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Parent page: PCB Query Functions - Parameters
Summary Copy Link Copied
Returns the string Value of a PCB object Parameter, which can be tested to return PCB objects that comply to the Query.
Syntax Copy Link Copied
ParameterValue(ParameterName : String) : String
Example Usage Copy Link Copied
ParameterValue(‘Design Item Id’) Like 'CAP*'
Returns all objects with the Design Item Id
Parameter that has a Value string beginning with CAP
, such as CAP-NP-100nF-50V-0805
, CAP-P-22uF-10V-MCCT-B
, etc.
ParameterValue(‘Design Item Id’) Like '*0805*'
Returns all objects with the Design Item Id
Parameter that has a Value string which includes 0805
StrToNumber(ParameterValue('VoltageRating'),V) > 50
Returns all objects that have a VoltageRating
Parameter Value greater than 50 volts. The string Value returned by ParameterValue
is converted to a number for the comparison by the unit-aware StrToNumber function.