Code Completion window will show a suitably filtered list of methods and properties for TInstrumentCheckBox component. Use Ctrl+Space to manually instigate the Code Completion window.

Use the Code Completion (Ctrl+Space) feature to see the available Methods or Properties for a component.
Use the Code Completion (Ctrl+Space) feature to see the available Methods or Properties for a component.

Inheritance Copy Link Copied

The majority of Instrument Control classes inherit their Methods (and Properties and Events) from the Delphi VCL TGraphicControl or TCustomControl base classes. Therefore the Instrument Control methods covered here are in addition to one of those base classes, as noted in each entry reference.

By way of example, the descending inheritance for the TInstrumentCheckBox control is as follows:

Inheritance path Methods
TGraphicControl See the matching Delphi reference.
    TCustomInstrumentCheckBox See the TXPCheckBox entry below.
        TInstrumentCheckBox See the TXPCheckBox entry below.

Component Methods Copy Link Copied

The Altium Instrument Control components are based on core classes from the Embarcadero Visual Component Library (VCL). Each Instrument Control inherits the methods, properties and events from its VCL source, and most offer additional custom methods. For example, both the TInstrumentCheckBox component and the standard TCheckBox component offer the Click method, whereas the TInstrumentCheckBox component also provides the Changed method.

Use the following list to navigate to information on the methods available for each component in the Instrument Controls category:

TSignalLinkManager Instrument signal linking manager.
TInstrumentBackgroundPanel Instrument panel background color.
TInstrumentBackground Instrument background color.
TInstrumentButton Instrument push button.
TInstrumentCaption Instrument panel caption.
TInstrumentCheckBox Instrument check box.
TInstrumentEdit Instrument edit box.
TInstrumentGauge Analog style instrument gauge/meter.
TInstrumentGlyphButton Instrument speed button graphic image.
TInstrumentGraph Instrument graph display.
TInstrumentKnob Instrument rotary control knob.
TInstrumentLabel Instrument panel label.
TInstrumentLEDDigits 7-segment digital LED display.
TInstrumentLEDsPanel Grouped LED indicator row.
TInstrumentMultiGraph Multiple trace graph display.
TInstrumentNumericPanel Instrument numeric readout.
TInstrumentPanel Instrument panel area.
TInstrumentProgressBar LED bar signal/progress indicator
TInstrumentRadioButton Instrument radio button selector.
TInstrumentRadioGroup Instrument group control for radio buttons.
TInstrumentScrollbar Instrument scroll bar control.
TInstrumentShape Instrument panel geometric shape.
TInstrumentSilkScreen Instrument panel silk screen overlay.
TInstrumentTerminal Instrument character display terminal window.
TInstrumentTrackBar Instrument slider bar control.


TSignalLinkManager inherits its methods from the base TComponent class. The TSignalLinkManager class provides the following additional methods:

Procedure DoPoll;
Procedure ClearSignalLinks;
Procedure UpdateSignals(AInput, AOutput : LongBool);


TInstrumentBackgroundPanel inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControl, TXPCustomExtPanel and TCustomInstrumentBackgroundPanel classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;
Function  GetDrawingMode : TXPDrawingMode;
Function  UseRegion      : Boolean;
Function  DoCreateRegion : HRGN;
Procedure BeginUpdate;
Procedure EndUpdate;
Procedure UpdateBackgroundImage;
Procedure UpdateChildControls;


TInstrumentBackground inherits its methods from the base TGraphicControl class. The TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithBackground and TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithInterior classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure BackgroundOptionsChanged(AChanges : TInstrumentBackgroundOptions);
Procedure MarginChanged;
Procedure BackgroundOptionsChanged(AChanges : TInstrumentBackgroundOptions);
Procedure MarginChanged;
Procedure DoPaint(ACanvas : TCanvas; X : Integer = 0; Y : Integer = 0);
Procedure PaintInterior(ACanvas : TCanvas; ARect : TRect);
Function  UseCreamBackground : Boolean;


TInstrumentButton inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControl, TXPCustomTransparentControl, TXPBaseCustomSpeedButton, TXPCustomSpeedButton and TCustomInstrumentButton classes provide the following additional methods:


TInstrumentCaption inherits its methods from the base TCustomLabel class. The TCustomInstrumentLabel class provides the following additional method:

Procedure DoPaint(ACanvas : TCanvas; Const ARect : TRect);


TInstrumentCheckBox inherits its methods from the base TGraphicControl class. The TCustomInstrumentCheckBox class provides the following additional method:

