Parent page: Schematic Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Toggle Units
Copy Link
Applied Parameters: Unit=Toggle
This command is used to toggle between the use of Imperial (mils) and Metric (mm) measurement units, for the active schematic sheet.
This command can be accessed from the Schematic Editor and the Schematic Library Editor, by choosing the View » Toggle Units command from the main menus.
After launching the command, the units of measurement in force for the active schematic/schematic library document will be toggled. If they were previously Imperial units, they will toggle to Metric, and vice-versa.
- You can quickly verify the active units from the Status Bar, by looking at the Grid entry at the left-hand end of the bar.
- Units can also be changed through the Properties panel (when no objects are selected). Simply select the required units in the General section.