EDesignData_Dlg-RevisionSchemeDialogRevision Naming Scheme_AD
Created: 十二月 17, 2018 | Updated: 五月 01, 2019
| Applies to versions: 19.0, 19.1 and 20.0
您正在阅读的是 20. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 EDesignData_Dlg-RevisionSchemeDialog((Revision Naming Scheme))_AD 阅读 22 版本
The Revision Naming Scheme dialog allows you to view and edit information for an item revision's naming scheme.
From the Properties for Item Revision dialog, click the Revision Naming Scheme link.
- Content Types - click to open the Content Types dialog to select different content types for use with the revision naming scheme.
- Apply Changes - after any changes are made, click to save the changes.
- Reset - click to reset any changed made.
- Scheme Name - type the desired name into the textbox.