VaultExplorer_Dlg-DialogColumnSettingsSelect Columns (Explorer Panel) _AD
Created: 四月 18, 2018 | Updated: 二月 11, 2019
| Applies to versions: 18.1, 19.0, 19.1, 20.0, 20.1, 20.2 and 21
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The Select columns dialog
The Select columns dialog provides controls to select which columns to display in the Explorer panel.
From the Explorer panel, right-click on a column header in the upper-right grid region then choose Select columns.
- Search - type characters in the text box to filter the list of columns, showing only those columns whose name includes the typed characters.
- Visibility column - the left-most column is used to control if a column is visible in the Explorer panel. Click the eye icon to toggle a column between being visible (
) and not visible (
). Visible columns are always listed at the top of the dialog.
- Column Name - this column displays the title of the column name in the Explorer panel.
- Up / Down - these buttons are used to move the currently selected column up or down the list. The result is that column will move left or light in the Explorer panel when OK is clicked. Note that only visible columns can have their position in the order changed.
- click to open a drop-down then choose the desired item by which to filter the grid region.