Procedure Changed;


TInstrumentEdit inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControl and TCustomXPEdit classes provide the following additional methods:


TInstrumentGauge inherits its methods from the base TGraphicControl class. The TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithBackground, TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithNoise and TCustomInstrumentGauge classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure BackgroundOptionsChanged(AChanges : TInstrumentBackgroundOptions);
Procedure MarginChanged;
Procedure PaintOnPanel(APanel : TCustomInstrumentBackgroundPanel);
Procedure PaintControlBackground(ABitmap : TBitmap; X, Y : Integer);
Procedure PaintControlForeground(ABitmap : TBitmap; X, Y : Integer);
Procedure SetMax(Const Value : TProgressValue);
Procedure SetMin(Const Value : TProgressValue);
Procedure DoGetScaleLabel(AValue : TGaugeValue; Var ALabelString : String);


TInstrumentGlyphButton inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControl, TXPCustomTransparentControl, TXPBaseCustomSpeedButton, TXPCustomSpeedButton, TCustomInstrumentButton and TCustomInstrumentGlyphButton classes provide the following additional methods:


TCustomInstrumentGraph inherits its methods from the base TGraphicControl class. The TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithBackground, TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithInterior and TCustomInstrumentGraph classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure BackgroundOptionsChanged(AChanges : TInstrumentBackgroundOptions);
Procedure MarginChanged;
Procedure BackgroundOptionsChanged(AChanges : TInstrumentBackgroundOptions);
Procedure MarginChanged;
Procedure DoPaint(ACanvas : TCanvas; X : Integer = 0; Y : Integer = 0);
Procedure PaintInterior(ACanvas : TCanvas; ARect : TRect);
Function  UseCreamBackground : Boolean;
Procedure SetMax(Const Value : TProgressValue);
Procedure SetMin(Const Value : TProgressValue);
Procedure DoGetValue(Var AValue : TGraphValue; AIndex : Integer);
Procedure BeginSetValues;
Procedure EndSetValues;


TInstrumentKnob inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControl and TCustomInstrumentSlider classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;
Procedure SetHandleSize(AValue : TInstrumentSize);
Procedure SetMinValue(AValue : Double);
Procedure SetMaxValue(AValue : Double);
Procedure DrawSlot   (ACanvas : TCanvas; xOffset, yOffset : Integer);
Procedure DrawTick   (ACanvas : TCanvas; xOffset, yOffset : Integer; ATicks : TInstrumentTicksFloat; ATickValue : Double; AGraphics : Pointer; APen : Pointer;
Procedure DrawNumber (ACanvas : TCanvas; xOffset, yOffset : Integer; ANumberValue : Double; Const ANumberStr : String);
Procedure DrawHandle (ACanvas : TCanvas; xOffset, yOffset : Integer);
Function  GetPositionFromMouse(X, Y : Integer) : Double;
Function  GetToolTipReferenceRect : TRect;
Procedure DoGetHintText  (AValue : Double; Var AHintText : String);
Procedure DoGetScaleLabel(AValue : Double; Side : TInstrumentSide; Var ALabelString : String);


TInstrumentLabel inherits its methods from the base TCustomLabel class. The TCustomInstrumentLabel class provides the following additional method:

Procedure DoPaint(ACanvas : TCanvas; Const ARect : TRect);


TInstrumentLEDDigits inherits its methods from the base TGraphicControl class. The TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithBackground, TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithInterior,
TCustomInstrumentDigitsPanel and TCustomInstrumentLEDDigits classes provide the following additional methods:


TInstrumentLEDsPanel inherits its methods from the base TGraphicControl class. The TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithBackground, TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithInterior,
TCustomInstrumentDigitsPanel and TCustomInstrumentLEDsPanel classes provide the following additional methods:


TInstrumentMultiGraph inherits its methods from the base TGraphicControl class. The TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithBackground, TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithInterior and TCustomInstrumentGraph classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure BackgroundOptionsChanged(AChanges : TInstrumentBackgroundOptions);
Procedure MarginChanged;
Procedure BackgroundOptionsChanged(AChanges : TInstrumentBackgroundOptions);
Procedure MarginChanged;
Procedure DoPaint(ACanvas : TCanvas; X : Integer = 0; Y : Integer = 0);
Procedure PaintInterior(ACanvas : TCanvas; ARect : TRect);
Function  UseCreamBackground : Boolean;
Procedure SetMax(Const Value : TProgressValue);
Procedure SetMin(Const Value : TProgressValue);
Procedure DoGetValue(Var AValue : TGraphValue; AIndex : Integer);
Procedure BeginSetValues;
Procedure EndSetValues;


