Export3D_Dlg-PageSetupFormPage Setup (PDF3D) _AD
Created: März 03, 2016 | Updated: April 24, 2018
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1, 17.0 and 17.1
Now reading version 16.1. For the latest, read: Export3D_Dlg-PageSetupForm((Page Setup (PDF3D) ))_AD for version 22
The Page Setup dialog
The Page Setup dialog is used to specify the page settings of your PDF3D export.
The dialog is accessed by clicking Page Setup in the PDF3D Dialog (File » Export » PDF3D) in a PCB document.
- Paper
- Size - use the drop-down to select the paper size.
- Source - use the drop-down to select the paper tray.
- Orientation - use to select the paper orientation. Selections include:
- Portrait
- Landscape
- Margins (inches) - enter the desired margins on the page. Measurements are in inches (decimals are allowed) and can be specified for Left, Right, Top, and Bottom margins.