Returns all child objects of each part object that is linked (or references) to a domain model whose properties comply with the Query.
Each part can be linked to models of Footprint, Simulation, Ibis, FPGA Pin, and Signal Integrity types. It is possible to link a part to more than one model of the same type, but only one model of each type can be selected as a part's Current Model.
Object_HasModel(Parent,ModelType : String,ModelName : String,CurrentModelOnly : Boolean) : Boolean/Boolean_String
The ModelType string specifies the Type property of a linked model, and must be one of the strings from the following list:
'PCBLIB' - use this string to target a linked model whose Type property is Footprint.
'IBIS' - use this string to target a linked model whose Type property is Ibis Model.
'SI' - use this string to target a linked model whose Type property is Signal Integrity.
'SIM' - use this string to target a linked model whose Type property is Simulation.
'FPGA' - use this string to target a linked model whose Type property is FPGA.
The ModelName string specifies the Name property of a linked Model.
The CurrentModelOnly parameter specifies whether or not the linked model has to be a Current Model of each part. When this is False, the linked model does not have to be a Current Model (but it still can be); when this is True, the linked model does have to be a Current Model.
Example Usage
Object_HasModel(Parent,'PCBLIB','SOIC14',False) = True
Object_HasModel(Parent,'PCBLIB','SOIC14',False) = 'True'
Returns all child objects of part objects that are linked to a Footprint Model whose Name property is SOIC14; that Model does not have to be each part's Current Footprint Model (but it can be).
Object_HasModel(Parent,'PCBLIB','DIP14',True) = True
Object_HasModel(Parent,'PCBLIB','DIP14',True) = 'True'
Returns all child objects of part objects that are linked to a Footprint Model whose Name property is DIP14; that Model must be the Current Footprint Model for the part.
Object_HasModel(Parent,'SI','RES1',False) = True
Object_HasModel(Parent,'SI','RES1',False) = 'True'
Returns all child objects of part objects that are linked to a Signal Integrity Model whose Name property is RES1; that Model does not have to be each Part's Current Signal Integrity Model (but it can be).
Object_HasModel(Parent,'SIM','RESISTOR',True) = True
Object_HasModel(Parent,'SIM','RESISTOR',True) = 'True'
Returns all child objects of part objects that are linked to a Simulation Model whose Name property is RESISTOR; that Model must be the Current Simulation Model for the part.