Client_Dlg-AddDocDataItemFormAdd New Snippet_AD
Created: 七月 05, 2017 | Updated: 二月 27, 2018
| Applies to versions: 18.0, 18.1, 19.0, 19.1, 20.0, 20.1, 20.2 and 21
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The Add New Snippet dialog
The Add New Snippet dialog allows you to add new snippets (design segments) to a Snippets Examples Windows folder for later use in other designs. Once saved, the snippet will be created and subsequently displayed in the Snippets panel. Note that the name, folder location and comment for a snippet can be changed at any time from the Snippet Properties dialog – accessed by right-clicking on the Snippet entry in the Snippets panel then choosing Properties from the context menu.
This dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
- With a sub-circuit selected in the PCB document, right click then select Snippets » Create Snippet from union.
- With an object selected in the schematic, right click then select Snippets » Create Snippet from selected objects.
- From the Snippets panel, right-click and select Create Snippet From Selection.
- Name - use this text box to enter a name for the newly added snippet.
- Create in - specifies the default folder ("Snippets Examples") for the new snippet. A child folder with the name you created using the New Folder button wiil also appear.
- New Folder - use this button to open the Folder Properties dialog and create a child folder for the snippets under Snippets Examples.
- Comment - use this text box to include a meaningful comment for the new snippet.