Text String

Parent page: Schematic Objects

A placed Text String.


A text string (also referred to as an annotation) is a non-electrical drawing primitive. It is a single line of free text that can be placed on a schematic sheet. Uses might include section headings, revision history, timing information, or some other descriptive or instructive text.


Text strings are available for placement in both Schematic and Schematic Library Editors:

  • Schematic Editor - click Home | Graphical Elements |  from the main menus.
  • Schematic Library Editor - click Home | Place |  from the main menus.


After launching the command, the cursor will change to a cross-hair and you will enter text string placement mode. A text string will appear "floating" on the cursor.

  1. Position the object then click or press Enter to effect placement.
  2. Continue placing further text strings, or right-click or press Esc to exit placement mode.

Additional actions that can be performed during placement are:

  • Press the Tab key to access an associated properties dialog, from where properties for the text string can be changed on-the-fly.
  • Press the Alt key to constrain the direction of movement to the horizontal or vertical axis, depending on the initial direction of movement.
  • Press the Spacebar to rotate the text string counterclockwise or Shift+Spacebar for clockwise rotation. Rotation is in increments of 90°.
  • Press the X or Y keys to mirror the text string along the X-axis or Y-axis respectively.
A newly placed text string will initially have default text of Text. Change the text to that required using one of the editing techniques described later in this document.

While attributes can be modified during placement (Tab to bring up associated properties dialog), keep in mind that these will become the default settings for further placement.

Graphical Editing

This method of editing allows you to select a placed text string object directly in the workspace and change its location graphically. Text strings can only be adjusted with respect to their size by changing the size of the font used (accessed through the Annotation dialog). As such, editing handles are not available when the text string object is selected:

A selected Text String

  • Click anywhere inside the dashed box and drag to reposition the text string as required. While dragging, the text string can be rotated (Spacebar/Shift+Spacebar) or mirrored (X or Y keys to mirror along the X-axis or Y-axis respectively).
  • The text for a text string object can be edited in-place by:
    1. Single-clicking the text string to select it.
    2. Single-clicking again (or pressing the Enter key) to enter the in-place editing mode. Sufficient time between each click should be given to ensure the software does not interpret the two single-clicks as one double-click (which would open the text string's properties dialog).
    3. To finish editing in-place text, press the Enter key, or use the mouse to click away from the text string.

An object that has its Locked property enabled cannot be selected or graphically edited. Double-click on the locked object directly then disable the Locked property to graphically edit the object.

Non-Graphical Editing

The following methods of non-graphical editing are available:

Via an Associated Properties Dialog

Dialog page: Annotation

This method of editing uses the Annotation dialog to modify the properties of a text string object.

The Annotation dialog

The dialog can be accessed during placement by pressing the Tab key.

After placement, the dialog can be accessed in one of the following ways:

  • Double-click on the placed text string object.
  • Place the cursor over the text string object, right-click then choose Properties from the context menu.

Via an Inspector Panel

Panel pages: SCH Inspector, SCHLIB Inspector

An Inspector panel enables you to interrogate and edit the properties of one or more design objects in the active document.

Special Strings

While text string objects can be used to place user-defined text on a schematic sheet, it's not just user-defined text that can be placed. To assist in producing documentation, the concept of "special strings" is used. These act as placeholders for design or system information that is to be displayed on the Schematic at the time of output generation.

Default sets of predefined special strings are provided for use with new schematic documents. You can also add your own custom special strings by defining additional parameters at the document-level (for use on current schematic only) or project-level (available for use across all schematic sheets and PCB documents in the project).

Placing a Special String

To use a special string on a schematic, place a text string object then set its text to be one of the special string names.

On a schematic sheet, special strings are characterized by the prefix '=' (e.g., =CurrentTime, =CurrentDate, etc). The list of available special strings – both predefined and custom – can be seen by clicking the drop-down arrow associated to the Text field in the Annotation dialog.

Accessing special strings for a placed text string object.

The values of some special strings can only be viewed when the relevant output is generated. However, most special strings can be viewed directly on-screen.

