Sch_Dlg-ChooseDocumentToPlaceChoose Document to Place_AD

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The Choose Document to Place dialog


This dialog allows you to choose the target schematic document that is to be referenced by a newly-created sheet symbol when using the Create Sheet Symbol From Sheet command.

Ensure the sheet that is to include the sheet symbol is the active document before accessing this dialog.


The dialog is accessed from the schematic editor in the following ways:

  • Click Design » Create Sheet Symbol From Sheet from the main menus.
  • Right-click in the design workspace away from any design objects then click Sheet Actions » Create Sheet Symbol From Sheet.


The main area of the dialog lists all candidate schematic documents for the project that legitimately can be used as the target reference sub-sheet for the new sheet symbol. Each document is listed in terms of its name and path to the folder in which it resides. Click on an entry to select the required document.

Since the sheet symbol is created and placed on the active sheet, this sheet will not be listed because a sheet symbol cannot reference the same sheet on which it is itself placed.
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