Defining Multi-board Schematic Preferences for Altium Designer
软件的功能取决于您购买的Altium产品级别。您可以比较Altium Designer软件订阅的各个级别中包含的功能,以及通过Altium 365平台提供的应用程序所能实现的功能。
The Multi-board Schematic category of the Preferences dialog provides access to preferences relating to features and functionality of multi-board schematics.
Defaults Copy Link Copied
The Multi-board Schematic – Defaults page of the Preferences dialog provides numerous controls relating to the default settings within the multi-board schematic design space.
The Multi-board Schematic – Defaults page of the Preferences dialog
Default Primitives
Primitives – use this field to filter the Primitive List.
Primitive List – a list of primitives that can be used in the Multi-board Schematic editor (filtered in accordance with the chosen entry for the Primitives field above). Click on the listed Primitives to change the available default values as described.
To view and edit the settings and options for each primitive, click on the desired entry in the Primitive List. Information for each primitive can be found at the following links.