Schematic Predefined Special Strings

The following are the predefined special strings available for use on a schematic document. The majority of these link to default parameter information defined for the active document on the Parameters tab of the Document Options dialog (Project | Content | Document Options).

  • =Address1 – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Address1.
  • =Address2 – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Address2.
  • =Address3 – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Address3.
  • =Address4 – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Address4.
  • =Application_BuildNumber – displays the version and build for the current CircuitStudio installation
  • =ApprovedBy – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter ApprovedBy.
  • =Author – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Author.
  • =CheckedBy – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter CheckedBy.
  • =CompanyName – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter CompanyName.
  • =CurrentDate – the current date, automatically calculated from the user's system settings and in the format dd/mm/yyyy, updated upon editing the schematic or on refresh/redraw. Example: 10/12/2012.
  • =CurrentTime – the current time, automatically calculated from the user's system settings and in the format h:mm:ss AM/PM, updated upon editing the schematic or on refresh/redraw. Example: 2:39:47 PM.
  • =Date – used to display static date information. Displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Date. Unlike the =CurrentDate special string, which is automatically calculated and presented in a set format, you can enter static date information in any format you like.
  • =DocumentFullPathAndName – used to display the full path and name of the document into which the string is placed. Example: C:\MyTestDesign\PSU.SchDoc.
  • =DocumentName – used to display the schematic's file name only (without the file path). Example: PSU.SchDoc.
  • =DocumentNumber – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter DocumentNumber. The source parameter can also be updated through the Sheet Numbering For Project dialog when using the Tools | Annotation | Number Sheets command.
  • =DrawnBy – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter DrawnBy.
  • =Engineer – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Engineer.
  • =ImagePath – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter ImagePath.
  • =ModifiedDate – the modified date stamp of the schematic, automatically populated. Example: 10/12/2012.
  • =Organization – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Organization.
  • =ProjectName – displays the actual name of the project (including extension). For example, for a project with filename MyPCB.PrjPcb, this special string will display MyPCB.PrjPcb.
  • =Revision – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Revision.
  • =Rule – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Rule. The value for this parameter will initially be Undefined Rule (appearing as * on the schematic). Double-click on the parameter value to access the ability to define a rule type and edit its constraint(s).
  • =SheetNumber – the sheet number of the current schematic. This value is calculated when using the Tools | Annotate | Number Sheets command. The assigned sheet number in the Sheet Numbering For Project dialog will be entered into the value for the default document-level parameter SheetNumber. The special string, when used on the Editor tab view of the schematic sheet, will source its information from here.
  • =SheetTotal – the sheet total for the project. This value is calculated when using the Tools | Annotate | Number Sheets command. The sheet total in the Sheet Numbering For Project dialog will be entered into the value for the default document-level parameter SheetTotal. The special string, when used on the Editor tab view of the schematic sheet, will source its information from here.
  • =Time – used to display static time information. Displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Time. Unlike the =CurrentTime special string, which is automatically calculated and presented in a set format, you can enter static time information in any format you like.
  • =Title – displays the value specified for the default document-level parameter Title.
  • =VariantName - displays the variant from which output has been generated. This follows the entry for the current variant (Project | Project Actions | Current Variant). If the base design is used to generate the output, the value will be [No Variations].

Remember that the full list of special strings available in the Annotation dialog will also include any derived from user-defined document-level and project-level parameters.

Special Strings for Use with Component Parameters

Several additional special strings (or special interpretations of existing ones) are available when defining component parameters. In each case, the special string is entered as the value for a parameter.

  • =CurrentFootprint – displays the name of the currently assigned footprint for the component as defined in the Models region of the associated Component Properties dialog.
  • =Comment – displays the value appearing in the component's Comment field as defined in the Properties region of the associated Component Properties dialog.
  • =Description – displays the value appearing in the component's Description field as defined in the Properties region of the associated Component Properties dialog.
  • =[ParameterName] – displays the value defined for a specified component parameter. Enter the actual name of a component parameter as the special string name – therefore, for a component parameter named PowerRating, enter =PowerRating. When defining the Comment property for a component, the associated drop-down field will be populated with special strings for all existing component parameters – enabling quick use of any defined parameter's value for the Comment.


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