TInstrumentNumericPanel inherits its methods from the base TGraphicControl class. The TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithBackground, TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithInterior,
TCustomInstrumentDigitsPanel and TCustomInstrumentNumericPanel classes provide the following additional methods:


TInstrumentPanel inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControl and TCustomInstrumentPanel classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;
Procedure PaintOnPanel(APanel : TCustomInstrumentBackgroundPanel);


TInstrumentProgressBar inherits its methods from the base TGraphicControl class. The TCustomGraphicInstrumentWithBackgroundTCustomGraphicInstrumentWithNoise and TCustomInstrumentProgressBar classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure BackgroundOptionsChanged(AChanges : TInstrumentBackgroundOptions);
Procedure MarginChanged;
Procedure PaintOnPanel(APanel : TCustomInstrumentBackgroundPanel);
Procedure PaintControlBackground(ABitmap : TBitmap; X, Y : Integer);
Procedure PaintControlForeground(ABitmap : TBitmap; X, Y : Integer);
Procedure SetMax(Const Value : TProgressValue);
Procedure SetMin(Const Value : TProgressValue);


TInstrumentRadioButton inherits its methods from the base TGraphicControl class. The TCustomInstrumentCheckBox and TCustomInstrumentRadioButton classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure Changed;
Procedure TurnSiblingsOff;


TInstrumentRadioGroup inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControl and TCustomInstrumentPanel classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;
Procedure PaintOnPanel(APanel : TCustomInstrumentBackgroundPanel);


TInstrumentScrollbar inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControl, TCustomXPScrollBar and TCustomInstrumentScrollBar classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;
Procedure Change;
Procedure Scroll(ScrollCode : TScrollCode; Var ScrollPos : Integer);
Function  IgnoreThemePainting : Boolean;
Procedure DrawShaft   (Const ARect : TRect; AState : Integer);
Procedure DrawArrowBtn(Const ARect : TRect; AState : Integer; AOffset : Integer; AIsUp : Boolean);
Procedure DrawThumb   (Const ARect : TRect; AState : Integer);
Procedure SetParams   (APosition, AMin, AMax : Integer);
Procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight : Integer);


TInstrumentShape inherits its methods from the base TShape component class.


TInstrumentSilkScreen inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControl class provides the following additional methods:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;


TInstrumentTerminal inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControlTCustomInstrumentPanel and TCustomInstrumentTerminal classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;
Procedure PaintOnPanel(APanel : TCustomInstrumentBackgroundPanel);
Procedure DoTransmitChar(AChar : Char);
Procedure PutChar(AChar : Char ; ATransmit : Boolean);
Procedure PutString(Const AString : String; ATransmit : Boolean);
Procedure Clear;
Procedure GetLines(ALines : TStrings);


TInstrumentTrackBar inherits its methods from the base TCustomControl class. The TXPCustomControl and TCustomInstrumentSlider classes provide the following additional methods:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;
Procedure SetHandleSize(AValue : TInstrumentSize);
Procedure SetMinValue(AValue : Double);
Procedure SetMaxValue(AValue : Double);
Procedure DrawSlot   (ACanvas : TCanvas; xOffset, yOffset : Integer);
Procedure DrawTick   (ACanvas : TCanvas; xOffset, yOffset : Integer; ATicks : TInstrumentTicksFloat; ATickValue : Double; AGraphics : Pointer; APen : Pointer;
Procedure DrawNumber (ACanvas : TCanvas; xOffset, yOffset : Integer; ANumberValue : Double; Const ANumberStr : String);
Procedure DrawHandle (ACanvas : TCanvas; xOffset, yOffset : Integer);
Function  GetPositionFromMouse(X, Y : Integer) : Double;
Function  GetToolTipReferenceRect : TRect;
Procedure DoGetHintText  (AValue : Double; Var AHintText : String);
Procedure DoGetScaleLabel(AValue : Double; Side : TInstrumentSide; Var ALabelString : String)
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利用できる機能は、Altium 製品のアクセスレベルによって異なります。Altium Designer ソフトウェア サブスクリプション の様々なレベルに含まれる機能と、Altium 365 プラットフォーム で提供されるアプリケーションを通じて提供される機能を比較してください。

ソフトウェアの機能が見つからない場合は、Altium の営業担当者に連絡して 詳細を確認してください。