Applied Parameters: ObjectKind=Netlist|Index=n (where n is in the range 1 to 30)
This command is used to create a netlist, in the indicated format, from all relevant source documents in the active project.
The related indexed commands are accessed from the Schematic Editor, from the Design » Netlist For Project sub-menu.
The following netlist formats are supported:
- Cadnetix
- Calay
- EDIF for PCB
- EESof
- Intergraph
- Mentor BoardStation
- MultiWire
- OrCad/PCB2
- Pcad for PCB
- PCADnlt
- Protel2
- Protel
- Racal
- SciCards
- Tango
- Telesis
- Wirelist
- XSpice
The majority of command entries to generate netlist formats are only available in the menus, provided the associated functionality is installed as part of your Altium Designer installation. To view and change functionality available to your installation, access the
Extensions & Updates view (accessed by clicking on the

control at the top-right of the design space and choosing the
Extensions and Updates command from the menu). From the
Installed page, click the
Configure control at the top-right to access the
Configure Platform page. For those netlisters listed in
red above, ensure that the
Netlisters entry in the
Importers\Exporters region is enabled. For the
PADS netlister, ensure that the
PADS entry in this region is enabled. For the
XSpice netlister, ensure that the
Mixed Simulation entry, in the
Platform Extensions region, is enabled. Once the required functionality is enabled, click
Apply. You will need to restart Altium Designer for the changes to take effect.
First, ensure that one of the relevant source documents, associated with the project you wish to create the netlist for, is the active document in the main design window.
Depending on the format of netlist you have chosen to create, launching the command will either generate the netlist directly, or an intermediate dialog will appear, allowing you to define specific format-related options. The generated file(s) will initially be closed.
- All output files will be written to the output folder specified in the Output Path field, on the Options tab of the Options for Project dialog. By default, the output path is set to a sub-folder of the folder that contains the project file and has the name Project Outputs for <ProjectName>. The output path can be changed as required. In the Projects panel, the netlist file (<ActiveDocumentName>.NET) will be presented under the Generated\Netlist Files sub-folder. Bear in mind, that if a different format netlist is generated from the same active document, the previously generated netlist file will be overwritten.
- If the option to Use separate folder for each output type is enabled (also on the Options tab), output will be written into a further sub-folder, named in accordance with the format of netlist you have chosen to create (e.g. Project Outputs for <ProjectName>\<NetlistFormat> Output). In the Projects panel, output will appear under the Generated (<NetlistFormat> Output) sub-folder. This allows you to generate multiple netlists from the same active document for the project, without any files being overwritten.