PCB_Dlg-InputCoordDialog_CoordEditSnap Grid(1..1000) _AD
Created: 七月 07, 2022 | Updated: 七月 07, 2022
| Applies to version: 22
This document is no longer available beyond version 22.0. Information can now be found here: Changing Snap Grid Sizing for version 25
The Snap Grid dialog allows you to quickly set a different interval size for the Snap Grid. The Snap Grid pulls the cursor to the nearest point on its defined grid. Depending on how the dialog is accessed, the required value can be applied to both Step X and Step Y, or only Step X, or only Step Y.
The dialog can be accessed from both the PCB Editor and PCB Library Editor in the following ways:
- Click View » Grids » Set Global Snap Grid from the main menus.
- Use the Shift+Ctrl+G keyboard shortcut.
Enter the grid interval as required.