PCB_Dlg-ImportImagePropertiesFormImport Image_AD
This document is no longer available beyond version 22. Information can now be found here: Placing a Graphic on the PCB for version 25
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Summary Copy Link Copied
The Import Image dialog is used to configure a JPG, BMP, PNG or SVG format graphic to be imported on a PCB document. The image will be imported and scaled to fit in the largest available vertical or horizontal distance within the defined area, maintaining its original aspect ratio.
Access Copy Link Copied
The dialog is accessed from the PCB editor by choosing Place » Graphics, clicking on the desired location in the design space to place the graphic, then choosing the graphic in the Choose Image File window that opens.
Options/Controls Copy Link Copied
- Inverted Levels - use to invert the colors of the image. The preview image updates accordingly.
- Composing - select Union to allow the graphic to be moved or resized as a single object.
- Quality - select the desired DPI setting from the drop-down.