EDMSInterface_Dlg-SelectConfigurationItemFormSelect configuration item_AD
Created: 十一月 27, 2018 | Updated: 十一月 27, 2018
| Applies to versions: 19.0, 19.1, 20.0, 20.1, 20.2 and 21
您正在阅读的是 20. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 EDMSInterface_Dlg-SelectConfigurationItemForm((Select configuration item))_AD 阅读 22 版本
The Select configuration item dialog is used to select a configuration item for a managed output job or when creating a new schematic and a released Schematic Template Item exists in the Workspace to which you are actively signed in.
The dialog is accessed in the following ways:
- Click the Add button in the Managed OutputJobs tab of the Project Options (Project » Project Options) dialog.
- Click File » New » Schematic from the main menus.
- Grid - the available configuration items are listed in terms of Name, Description, Item Revision, and Revision State. Select the desired configuration item from the list then click OK to add the selected item to the Managed OutputJobs tab of the Project Options dialog or to use the selected Schematic Template Item in the new schematic.
Right-click Menu
- Select Columns - click to open the Select Columns dialog to select which columns to display in the dialog.